Content marketing in the form of sharing useful content such as blogs or videos with web viewers who relate to your brand, can be one of the most successful digital marketing methods for your personal brand, but only with a solid strategy in place. With the abundance of types of content and channels to distribute content on, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here are 5 simple techniques to positively use content marketing to boost your personal brand and extend your reach and visibility in the global online space.

1. Produce Meaningful Content on Your Website

First, determine your target audience and what passions you have that relate to your professional objectives. You might want to create written posts or videos where you share your expertise by teaching the audience a new skill. This helps cultivate an image of you as an authority in your field.

Don’t just promote yourself in your content. Think about the content consumer first, and how you can best help them. While your content should not focus on you, it should help you generate positive sentiment and exposure for your personal brand. Achieve this by linking back to an About Me or CakeResume page through your author bio link so people can learn more about you and do business with you, if they like your content, or add a call to action to get in touch with you at the bottom of the post.

2. Offer to Guest Blog

Now that you’re an exemplary content-producing machine on your own website, search for other stars in your industry you can network with and whose audiences you can also share your professional prowess with. Choose influencers you admire, reach out to them and tell them why they interest you, and explain how you relate and how you can help their audiences.

Offer to create a post for their website, and ask for a link back to your website in return for your useful content. This generates a positive backlink that benefits your personal brand’s search engine optimization, while exposing you to a new audience that might lead to new business.

Further Reading: Looking for guidelines for guest blogging? Make sure to check out The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging.

3. Host Guest Content on Your Site

Like guest blogging on other sites exposes your personal brand to new potential contacts, letting an authority create quality content for your site is also beneficial. Your site becomes better balanced and a source for insightful information that will help drive traffic up, while the guest poster is likely to share their post through their own networks, bringing new visitors to your website.

You can also use guest content to promote your own related content. Keep in mind, promoting your personal brand is not the goal with hosting guest content. Rather, make sure that any promotion of your content is relevant and non-invasive to the post. A simple way to ensure this is to use a widget on your site that automatically displays related posts on the bottom of the article or video. You can also include a “Further Reading” or “Tip” links on the bottom, and customize what you share.

4. Set Up Profiles on Social Networks with Target Audience

Content related to personal branding will most likely be useful on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, while journalists and media pros are also likely to have Twitter accounts. When promoting your content, write posts with search engine keywords in mind, and include a call to action to entice those who see the post to click.

On the content post, encourage discussions to keep readers engaged and coming back to posts by asking questions on the bottoms of posts, or by promoting a discussion via the post you share the content through. CakeResume is also a great tool to introduce yourself with a single webpage.

5. Make Use Of An Editorial Calendar

Setting goals, making a plan, and forcing yourself to stick with it, is extremely helpful when it comes to content marketing. If you want your marketing to be any good, you are going to need to do the same. Often times, many marketers may take the more casual approach to blogging and social media scheduling - only posting when they have an idea, or at a moment of inspiration. This won’t work.

When you leave your marketing up to chance, chances are it will never actually happen. That’s why you need an editorial calendar. An editorial calendar is a tool that helps you plan out your content on a weekly, monthly, or even yearly basis. Basically, it is a place for you to decide what you are going to write, and when you are going to write it. Plans tend to get put into action, and that is exactly the point of an editorial calendar.

Tip: Never worry with scheduling contents for your site anymore. Here’s CoSchedule, the perfect application to manage your Content Scheduling!

Once you’ve built relationships with other influencers, share your content with them when you feel it’s relevant to their audiences. A successful personal branding strategy is based on how much value you provide for both an audience and those who help you share your content. Create and share with a philosophy focused on helping, and you’re on your way to strengthening your personal brand through content marketing!


