CakeResume 找工作

Logo of C Channel.
有人說這是個”內容為王”的時代,有人說這是個”影音當道”的時代,亞洲最大女性影音平台C CHANNEL,2015年由line的前執行長森川亮所創立,目的在打造「解決女性LifeStyle議題需求」的亞洲女性影音內容平台。目前
雇主活躍於超過 4 年前
Logo of 英屬開曼群島商雲數位智能行銷有限公司台灣分公司.
CloudAD 雲數位於 2019 年創立,為一間專注於數據技術與整合行銷佈局的 MarTech 公司。 CloudAD 以數據為核心,提供一站式數據行銷服務,涵蓋數位行銷技術、數據整合與分析、全媒體行銷佈局與優化應用等領域,更是
雇主活躍於 1 天前
台灣台北市松山區民權東路三段170號10 樓
Logo of Career for Young Talents (Malaysia & Singapore).
CakeResume is on a mission to connect talent in the digital era with opportunities around the globe. To achieve this goal, we offer an online CV builder to help job seekers demonstrate their skills the way they like, and an informative Blog offering up-to-date career advice & resources to help them succeed in their careers. On the employer perspective, we provide job posting ( start from free ), talent solutions with employer branding to support companies attract quality talents and bring
雇主活躍於 3 天前
Logo of Tagnology.
Tagnology 是一間透過數據與人工智慧的技術打造面向新世代消費者的影響力行銷科技(Marketing Technology)新創公司。透過科技驅動的數據引擎協助客戶與合作夥伴成為新世代消費族群浪潮中的領導者。 團隊成員
雇主活躍於 11 天前
6F.-1, No. 163, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist.,
Logo of 瑢思行銷有限公司.
【關於瑢思行銷】 瑢思行銷專注於提供「議題設計」服務,LENS在法語裡是鏡頭的意思,期盼我們能透過Internet Marketing,傳達對世界的想像。瑢思行銷走向第五個年頭,至今已招募過六屆實習生,每屆招募一到兩名
雇主活躍於大約 1 年前
Logo of dipp.
Founded in the U.S. in 2018, dipp is a brand asset management solution that allows the production and organization of brand resources like visual guidelines, product photography, catalogs, and visuals so the various roles within a marketing department can collaborate on e-commerce sales and marketing projects with our suite of automation and integration services.
雇主活躍於 2 個月前
No. 2, Section 4, Nanjing E Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105
Logo of 摩揪台灣股份有限公司 Mojodomo.
雇主活躍於 12 個月前
Taiwan, 台北市中正區
Logo of 新創點廣告股份有限公司.
我們成立於2019年,是一間以創意為核心並重視合作服務的行銷整合公司,結合了六大事業群成員,在各個領域有著專業技術與豐富經驗, 因擁有共同目標而創立了嶄新且具有創意的新創團隊! 如
雇主活躍於超過 1 年前
Logo of 艾普特媒體有限公司.
雇主活躍於 4 個月前
Logo of Imagine Mobile.
Imagine is a UK leading Digital Creative Advertising company for some of the biggest brands around the world, Our unique proprietary technology allows us to constantly drive digital firsts for some amazing clients such as Burberry, LVMH, Canada Goose, The UK Government, and Zurich Insurance, to name but a few examples. Imagine currently have staff in the UK, USA, Australia, Malaysia, Greece, Taiwan, Singapore, China and soon UAE and India. Having achieved fantastic growth and increased prominence over the last
雇主活躍於超過 3 年前

CakeResume 找工作

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