CakeResume 找工作

Logo of Proto Research Inc.
PROTO We’re on a mission to make certain that the conversational AI revolution benefits everyone in emerging markets regardless of gender, geography, income or level of education. Machines are increasingly awesome at understanding English, but what about the 5+ billion people who need to communicate in their native language? Proto automates multilingual customer support with a vertically-integrated product suite and the proprietary Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine for Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Swahili, Igbo, Yoruba, Thai and many more
雇主活跃于将近 3 年前
Logo of Leading Recruitment Services.
Leading Recruitment Service is a fast-growing recruiting firm specializing in various industries, with a focus on placing high level talent in managerial positions. As we have continued to grow our knowledge base and sharpen our strengths since our founding in 2010, we have been successful in matching top talent with numerous big industry players. For job seekers, we guide them on their career paths, leading them to their next placement that ensures success for both the talent and the
雇主活跃于 1 天前
Logo of Her Rose.
🏠 位於中山//雙連站間的粉紅小屋 🌹 主打手工玫瑰系列甜點 🍰 飲品//輕食已上線 🦊 寵物友善//平日不限時
雇主活跃于大约 3 年前
Logo of Smart Reality Tech. 智慧實境科技.
智慧實境科技成立於2018年8月,是由一群對新科技充滿熱情與志氣相投的夥伴組成,團隊成員來自不同領域,豐富的跨領域整合經驗讓我們能夠透過 XR 及 AI ,為客戶打造最佳解決方案。 我們也歡
雇主活跃于超过 3 年前
Logo of Jacob's Rice & Noodle (柏克來餐飲有限公司).
Jacob's Rice & Noodle 現代台灣飯麵小吃,西式廚房呈現。 運用當代及西餐工法呈現台灣料理,視覺上現代,口味上吃得到傳統及熟悉的味道。
雇主活跃于将近 4 年前
Logo of VIST Research.
VIST Research是一群相信區塊鏈技術和虛擬貨幣經濟能顛覆很多產業既有規則,為新進者帶來機會和希望的新創團隊。在這條偉大的航道上,我們已經做了很多嘗試。我們的團隊和產品也分別得到了幣
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
Logo of My Room Abroad.
My Room Abroad is a platform helping internationals to book their room abroad. Everything started back in 2015. The destinations of the exchange semester were just released at the university. Sebastien and Vincent were thrilled to live in a foreign country for a semester. They had a different destination, but both had the same painful time finding a room abroad. That is when they realized how complicated a process it was. They faced many fake landlords trying to rip them
雇主活跃于大约 5 年前
Logo of 韌 REN 無鋼圈內衣|一起蓋有限公司.
可愛又細緻, 但我們有理直而氣柔、理性又感性,認真投入也瀟灑如風的自信 在摔到谷底後,依然重拾勇氣去戰鬥;在認真投入後,都能閃閃發光。 韌 REN 獻給每位有韌性又任性的妳 一起「韌性穿・任性活」。
雇主活跃于 15 天前
241 新北市三重區重安街 70-9 號
Logo of SuDo Research Labs(蘇度科技有限公司).
SuDo Research Labs總部設於台北101大樓,已有扎實的核心團隊、近三十位菁英夥伴和從 2017 年累積至今的實績,我們持續發展頂尖的區塊鏈工程與相關研究,以既有的產品路線為根基,同時探索新的應用機會
雇主活跃于大约 1 个月前
Logo of PT Realway Media Indonesia.
PT.Realway media indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang E-Commerce tiktok.kami sudah beroperasi di hongkong,thailland,china,united kingdom dan beberapa negara lain.dikesempatan kali ini kami membuka cabang pertama kami di indonesia ,jakarta.kondisi kami saat ini adalah perusahaan baru yang sedang berkembang dan ber exspansi ,maka : sedang mencari talent atau tenaga kerja .
雇主活跃于 4 个月前

CakeResume 找工作
