CakeResume 找工作

Logo of PEBBO eXperience Design.
We are an insight-driven, creativity enabled eXperience Design company. We help businesses solve complex problems, improve customer/user experiences and co-create impacts through our human-centered design approach. We research, design, and deliver eXperiences that improve the way we live. 我們是一間以洞察和創意為驅動的體驗設計公司,致力於運用以人為本的設計方法來協助
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前
B1, 83, Section 4, Bade Road, Songshan District, Taipei
Logo of 蓋亞汽車股份有限公司.
蓋亞汽車成立於2010年, 成員來自美國/加拿大/法國與台灣的車輛產業。 團隊著眼於台灣獨特的交通文化在世界上與眾不同之處, 因而在此紮根, 布局新世代的綠色交通藍圖。 蓋亞汽車認為, 唯有零排
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
台中市烏日區 高鐵一路299號
Logo of PChome Thai.
PChome Group is the leading eCommerce company with more than US$750 million annual revenue in Taiwan. Along with our 15 years of success...
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
台北市大安區敦化南路二段 105 號 12 樓 (First year in Taipei with the potential to be relocated to any SEA countries afterwards)
Logo of 奇偶科技股份有限公司.
雇主活跃于 4 天前
Logo of Dcard 狄卡科技股份有限公司.
「讓每個人找到共鳴。」 Dcard 結合科技與人文搭起一座橋樑,豐富每個人的生活、讓每個人找到共鳴。面對快速變化的網路生態,Dcard 聚焦長期使命願景、年度戰略,夥伴們專注在公司戰略與目標,用成長型
雇主活跃于大约 8 小时前
Logo of To Design Studio.
space identity experience
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前
Logo of 台灣大哥大/用戶體驗發展部(UED).
UED (User Experience Design) 隸屬於台灣大哥大/數位媒體處,負責公司旗下新創產品服務 UI/UX 的相關設計,內容觸及影視電影服務、音樂訂閱服務、電子書服務、電商平台等,適合 UI/UX/前端設計師全方位的發展。
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
Logo of Willfine Electronics.
Socialize the hunting experience. It might be your first time to ever relate to the hunting industry but hunting is in the nature of every human being. We are in a niche market - hunting market but with huge impact as we have sold 1 million cameras and to 80+ countries. We are selling passion product - trail cameras but full of technology. Deem trail cameras as the iPhone for hunters or Juul for smokers, it dramatically change the hunting game and
雇主活跃于超过 3 年前
5th Floor,4nd Bldg. Antongda Industrial Park, 1 Liuxian 3rd Rd, Baoan Dist., Shenzhen, China.
Logo of 巨加物聯科技股份有限公司.
Based on the experience of developing and manufacturing wireless RF modules for over 20 years, we introduce “G+ IoT service platform” to facilitate products' connectivity and enable them to be part of IoT world via a fast and low-cost way. Not only each idea of intelligent products can achieve POC (Proof of Concept) quickly, but also the growth and development of IoT can be promoted.
雇主活跃于将近 4 年前
Logo of None.
I want to experience to work in Taiwan as a factory worker, so that I can help my family.
雇主活跃于超过 5 年前
Santol quezon city

CakeResume 找工作
