CakeResume 找工作

Logo of is a SaaS company serving the ecommerce brands since 2016. 🏆 2019 RecSys Reward 🏆 2020 Forbes Top 25 Machine Learning Startups Our clients care deeply about their shoppers and understand the value of unique online experiences. We specialize in supporting fashion ecommerce clients in the apparel, accessories, and cosmetics verticals. Our Customer-Intent Web App adds value to our client’s first-party data via automated preference analysis and onsite personalized recommendations. The app is powered by
雇主活跃于 19 天前
No. 28, Dongxing Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Logo of Her Rose.
🏠 位於中山//雙連站間的粉紅小屋 🌹 主打手工玫瑰系列甜點 🍰 飲品//輕食已上線 🦊 寵物友善//平日不限時
雇主活跃于大约 3 年前
Logo of 玫瑰色二手書店.
玫瑰色是什麼樣的二手書店? 這個時代,有各種焦慮和擔憂。您會不會有時候感到恐懼?還是您期待看到更多可能性? 常常是期待與恐懼都有,正向與負面的兩樣心情,同時存在心中。 歡迎您來玫瑰色
雇主活跃于将近 2 年前
Logo of 洺喬精密科技有限公司.
ROSNOL RF/Microwave Technology 洺喬精密科技有限公司 創立於西元 2012 年,主要從事RF/Microwave射頻同軸互連相關製造業;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『高品質的RF Connectors 射頻連接器, RF Adapters 射頻轉接器
雇主活跃于大约 5 年前
Logo of PT Creatorz Media Network.
Creatorz is a Digital Agency company known for its innovative and creative branding capabilities. We have collaborated with hundreds of marketing teams from various SMEs, Corporations, and Digital Agencies to run digital campaigns. Our services include Branding Development, KOL & Influencer Provider, Concepting Campaign, Content Creation, and Online Event Coordination. At Creatorz, we value learning and employee growth. Our core values are embodied in the acronym C-R-E-A-T-E , which stands for Creative, Responsible, Empowerment, Adaptive, Teamwork, and
雇主活跃于 6 个月前
Roseville SOHO & Suite S 0709 Sunburst CBD BSD City, Jl. Kapten Soebijanto Djojohadikusumo No.8, Lengkong Gudang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15311
Logo of M+ Software.
We are a Software Development company founded in 2005, headquartered at Jakarta, with branch offices in Melbourne and Noumea. We specialize in developing web solutions for businesses, ERP and CRM systems. Also in the development of web sites and mobile solutions. M+ design custom software for the specific needs of our customers. Our service includes the following points: Definition Systems Architecture Optimization or networks Situation Analysis and Recommendation Solutions Prototyping Software development Hosting on secure platform Qualification, Technical Audit, Performance
雇主活跃于大约 2 个月前
Jl. Ros No.52H, RT.3/RW.3, Cipete Selatan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
Logo of sbs & associates (attorney at law).
Berdasarkan UU No. 18 Tahun 2003 tentang Advokat dan Kode Etik Advokat Indonesia, SBS & Associates sebagai profesional dengan memegang teguh akan komitmen dan bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan bantuan jasa hukum, akan turut serta berperan dalam penegakan hukum bagi masyarakat pencari keadilan membela kepentingan serta memperoleh hak-haknya, secara efektif dan efisien dalam mencapai tujuannya dengan hasil penyelesaian permasalahan hukum seadil-adilnya dan sebenar-benarnya yang tidak menimbulkan kerugian bagi klien-kliennya.
雇主活跃于超过 1 年前
Wisma Rosa 1A, Lt.1, #2, Komp. Kayu Mas, Jl. Kayu Mas Tengah II, No. 35A, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, 13260, Indones
Logo of ADLINK.
ADLINK is a Premier Member of the Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance, has a strategic partnership with NVIDIA to bring AI to the Edge, is a proud contributor to the #AccessibleOlli “Autonomous for All” program, and is active in several standards organizations and interoperability initiatives, including PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG), Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies (SGeT), Open Fog Consortium, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Open Compute Project (OCP), Eclipse IoT, and ROS-Industrial Consortium for robotics
雇主活跃于超过 3 年前
提升心臟收縮與舒張功能,減少心律不整、心肌受損等問題。目前此2藥品已完成臨床2b試驗,其中Rostafuroxin 爲針對携帶特定遺傳圖譜高血壓患者提供安全高效的精準治療,Istaroxime 則爲首創具備雙重作用機
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前
Logo of 喜耐思科技股份有限公司.
流業、金屬零件加工廠。未來更可能朝 SaaS 模式前進,擴展可運用的產業範圍。 經營理念 透過將實務與最新技術結合,推廣機器人落地應用。 主要商品 / 服務項目 機器人管理系統 ROS 管理系統 3D 視覺辨識
雇主活跃于 2 个月前

CakeResume 找工作
