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Mar 4th 2022

How to Create a Web Developer Portfolio

To achieve this, you need more skills than developing a web developer portfolio page and examples. You will have to focus on areas of marketing, sales, and brand awareness. These aspects can help you build a successful business as a self-employed web developer. 20+ Web Developer Portfolio Examples and Ideas 1. Cory Hughart Full-stack Web Developer Portfolio by Cory Hughart Cory Hughart is an experienced full-stack developer with absolutely creative web developer portfolio projects. In his portfolio

Lengkap! Apa Saja Syarat Menjadi Pramugari? Skill, Fisik, Gaji, dan Caranya

Sebelum mempelajari tentang persyaratan jadi pramugari, apakah kamu sudah tahu apa saja pekerjaan pramugari? Simak tugas seorang pramugari dan pramugara di bawah ini! Mengikuti briefing untuk persiapan banyak hal (keberangkatan, rute perjalanan, lama perjalanan, kondisi cuaca hari itu, dll.) Memeriksa boarding pass penumpang Melayani penumpang mulai sejak penumpang masuk hingga perjalanan berakhir Menutup pintu ketika akan berangkat dan mengontrol pintu-pintu tersebut ketika sedang dalam perjalanan Mengontrol keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang Memberikan instruksi keamanan ketika perjalanan akan dimulai Membimbing penumpang
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Team Leader Cover Letter: Writing Guideline, Examples and Ready-to-Use Template

with the brand and adds value to existing and prospective clients. Under my supervision, the team of diverse, talented writers I managed has hit all KPIs in terms of: Number of content marketing pieces published per month Organic website traffic Ranking for important keywords Time on page Influencer mentions I understand that leaders are charged with a number of things - connecting team members, guiding them to achieve the team objectives, resolving team conflict and so much more. You can find
Cover Letter
May 22nd 2023

13 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang Dilirik HRD dan Artinya

I am Brigita, with a bachelor’s degree in Business from Prasetiya Mulya University. I am writing this letter to express my interest in your posting on LinkedIn for the Digital Marketing Manager. I consider myself a highly-focused and self-motivated person, and I am excited with the opportunity to showcase my technical skills with your company. As a student, I have used your products for two years. As an EdTech Company, Ruang Guru had given positive transformation to
Career Development
Jul 26th 2022

Apa itu Startup? Ketahui Perbedaan Startup dan Perusahaan Lainnya

mempermudah akses kesehatan bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Halodoc memiliki kelebihan untuk memberikan layanan konsultasi secara langsung dengan dokter yang dapat diaskses setiap waktu. 5. Ajaib Ajaib Sekuritas atau PT Ajaib Sekuritas Asia merupakan perusahaan investasi dengan sarana Mobile dan Online Trading secara real-time. Ajaib menyediakan layanan bagi para investor agar dapat berinvestasi pada saham, obligasi dan pasar uang melalui reksadana yang sesuai dengan profil risiko setiap individu. Melihat kesuksesan pertumbuhan beberapa contoh Startup di atas, diharapkan masa depan Startup
Resume & CV
Feb 15th 2022

Assembler Resume (Tips and Examples)

detail on your tour guide resume to make sure there are no typos, grammatical mistakes, or inconsistencies in punctuation and capitalization. Step 5: Craft an assembler cover letter . A candidate who provides a cover letter has a higher chance of landing an interview, especially for an assembler with no experience. When well written, it helps create a positive impression and motivates employers to read your assembler resume. Also, you can demonstrate what value you can bring to them or any
Cover Letter
Jul 22nd 2021

Nursing Cover Letter Writing Guide with Examples & Tips

Holler Lane Atlanta, Georgia 30051 Salutation This is where you address your nursing cover letter’s recipient. It’s vital to address the person who is in charge of the recruiting process so you may have a greater chance of landing the interview. 💡 Tip : Use Mr. and Ms. when you already know their gender. If not, mention their full name. In case you don’t have the recipient’s name, you can use a particular group or department (i
Resume & CV
May 4th 2023

What Is a Resume: Resume Formats, Resume Elements, Resume Writing Tips

Created by CakeResume A resume, also known as a Curriculum Vitae (CV) , is a necessary formal document for job seeking process. A strong resume can help grab the attention of employers and can be the key to landing an interview. But "what is a resume?" you might ask. In this blog post, we'll share with you all-thing resumes, from its definition and types to writing tips and best practices for creating a compelling one, whether you are a
People Operations
May 4th 2022

The Fresher Interview Playbook: Tips & Common Questions

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll learn: Interview Tips for Freshers Common Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers Questions for Freshers to Ask in an Interview Are you a fresher wondering how to make the jump from student to full-time employee? Landing your first job can be a frightening experience. Many freshers don't have any real-world experience to draw on, which can make it difficult to answer common interview questions. However, there are a few
Resume & CV
Jan 21st 2022

Copywriter Resume Writing Guide (+ Sample)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a great copywriter resume? What is a good objective for a copywriter resume? How to write a resume summary for a copywriter? What are some great skills to put on a resume for a copywriter? How to write a copywriter resume with no work experience? Copywriter resume sample Well-designed copy is at the core of any successful marketing plan. Copywriters craft copy to sell products or services to the target

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