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Logo of Baseload Power Taiwan 倍速羅得股份有限公司.
2018年,我們的母公司Baseload Capital (倍速羅得投資公司)開始於蘊藏地熱能源潛力的市場中,尋找專案開發業者,主要目的是希望能協助並支援運用新型技術的開發業者,加速專案募資與部署、提升價值並減
雇主活躍於超過 1 年前
我們是以網站設計建構人們之間的溝通及理解。我們在乎故事與服務本身的核心價值,提供在網路世界有更好的閱讀理解與使用體驗。 我們的服務項目包含數位品牌策略規劃、數位服務設計、使
雇主活躍於超過 3 年前
大安區大安路一段 191 號
Bakhtera Freight Worldwide (BFW) is an International Freight Forwarding which concentrate on the air freight, sea freight, warehousing, logistics and other transportation services with focus of services throughout the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific with more that 10 years experiences on the business. Bakhtera as local Indonesian flag company has well-known as trusted local players who handling Event, Entertainment and Live logistics by multiple networks, partners and client worldwide. After more than ten years of providing the very
雇主活躍於 3 個月前
Rukan Puri Mansion Blok C No 36 Jakarta Barat
Logo of Talent Basket.
Founded in 2010, Talent Basket is a cross-border digital consultancy and workforce platform. We provide full-service digital transformation and marketing solutions for enterprise clients, including strategic planning, activation campaign, digital upskilling, and open innovation programs. We offer our on-demand workforce solution for small to midsize businesses connecting them with our global pool of Gen Z talent for digital marketing, social commerce, and growth hacking projects We believe the world is a better place when more people can
雇主活躍於超過 2 年前
松德路 161號17樓
Logo of PT Multisarana Bahteramandiri.
PT. Multisarana Bahteramandiri was established in February 1993, relatively young, but mature and qualified to render efficient & total logistics services for handling export & import and distribution : Ocean & air freight forwarding Inland transportation Warehousing Packing Machine installation
雇主活躍於超過 1 年前
Jalan Kawasan Marunda Center, Sagara Makmur, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
PRINDO menjadi perusahaan sejati yang mampu berkembang selamanya, dan yang dapat memperbaiki dunia agar dapat menjadi dunia yang lebih baik. Mengangkat Harkat dan Martabat Bangsa Indonesia di mata dunia, Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan, Keharmonisan, dan Kedamaian melalui Pengembangan Bisnis yang Benar.
雇主活躍於 7 個月前
Kawasan Industri Gobel, Jl. Teuku Umar KM 29 Cibitung, Bekasi 17520
Logo of 巴旺塞柏德克有限公司.
Bahwan CyberTek (BCT)成立於1999年,致力於提供各個產業數位轉型方案。台北分公司成立於2016年,在集團中專注於Digital Applications & Services Practice解決方案。在BCT你有機會跟跨國團隊一起合作多項重量級產品開發,一起用我們的技術
雇主活躍於 4 天前
台北市北安路780號5F (捷運劍南路站2號出口旁)
Logo of CV Putra Adi Perkasa.
Kita merupakan perusahaan kontraktor yang bergerak dalam segala bidang, mempunya NIB yang lengkap dan mempunyai track record yang baik dalam proyek-proyek swasta maupun pemerintah
雇主活躍於 17 天前
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.122, Embong Kaliasin, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Logo of PT Dua Ribu Satu Pangripta.
Pangripta Consulting (PT Dua Ribu Satu Pangripta) is a company engaged in expertise consulting services, particularly in the management and development field. Established in Bandung in 2001, Pangripta Consulting has the aim of facilitating professional services and participating in Indonesia’s developing process.
雇主活躍於 10 個月前
Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Logo of PT. Kontak Perkasa Surabaya.
PT. Kontak Perkasa Surabaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bekerja di bidang pelayanan jasa keuangan non perbankan. Kami ingin meningkatk kesejahteraan karyawan dan setiap pelanggan yang kami punya.
雇主活躍於超過 1 年前
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.122, Embong Kaliasin, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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