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Mở rộng tìm kiếm
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab: - Membuat planning marketing & pencapaian target sales. - Bertanggung jawab atas strategi digital marketing dan promosi untuk meningkatkan brand awareness secara online maupun offline. - Meneliti dan menganalisis tren pasar, serta data customer. - Menjalin dan mengembangkan kerja sama dengan Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) untuk menyelenggarakan acara promosi di media sosial maupun offline. - Menyusun anggaran marketing per bulan sesuai dengan strategi marketing yang ditentuk
Selling Skills
4M ~ 5M IDR / tháng
Yêu cầu 1 năm kinh nghiệm
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 愛谷國際有限公司.
制定各事業體品牌策略: 市場分析調查、品牌市場定位、品牌形象視覺、企業理念與精神之延伸、整體營銷包裝、年度或節慶行銷企劃案發想與制定各事業體社群媒體操作策略。 顧客面向與市場資訊
Digital Marketing
O2O Marketing
50K ~ 80K TWD / tháng
Yêu cầu 8 năm kinh nghiệm
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Akohub.
【Position】 Digital Marketing & Business Development Internship 數位行銷與商業開發實習計畫 【What you're going to do?】 1. Support team to conduct e-commerce store build consulting for the clients. 與團隊一起協助客戶做電商網站建置諮詢 2. Support app users to understand the product features and process. 支援產品使用者理
Digital Marketing
Business Development
200 ~ 220 TWD / hour
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Logo of CakeResume Headhunting Recruitment Service.
IG 等所有渠道的 API 整合 其他第三方 API 設計的開發 整合第三方通訊軟體平台、社交平台、開店平台、CRM / ERP 等系統 AWS 雲端系統架構設計與開發 系統自動化部署與測試流程開發 資料庫設計與優化
Remote Working
900K ~ 1.5M TWD / năm
Yêu cầu 3 năm kinh nghiệm
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 禾多移動多媒體股份有限公司.
工作內容 1. 彙整與分析電商平台數據資料。 2. 協調客戶需求與數據分析結果以為客戶找到最好方案廣告投放。 3. 分析競爭對手產品行銷策略 4. 規劃客戶推廣規劃 5. 了解產業動態
Microsoft Office
500K ~ 600K TWD / năm
Yêu cầu 1 năm kinh nghiệm
Không yêu cầu kinh nghiệm quản lý
Logo of Growth Marketer Academy 台灣成長行銷教育有限公司.
* In charge of the overall business expansion in HK, TW or other reiogns. You will lead the team in growing revenue and manage the market & P&L * Contribute to running growth campaigns across countries and target segments, through country insights, effective creatives and communications, data analyses, A/B testing, marketing automation, etc. * To leverage AI Content & Programmatic SEO to grow GMA (We don't expect you have such experience as it's very new, but you
Growth Marketing
Performance Marketing
Google Analytics
38K ~ 55K TWD / tháng
Yêu cầu 2 năm kinh nghiệm
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Ematic Solutions  Inc..
PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT OUR WEBSITE HTTPS://WWW.EMATICSOLUTIONS.COM/TW/ #WHAT'S THE GIG This is an opportunity to rapidly get broad hands-on experience across the entire digital landscape, developing a solid foundational skillset and discovering firsthand the disciplines you most enjoy and excel at: You’ll team up with our Digital Gurus and be exposed to all our verticals, including Data Analytics, Social Media Marketing, CRM, CRO, Ecommerce, Performance
420K ~ 564K TWD / năm
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Logo of Pixl Solutions 像素數科技術有限公司.
【工作內容】 - 熟練掌握工作相關知識, 即時且準確的受理客戶需求,並在規定時間內快速高效解決用戶問題,以提升客戶滿意度/黏著度。 - 協助研發工程師解決客戶問題,提供客戶第一線即時障礙
30K ~ 40K TWD / tháng
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Logo of Lctech_雷麒科技有限公司.
職缺描述 此工作為線上回覆文字客服,須熟悉電腦文書作業~ 你對娛樂產業有興趣嗎?現在就是你跨足科技娛樂業的好機會唷! 【職務內容】 - 負責解決線上會員問題:包含網站使用問題、線上線下活動
33K ~ 49K TWD / tháng
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Logo of 艾肯娛樂股份有限公司.
1.【服務】客訴服務 透過信件、即時通訊和電話管道,回覆客訴案件、處理電話外撥、消費爭議、加值服務項目,以及問題後續的反映、追蹤、進度回報。 2.【服務】個案處理 遇到特殊玩家個案,協助爭取以及
Google Drive
Microsoft Office
30K ~ 34K TWD / tháng
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Không yêu cầu kinh nghiệm quản lý

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