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Mar 29th 2024

Firebase Adalah: Pengertian, Fitur, dan Kelebihan Menggunakan Firebase

Proses pengembangan aplikasi web maupun mobile melibatkan berbagai aspek penting. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pengembangan aplikasi adalah backend . Firebase adalah platform yang dikembangkan untuk membantu menangani segala urusan backend aplikasi. Lalu apa itu Firebase? Firebase adalah suatu platform yang menawarkan berbagai fitur dalam pengelolaan backend suatu aplikasi. Beragam jenis aplikasi dapat memanfaatkan layanan Firebase, termasuk aplikasi yang berjalan di platform Android, iOS, maupun web. Lalu, apa saja fungsi Firebase dan bagaimana cara kerja Firebase? Berikut adalah ulasan selengkapnya tentang
News & Updates
Apr 18th 2024

New Release: Introducing Cakeresume Meet—the Speed Professional Networking App You Need

Our team is thrilled to announce the launch of CakeResume Meet, the new go-to networking platform where professionals connect and collaborate. Background Story: How We Came Up with The Idea In today's competitive job market, networking is not just a random buzzword but more like a necessity. Recent statistics show that nearly 40% of job seekers found their career opportunities through networking. This underscores the importance of cultivating a robust professional network for both job opportunities and career
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Guide to Craft a Driver Cover Letter from Scratch [w/ Examples & Template]

Created by CakeResume As a driver, you will be responsible for safely transporting either cargo or passengers from one location to another, back and forth. You need to handle the maintenance and interior cleanliness of the vehicles before and after every trip to ensure all requirements set by the organization are met. Moreover, you will have to map out the best route and must follow traffic laws during each trip. Below are the most 10 popular driving jobs: Bus driver
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to Taiwan’s Language & Places to Learn

Created by CakeResume Before traveling to Taiwan, you might wonder - what language do people in Taiwan speak? Taiwan actually adopts a diverse linguistic background which has passed on for countless generations. Because it has a rich historical and cultural setting, it significantly influenced the Taiwan language until today. Language is a valuable asset. So, it’s important to know the language Taiwanese people use, whether you’re here for traveling, studying, working, or doing business. We’ll walk you through
Recruitment & HR
Apr 25th 2023

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

Team leading is one of the most influential tasks a manager takes responsibility for. Keeping high morale in teams can be tricky, but you can tackle the situation effectively with adequate methods of motivating employees in an organization. As reported by Forbes , motivation and job satisfaction lead to improvement in a company’s profitability (up to 21%) and a reduction in absenteeism (41%) as well as turnover rates (59%). Hence, team motivation should be your prioritized action point to excel
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

A Cashier Cover Letter to Stand Out! [w/Examples + Writing Tips]

Created by CakeResume Due to technology advancement, cashier jobs have become more competitive, requiring employees to be capable of more than just scanning price tags and packing items. Cashiers nowadays will need skills that can set them apart from robots, such as the ability to solve problems that may arise when encountering customers. A good cashier cover letter will come in handy when applying for the job because it is the fastest way to make recruiters know you have the
Job Search Tips
Aug 19th 2020

How to Find Jobs in India? 3 Best Ways for Job Hunting Online & Offline

Current Working Landscape in India, where are the chances? For many, working abroad is one of the options, but for Indians, that’s probably due to the lack of job demands in India. Even though we’ve witnessed robust growth in India’s economy in the past few years, the declining availability of jobs isn’t a good outlook for many. Unemployment in India averaged 7.34% from 2018 to 2020. This 7.34% of the population means that 18

Mengenal Information Security Analyst, Profesi Bergaji Tinggi

Profesi Information Security Analyst alias Analis Keamanan Informasi adalah posisi yang potensial untuk digeluti saat ini, terutama karena data digital makin mudah untuk diakses oleh black hat hacker . Muncul perkiraan dari Insight Global, memasuki tahun 2025, dunia akan mengalami kerugian sebesar 10,5 Triliun Dollar Amerika karena kejahatan siber yang tidak dicegah dari awal. Tidak heran jika data dari Western Governors University memperkirakan kebutuhan atas tenaga ahli Information Security Analyst bakal meningkat sebesar 31%. Peningkatan tersebut selaras dengan meningkatnya penggunaan
Cover Letter
Sep 26th 2022

A Comprehensive Cover Letter for CV Guide w/ Examples & Templates

Created by CakeResume CV and cover letter are the two documents that are often required for a job application. While the CV focuses on your work history, educational background, and key skills, the cover letter for the CV allows you to elaborate further details about why you’re applying for this role and how you can contribute to the company's growth. In some cases, a cover letter for a CV can go under different names such as: Job application
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Interview Evaluation Form Guidelines & Samples

Ultimately, the interview is about selecting the best candidate. Though each job role requires specific requirements, the criteria set by the hiring manager are quite the same, including educational background, work experience, soft and hard skills, personal traits, etc. An interview feedback form that puts together all these factors allows you to assess and score the candidate's overall qualifications for the position to which they have applied. In the case of panel interviews or group interviews , having a candidate

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