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thg 12 2 2020

百年企業中的創新職涯!IBM 職人現身說法:跨領域的資源和機會,給享受挑戰的你

Executive Assistant to Taiwan GM;外文系畢業,以 商業轉型顧問加入 IBM,目前正在 IBM 內部轉職為 UX Designer 的 Ellen;以及在 IBM 擔任 Data Scientist 近兩年後,於今年年中內轉為業務(Client Representative)的 YY,來跟我們分享他們為何不約而同選擇 IBM 成為第
Industry & Job Overview
thg 12 14 2020

資料科學家要有哪些技能?精選 11 門資料科學自學資源、求職管道

學夯什麼?一窺 Mastercard 分析顧問、新創 Migo Data Lead 到哈佛 PhD 的精彩職涯!(上) 資料科學夯什麼?一窺 Mastercard 分析顧問、新創 Migo Data Lead 到哈佛 PhD 的精彩職涯!(下) 想成為 Data Scientist?日本樂天資料科學家 Marcus 的 Amazon 經驗與跨領域歷程
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thg 8 30 2021

從資料科學走向產品管理!在好奇心與成本之間取捨的 PayPal 資深產品經理 Nicolas

直線的 Nicolas,跨領域、跨產業、跨職能,三種完全不同專業的學歷,從半導體產業工程師、軟體產品工程師、Data Engineer、Data Scientist 到 Product Manager,從台灣到美國,充滿挑戰跟變化的職涯選擇背後的思考是什麼?如果你也好奇他
Industry & Job Overview
thg 8 25 2022

Database Administrator: Arti, Tugas, Skill, Gaji dan Prospek Karirnya!

yang Harus Dimiliki Database Administrator Cara Menjadi Database Administrator Kebutuhan akan keahlian database semakin meningkat, apakah kamu tertarik dengan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan data? Pekerjaan seperti Database Administrator tidak terlalu mengharuskan kamu memiliki gelar sarjana yang berhubungan dengan IT atau data. Database Administrator tidak memerlukan keahlian pemrograman seperti Data Scientist sehingga banyak yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan non-teknis. Jika kamu menginginkan pekerjaan di bidang teknologi dengan perpaduan keterampilan hardskill data dan interaksi manusia, Database Administrator bisa menjadi peluang karir
Quản lý nhân sự
thg 6 16 2022

15 Python Interview Questions for Freshers and Professionals

ll read about: Python Interview Questions for Freshers Python Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals Tips on Answering Python Interview Questions Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide variety of applications. Web development, scientific computing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are just a few of the many fields that utilize python programming. It, thus, comes as no surprise that most popular jobs require Python programming skills. Some examples include: Web Developer Data Analyst Data Scientist

How to Write a Machine Learning Engineer Resume (+ Example)

and other engineers, within the artificial intelligence industry, in bringing models and ideas to life. You will be creating the learning systems to allow models to function following given operations. With so much collaboration between the machine learning engineer and data scientist, the two roles might seem highly similar. However, a data scientist is the one who analyzes and researches the data and statistics for the machine learning engineer to write programs. If you aspire to have hands-on work
CV & Hồ sơ xin việc
thg 3 25 2022

Write a Great Data Engineer Resume (& Examples)

data science industry include data engineers, data analysts, and data scientists. The data engineer will prepare the datasets for analysis, the data analyst will interpret data and write reports for better understanding, and the data scientist will conduct research on data and devise plans for the company accordingly. If you are skilled in programming and algorithms, you might find yourself leaning towards data engineering. As a data engineer, you will be creating the data framework for data analysis later on

6 Contoh CV Programmer Terbaik dan Cara Membuatnya!

kepada publik, mereka juga bertanggung jawab ketika terjadi gangguan pada sistem atau aplikasi atau yang disebut debug. 📝 Jalur karir sebagai programmer pun beragam seperti: Software application developer Web Developer (Front End Developer, Back End Developer), Mobile Developer Database Administrator Data Scientist Systems Analyst Software Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer Business Intelligence Analyst Dan lain-lain. Jika kalian merasa ingin mendaftar lowongan pekerjaan menjadi programmer atau software engineer, CV merupakan hal yang wajib disiapkan. Artikel ini akan membahas cara membuat CV
CV & Hồ sơ xin việc
thg 6 14 2022

Data Analyst Resume Guide w/ Examples & Templates

organizational leaders to develop process improvements, system modifications, etc. It is important to note that data analyst differs from a data scientist, with the key difference in these 2 occupations mainly lies in the skills they use to deal with data; a data analyst will be more involved in sifting through data to distinguish trends and come up with meaningful results, whereas a data scientist will have to code more and use more mathematical modeling. Having a professional data analyst
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thg 10 29 2020

資料科學夯什麼?一窺 Mastercard 分析顧問、新創 Migo Data Lead 到哈佛 PhD 的精彩職涯!(上)

以往說到資料分析,我們大概都會馬上想到功能強大的 Excel。但是隨著網路與行動裝置的普及,企業能夠更精準即時地收集到每位使用者的資料,數據量因此變得十分龐大、複雜,傳統的基本分析不

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