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Career Tools
Mar 25th 2023

設計思考是什麼?5 步驟帶你拆解!推薦書籍、課程、案例一次看

技的可行性,與未來商業成功的可能性。」這句被廣為流傳的設計思考定義,來自美國知名設計公司 IDEO 執行長 Tim Brown 的 TED 演講。 為何設計思考近年來能在各大公司與新創圈中刮起一陣旋風?原因在於
Student Guide
Jan 3rd 2023

15 Prospek Kerja Sastra Inggris 2024 Beserta Gajinya!

kursus bahasa Inggris. Secara garis besar, jurusan sastra Inggris memang mempelajari bahasa Inggris, sastra, budaya, dan bahkan bahasa asing lainnya. Tapi, di jurusan ini kamu juga akan mempelajari bagaimana cara berkomunikasi secara efektif, menghasilkan karya tulis yang terstruktur, memahami sejarah, ideologi-ideologi beragam budaya, serta memahami sektor bisnis internasional. Tergantung kebijakan dan kurikulum masing-masing universitas, mata kuliah dan hal-hal yang dipelajari akan berbeda-beda. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh mata pelajaran di jurusan sastra Inggris: Literatur/sastra : cerita pendek
Student Guide
Sep 21st 2022

9 Prospek Kerja Ilmu Politik yang Menjanjikan dan Gajinya!

mengembangkan berbagai peluang kerja ilmu politik yang bisa kamu dapatkan. Selama kuliah di jurusan ilmu politik, kajian yang akan sering dibahas dalam mata kuliah ilmu politik adalah demokrasi, sistem politik, birokrasi, HAM, etika sosial politik, komunikasi dan opini publik, dan ideologi politik. ✏️ Mata kuliah yang akan dipelajari: Sistem Politik Indonesia Sistem Perwakilan Politik Pengantar Ilmu Sosiologi Pemikiran Politik Indonesia Pemikiran Politik Kontemporer Pemikiran Politik Barat Politik Kebijakan Publik Perbandingan Politik Ekonomi Politik Pembangunan Politik dan Studi Demokratisasi Metodologi Ilmu
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Identifying and Addressing Microaggressions in the Workplace

some form of microaggressions in the workplace. These incidents have been shown to lead to increased stress, reduced job satisfaction, and an overall decline in mental health. This article will offer practical tips for employees, employers and HR teams to identify, address, and prevent microaggressions in the workplace. We hope that the information you read here today will help you to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment and to be able to identify any microaggressions directed towards you
People Operations
Apr 25th 2023

11 Ide Game Teamwork Sederhana yang Seru! [Indoor, Outdoor, Online]

mendorong karyawan untuk bekerja secara efektif bagi perusahaan. Membuat aktivitas team building adalah sesuatu yang rumit namun menyenangkan. Simak penjelasan berikut untuk mengetahui berbagai game indoor seru, games kelompok, game team building, dan game outbond. Daftar Isi: Pengertian Team Building Ide Game Teamwork Sederhana (Indoor) Macam-macam Permainan Kekompakan untuk Outdoor Kegiatan Team Building Online Apa itu Team Building ? Apa itu Team Building? Sebelum merancang aktivitas team building, pengertian team building adalah aktivitas yang dikemas dalam suasana gembira dan terlihat
Job Search Tips
Mar 13th 2024

8 Ide Side Hustle: Cari Penghasilan Sampingan!

mencari pekerjaan sampingan, berikut adalah arti side hustle , manfaat, dan contoh side hustles yang bisa kamu jadikan rekomendasi! Daftar isi: Apa itu Side Hustle Apa Manfaat Side Hustle Perbedaan Side Hustle dan Side Job Tips Untuk Memulai Side Hustle 8 Ide Side Hustle 2024 Apa itu Side Hustle? Istilah kerja sampingan dalam bahasa inggris dikenal sebagai side hustle, atau pekerjaan lain yang dikerjakan seseorang di luar pekerjaan utamanya. Tujuan seseorang punya pekerjaan sampingan adalah untuk menambah penghasilan, baik untuk tabungan
Interview Skills
Apr 6th 2022

Writing the Ideal Interview Follow-up Email (& Samples)

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll learn: How to Write a Follow-Up Email After an Interview Tips on Following Up with a Recruiter after Interview Follow Up Emails After an Interview – Examples Interview Follow-Up Email Template Job searching has never been an easy task, especially in this day and age where competition is high and candidates have to find ways to stand out among the pool to become more noticeable. With job application processes now becoming
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

15+ Unique Ideas for a New Employee Welcome Package (2024 Update)

for new employees is also the perfect opportunity to embrace the new hire into the company culture and team. Study shows 89% of employees who had an effective onboarding experience are engaged at work . Check out the following welcome pack ideas for new employees to see what items your company should consider and why employee packs are so important for your company! Table of Contents:  Why You Need a New Employee Welcome Packet? What to Include in a New Employee
Resume & CV
Oct 12th 2020

20+ Resume Career Objective Ideas [+ Pro Tips to Boost Your Resume]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will get to know what to write for an objective on a resume, and see the resume objective examples below for multiple jobs to learn how to create the best career objective statement for resume. Table of Contents: What Is a Resume Objective? Pros & Cons of Including a Resume Objective What to Put for an Objective on a Resume? How to Write a Good Objective Statement for a Resume? Resume Objective Writing Tips
Aug 4th 2022

20 Best Portfolio Design Ideas [+ Tips for Your Personal Portfolio]

In this article, you'll read about: How to Design a Portfolio 20 Portfolio Design Examples The importance of having an impressive portfolio can’t be stressed enough, no matter if you’re working in the creative or non-creative industry. Including your personal website for portfolio or your digital portfolio in your job application can help demonstrate your capabilities and qualifications for the position, and thus increase your chances of landing the job interview. When making a portfolio, many

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