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May 13th 2022

The Ultimate Guide to A Great UI Designer Portfolio

professionals work as UX/UI designers at the same time. If you’re new to this field or have completed plenty of projects, it’s important to have your own UI designer portfolio to showcase your talent. A stunning UI portfolio website can help you with employment seeking in the future, especially for freelance UI designers/artists. A UI portfolio helps a UI designer showcase their skills through their past projects to attract employers/clients. What Is a UI Designer
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Computer Science Cover Letter: Cracking the Code for Your Path to Success

SQL. I’m excited to submit this letter for the summer internship at LLC Tech, and believe that my education and freelancing experience would allow me to excel in this intern position. During the past two years as a freelance UX designer, my major duties and responsibilities include: Conducting user research and testing to evaluate the UX effectiveness Defining interaction models, user task flows, and UI specifications Developing and maintaining design wireframes based on user needs Collaborating with visual designers
Resume & CV
Feb 9th 2022

UI Designer Resume (+ Examples)

role in cementing a good reputation. A UI designer is a type of visual designer that is responsible for creating the look of a website (the user interface) from the user’s point of view. Contrary to popular belief, a UX (user experience) designer differs from a UI designer. A UX designer focuses more on the users’ overall experience with the website and, therefore, is less concerned with the visuals than a UI designer. Instead, UI designers need to understand
Resume & CV
Mar 26th 2021

Contoh Desain CV Menarik untuk Lamaran Kerja | Desain CV Keren / Kreatif / Grafis!

penggunaan warna yang beragam ( tidak seperti CV sederhana yang hanya menggunakan 1-2 warna), penggunaan font yang lebih unik dan juga elemen-elemen lainnya. Selain menunjukkan kreatifitas, CV keren desain grafis juga bisa menunjukkan kemampuan desain seseorang. CV dapat menjadi portfolio seseorang yang dapat mempengaruhi pertimbangan rekruter. Siapa saja yang cocok menggunakan desain CV kreatif? Perusahaan Startup Industri Kreatif: Creative Director, Branding Creative Designer, Desain Grafis UI/UX Desainer Digital Marketing, Social Media Manager Sales Advertising Agency, Production House Content
Sep 29th 2021

How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio [What to Include & Examples]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: Graphic Design Portfolio Examples - Ideas & Inspiration How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio What to Include in a Graphic Design Portfolio Tips on Creating the Best Graphic Design Portfolio As the world begins to grow, a professional online presence is a crucial thing to have for prospective employees. Whether you are a full-time graphic designer or even a freelancer, a graphic design portfolio is valuable in the current job market, if not significantly
Career Development
May 23rd 2023

Kỹ năng cứng là gì? Kỹ năng mềm là gì? Phân biệt kỹ năng cứng và kỹ năng mềm

một designer: Adobe Creative Suite: Chỉnh sửa hình ảnh, đồ họa vector và thiết kế bố cục. HTML và CSS: Những ngôn ngữ được sử dụng để xây dựng và thiết kế trang web. Thiết kế trải nghiệm người dùng (UX) Thiết kế đồ họa Kỹ năng quản lý dự án Đọc thêm về nghề designer qua series bài viết này ! 4. Lập trình Với một nghề đòi hỏi chuyên môn cao như nghề lập trình , kỹ năng cứng gồm
Resume & CV
Apr 28th 2023

CV cho tester: Khám phá bí mật thành công (kèm mẫu CV đẹp)

Anh, song việc viết CV tester bằng ngôn ngữ nào là tùy thuộc vào yêu cầu của nhà tuyển dụng. Hơn nữa, hãy dùng đúng thuật ngữ chuyên ngành, tránh viết sai hoặc quá chung chung. Ví dụ, CV cho UX designer cần nêu rõ mức độ am hiểu về HTML và CSS. ✨ Nộp kèm đơn xin việc (cover letter) và portfolio online Đơn xin việc và portfolio online nên được song hành cùng CV xin việc tester của
Career Tools
Mar 11th 2024

Apa itu Notion? Ini Fitur, Kelebihan dan Kekurangannya!

buat apa, sih? Fungsi Notion yang utama yaitu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas seseorang dan mempermudah kolaborasi antar pengguna. Notion app ini memiliki tampilan sederhana sehingga cara pakai notion menjadi mudah. Meski sederhana, justru anak-anak industri teknologi seperti developer dan UI/UX designer yang banyak menggunakan aplikasi Notion, lho! Namun, apakah aplikasi Notion gratis? Aplikasi Notion bisa kamu download di Windows, Mac, smartphone, dan bahkan di akses melalui situs web. Notion apk ini bisa kamu gunakan secara gratis, tetapi tentu akses
Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

Introduction: How to find freelance jobs Now that you’ve done everything you can to show that you’re determined to become a freelancer: you’ve quit your job; put aside an emergency fund; polished your skillset; meditate daily in order to be more mentally prepared for the uncertainties yet to come. But, if no one knows about you, all of your preparations will have been for naught. These, of course are indispensable for a successful career as a freelancer
Jun 10th 2022

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll read about: What Is a Video Portfolio? How to Make a Video Portfolio Best Websites to Showcase Your Video Portfolio Tips to Create a Video Portfolio Video Portfolio Examples Whenever you are on social media, be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., with every few scrolls there will be a video that pops up on your screen. According to HubSpot, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and video is the

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