(內湖/竹北) 獵才顧問 Talent Acquisition Consultant - Tech Industry

Công việc được cập nhật 4 tháng

Mô tả công việc

▲ 關於H&L智理管顧

▲ 為何你該加入H&L智理管顧

① 提供E-learning教學資源,系統化學習獵才顧問所需職能,快速上手不迷網
② 新人夥伴制度(Buddy System),透過第一手經驗傳承,給你最直接的支持與協助
③ 提倡回饋風氣(Direct Feedback),鼓勵團隊成員間勇於回饋,為彼此加值
④ 透明的獎金制度及升遷管道,讓你的貢獻獲得最有感的回報
▲ 工作內容

① 分析客戶職缺需求,並提供職缺定位諮詢與建議
② 依客戶需求搜尋人才,精準評估其專業能力及性格合適度
③ 負責人才面試、篩選,及人才關係維護
④ 有效協調人才與企業對薪資/工作職掌的期待

▲ 必備能力
① 流暢且邏輯清晰的溝通、文字表達
② 對「人」具有強烈好奇心及探索力
③ 目標導向與高自發性,並願意主動溝通
④ 不畏懼困難,善於運用各種方式解決問題
▲ 加分條件

① 有陌生開發、銷售經驗
② 有客戶關係管理經驗
③ 善於將資訊結構化,文件、圖表製作力佳
④ 喜歡經營個人社群

Yêu cầu

Interview process

第一關: 線上測驗 (約1小時)

第二關: HR視訊面談

第三關: 用人主管實體面談

Không yêu cầu kinh nghiệm
32,000 ~ 50,000 TWD / tháng
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Về chúng tôi

H&L Management Consultants (H&L), established in 2008, is an executive search firm in Taiwan. We offer search service to tier-one companies and career consultancy to the talents, being a bridge between excellent candidates and the great companies in technology and other industries in Asia region.

Through exploring people’s potentials, developing their competitiveness and delivering talents to desirable career platforms, we aim to create a better world.

We operate our company to the highest ethical standards. “Integrity”, “Professionalism” and “Passion towards people and knowledge” are our core values demonstrating in the interaction with the companies and the candidates. We firmly believe by assisting people to explore their potentials and placing the talents in right platforms leads to a greater world.

Việc làm

Sơ cấp
28K ~ 33K TWD / tháng