Desi Pundits Animation Full Movie 42

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Desi Pundits Animation Full Movie 42

Desi Pundits Animation Full Movie 42

Viral video of politicians laughing is a sign of the times Highlights of Jimmy Kimmel's show, as he covers the viral videos of politics. He talks about the latest from the Republicans and Democrats. I’ll just give you a little snippet here of some of the things. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) Jimmy Kimmel Live In the last month, the Internet has seen something it never really expected to see. And that is... a video of politicians laughing. You know, we all know that politicians... politicians make jokes, they make fun of each other. They get up at a press conference, and they make jokes about the other politicians. But we all think that it’s one big joke. Jimmy Kimmel is one of the few people who has managed to pull it off, and has captured politicians and the public in a very funny video. Here’s some of the highlights. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) And why did they laugh? Well, the answer is it’s because they saw the video. So many of them said, I can’t remember which one said, but it was somebody in a good position of power, they said, I don’t like being the butt of jokes. (LAUGHTER) What? You know what this means? To me, this means that -- it means something. Because, remember, we all know that in a democracy, voters pick politicians. Right? Voters vote for a politician, not because they think the politician is great. They pick them because they trust them to make good decisions. To be honest, that’s why I don’t vote. And here’s a guy that, you know, and all these politicians said, "You know what? We’re not going to make decisions. We’re just going to laugh and talk about you." Well, guess what. That’s really insulting to the voters, don’t you think? They are saying, "You know, we don’t actually think that you can make the decisions. We don’t think that you can actually make the decisions. We just want to laugh at your expense." Well, see, that’s a whole new level of demeaning. Because politicians have always made fun of each other. At least, that’s what it used to be. But now, instead of joking with each other about things that they agree on, they joke at


Viral video of politicians laughing is a sign of the times Highlights of Jimmy Kimmel's show, as he covers the viral videos of politics. He talks about the latest from the Republicans and Democrats. I’ll just give you a little snippet here of some
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发布时间: 2022年5月15日
