Customer Success Specialist 客戶服務專員

Công việc được cập nhật khoảng 5 năm

Mô tả công việc

- 消費者&餐廳訂位、諮詢服務、解決疑難雜症
- 消費者&餐廳信件與即時回覆處理
- 餐廳端突發狀況&客訴處理
- 訂位監控、評論回覆
- 蒐集、彙整與回饋消費者反應
- 有 Office 報表製作分析能力
- 主管交辦其它事項及日常事務處理

- 須配合假日輪班,工作時間8小時

Yêu cầu

- 有服務相關工作經驗為佳
- 注重電話禮儀,有上進心及自我要求服務品質
- 面對客戶具備細心與耐心、善於溝通及表達
- 個性樂觀開朗、臨危不亂,理解力與記憶力佳
- 能接受排班(輪休),且重時間觀念,有獨立處理多重案件能力
- 對公司有認同感,能配合部門工作內容調整
- 也歡迎社會新鮮人,但必須敢接聽客訴電話及安撫餐廳端情緒
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28,000 ~ 38,000 TWD / tháng
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Logo of EZTABLE 三二三網路科技股份有限公司.

Về chúng tôi

EZTABLE is the Asia-leading provider of 24 hour online reservation service for premium restaurants. We not only provide the convenient online service to customers, but also empower restaurant managers with analytical data on customer behaviors, so they can improve accordingly to deliver superior hospitality and personal dining experiences.

The Strategic Partnership Specialist/Manager is responsible for developing the partner network through execution of business development strategy and highlighting the benefits of working with EZTABLE to users, partners and other industry players.

EZTABLE 簡單桌,讓每一個人都找到屬於自己的聚餐方式,讓每一種生活風格都找到歸屬感,讓情感在餐桌之間找到連繫。

☆ 超過16,000,000 人透過我們訂位
☆ 分享了近 300,000 則評論
☆ 全亞洲共超過 7,000 家精選餐廳任你挑選


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