Lowongan diperbarui 7 bulan yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Browsing through endless pages of postings and trying to find the right job? We’ve all been there. To us, it’s not about finding the right job; it’s about building the career that we want and having the life that we dream of.

【Who are we】

RhinoShield is a Kickstarter-backed company from 2012, and we have been growing exponentially ever since. We are now a fast-growing international brand that provides SmartPhone accessories with many new exciting projects in the planning. Challenging the status quo is the mission. Evolving our mindset is the spirit. You can find more information here:



French website:

German website:

Spanish website:


Data-drive... decision making 會是我們進化的關鍵之一,背後的資料倉儲、轉換以及應用將是使資料發揮影響力,轉化成洞見,進而影響決策的重要過程,因此打造流暢的數據架構,加速商業決策將是團隊共同的目標。期待各方人才加入我們的行列。

【Why us】

We pride ourselves on building and encouraging personal development for every one of our team members. You are talented at something, we will help you recognize that talent and develop it. 愛進化重視員工的成長,因為「不斷進化」是我們的核心價值之一,我們厭倦停滯不前,最忌諱原地踏步,突破與創新就是我們的中心思想。


  1. Work closely with our Sales Growth Department, with a focus on PPC advertising at first.
  2. Build dashboards or BI tools
  3. Greate or automate reports and visulizations
  4. Provide insights and suggestions from results of analyses
  1. 與sales growth team密切合作,專注在數位廣告優化
  2. 產出sales growth team所需要的報表或視覺化圖表(目標自動化)
  3. 建置廣告相關的儀表板
  4.  提供廣告數據相關分析報告以及洞見


  1. Date analyst specialized in advertising
  2. Fluent in English
  3. Technical skill requirements
    1. Has BS/MS degree in statistics/applied math/computer science or related
    2. Skillful in Python or R(at least one)
    3. Experience with BI tools (Power BI or Tableau)
    4. Experience with Git
  4. With a strong interest in digital marketing
  5. At ease with marketing concepts
  6. Familiar with PPC advertising, both Google Ads and Facebook Ads
  7. Values teamwork and who works with a positive attitude

  1. 這個團隊會頻繁與國外Sales team密切合作, 英文是必備的條件, 需可流利溝通
  2. 持有統計/應數/資工或相關學系之大學/碩士學位
  3. Python/R 至少熟悉其一
  4. 有數位廣告領域相關經驗
  5. 對關連式資料庫及其語法(SQL)有基本認識
  6. 有使用BI工具的經驗(Power BI or tableau)
  7. 有使用Git的經驗
  8. 工作態度主動積極,注重團隊合作

Proses interview

  1. Phone Call
  2. Pre-Test
  3. Remote or Onsite Interview 
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750,000 ~ 1,000,000 TWD / tahun
Pilihan Kerja Remote
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Tentang Kami

RHINOSHIELD is an accessories brand which offers superior protection for its customer's devices.

Established in 2012, and driven by creative ingenuity, RHINOSHILED continues to evolve by seeking out new materials, focusing on sustainability, and being a leader in customization.

As a changemaker in the industry, the reputation of our product technology, like the ShockSpread™ material, makes us stand out from the crowd. Our enviable status has helped us form valuable bonds with both iconic brands, and cool indie artists alike.

Today, RHINOSHIELD has a growing global reach, with products sold across Asia, North America and Europe. Near a million customers have signed up for loyalty and other bonuses via our official website and retail stores, and we cultivate twice this number of followers across major social media platforms.

See more at:



Level Menengah-Senior
40 rb ~ 90 rb TWD / bulan

Level Menengah-Senior
900 rb ~ 1.5 jt TWD / tahun

Level Pemula
40 rb ~ 55 rb TWD / bulan