Google Cloud Platform 雲端工程師(Cloud Engineer)

3 个月前更新软体 » DevOps/系统管理员


【Job Description】  

✦ Leverage Google cloud technologies with a thorough understanding of cloud architecture and Google cloud platform.  

✦ Provide technical assistance and remote troubleshooting to support and resolve customer cases for the Google Cloud Service  

✦ Develop and maintain technical expertise in assigned areas of product functionality and utilize that expertise effectively to help customers. 


✦ GCP雲端平台維運及資源管理。 

 ✦ 評估與研究GCP雲端相關技術。 

 ✦ 協助客戶端技術問題排除及POC測試,例:防火牆設定及資訊安全管控。  


✦ 大學或是同等以上的學歷  

✦ 兩年的程式開發經驗,程式語言不拘( Python, NodeJS 尤佳) 

✦ 獨力作業、問題排除、良好溝通能力  


✦ 具系統規劃及建置經驗並熟悉 Windows、Linux、VMware 安裝設定,備MCSE、LPIC、RHCE相關證照者尤佳。  

✦ DevOps 、ETL in Cloud 的相關經驗  

✦ 公有雲的相關開發經驗(AWS、Azure、GCP)  

✦ 參與過敏捷開發專案流程。  

✦ 持有 Google - Associate Cloud Engineer 證照。


【Minimum Qualification】
✦ Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience required
✦ 2 years of programming experience as a backend engineer in Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, or ruby.
✦ Excellent problem solving and communication skills.

【Preferred Qualification】
✦ 1 year of programming experience in cloud platform (Microsoft Azure, Google, AWS, etc..)
✦ Experience as DevOps Engineer
✦ Familiar with ETL process in cloud environment
✦ Familiar with Kubernetes.
✦ Participating in the Agile DevOps design, development, testing, and release of new capabilities and features with focus on release and post-production support
✦ Obtained Google - Associate Cloud Engineer

CloudMile 萬里雲



About CloudMile. 英屬開曼群島商萬里雲互聯股份有限公司台灣分公司

CloudMile, a leading AI and cloud technology company in Asia, focuses on digital transformation for its corporate clients and driving growth. Leveraging machine learning and big data analysis, CloudMile assists over 400 clients corporates with business forecasts and industrial upgrades. CloudMile has earned 120+ accreditations, with 60+ Google Cloud professional certifications. Being the Premier Partner of Google Cloud, CloudMile is qualified for Machine Learning Specialization, Data Analytics Specialization, Cloud Migration Specialization and Infrastructure Specialization in North Asia. In 2020, CloudMile becomes Taiwan’s first Google Cloud Managed Service Provider (MSP).

關於 CloudMile

CloudMile 為亞洲領先的人工智慧與雲端服務供應商,並以實踐 AI 成為企業成長動能為己任。團隊利用機器學習及大數據分析,協助企業進行商業預測及產業升級,至今為止已服務海內外超過400家企業。CloudMile 擁有獲得超過120 張專業認證,其中有超過 60 張 Google Cloud 專業技術認證,也是 Google Cloud 北亞地區擁有 Machine Learning(機器學習)、Infrastructure(基礎架構)、 Data Analytics(資料分析)及 Cloud Migration(雲端搬遷)四項專業認證的菁英合作夥伴,並於2020年成成為全台第一家獲得 Google Cloud MSP 託管服務認證的菁英合作夥伴。


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