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Resume & CV
Nov 29th 2021

How to List Microsoft Office Skills on a Resume [+50 Examples]

their resume. However, this may mislead employers with “having basic MS Office skills”. For example, basic MS Word skills refer to the ability to create, design, and format documents that look professional and error-free. Meanwhile, a proficient MS Word user is someone who can easily execute a variety of functions, including advanced features. Why Should You Include Microsoft Office Skills On Your Resume? No matter what job you’re seeking, being adept at using Microsoft Office will help you
Resume & CV
Mar 9th 2022

How to Write a Healthcare Resume [with Tips and Examples]

skills and knowledge Cons: not expected by most employers Combinational resume format Pros: showcases both skills and work experience Cons: can make your resume lengthy and repetitive Which format should a healthcare resume be sent in? PDF format (recommended) Pros: user-friendly and accessible across many devices. Cons: file is larger and may not be compatible with older ATS. Word format Pros: compatible with most ATS. Cons: formatting can easily be changed or lost. How to prepare a healthcare resume
Student Guide
Mar 6th 2024

Lulusan SMK TKJ Bisa Kerja Apa? Simak 10 Pilihan Karirnya!

jurusan TKJ SMK ini? Berikut beberapa keunggulan jurusan TKJ yang perlu kamu ketahui dan juga ketahui beberapa peluang kerja jurusan TKJ: ✅ Bisa belajar mengenai sistem operasi: Selain sistem operasi, kamu bisa mempelajari lebih detail mengenai instalasi OS, sistem kerja user, hingga partisi harddisk. Hal mendasar ini bisa berguna ketika kamu kerja jurusan TKJ. ✅ Mempelajari jaringan: Jika kamu bisa menguasai teknik jaringan komputer, ini akan sangat bermanfaat dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan lulusan SMK TKJ nantinya. Karena kamu bisa mempelajari server
Resume & CV
Mar 23rd 2022

Top 6 Websites Provides Free Resume Icons to Elevate your Resume Game

Iconfinder Flaticon Iconmonstr 1. CakeResume Incorporated in CakeResume’s free online resume builder is a large selection of resume icons and symbols is available for CakeResume users. These icons for resumes are free to use. 🟢 Pros: It is very user-friendly and intuitive, only takes a few clicks to have the icon appear on your resume in a desired section. CakeResume offers free resume icons and many resume templates as long as you are a registered CakeResume user. There
Interview Skills
Apr 27th 2022

10 Pertanyaan Interview Marketing dan Jawabannya!

dunia digital dan mulai mendalaminya. Skill seperti Paid Ads, SEO, Branding dan Sosial Media Marketing menjadi suatu hal yang sangat menarik dan challenging.” 2. Menurut kamu, apa tiga kemampuan terpenting yang harus dimiliki seorang marketer? Pertanyaan di atas sering ditanyakan user saat interview marketing untuk mengetahui kemampuan apa yang paling dianggap penting oleh calon pekerja marketing. Pada saat yang sama, kamu juga bisa mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menyebutkan skill marketing yang paling dikuasai. 💡 Pro tip Cari tau terlebih dahulu
Resume & CV
Apr 21st 2023

CV giáo viên tiếng Anh - Hướng dẫn Anh-Việt dễ hiểu nhất

hợp công việc này. Ví dụ “Giới thiệu bản thân" trong CV giáo viên tiếng Anh: Sociable, high-qualified and ambitious teacher with an international TESOL certificate and 2-year experiences of English teaching assistant at Dalat University. IT-proficient user to optimize both online and offline learning activities. Career Goals (Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp) CV giáo viên tiếng Anh trước hết cần thể hiện mục tiêu rõ ràng vì họ có tầm ảnh hưởng lớn đến định hướng nghề
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 15th 2022

UI/UX 設計是什麼,哪裡不同?UX/UI設計師工作、薪水、職缺特搜!

UX 設計師又負責哪些工作內容? UI/UX 設計師的工作內容是什麼? 根 據 Jesse James Garrett 在 2000 年發表的 The Elements of User Experience 一書,將使用者體驗 (User Experience) 從抽象到具體分成五個層級,包括: 層級 專注項目 重點參與角色 1. 策
Career Tools
Apr 26th 2024

50 Powerful Marketing Tools for Business Scaling [+ Tips]

help you increase your target audience and generate buzz. Here are five content marketing tools: WordPress WordPress is versatile software that enables users to create and manage websites with ease. With a variety of themes and plugins at their disposal, users can tailor their landing pages to perfection, incorporating advanced features such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to attract and engage website visitors. Additionally, WordPress offers a free plan option, providing users with essential tools to kickstart their online presence
Resume & CV
Mar 7th 2024

Ingin Jadi Web Designer? Pahami Tugas, Skill, Gaji, dan Caranya!

Desainer web telah menjadi salah satu pekerjaan dalam bidang teknologi yang paling dicari saat ini. Semakin banyak bisnis yang ingin membangun branding dan interaksi dengan customer yang kuat, sehingga membutuhkan profesional yang paham mengenai cara merancang situs web yang efektif dan interaktif. Pada artikel ini, akan dijelaskan mengenai apa yang dimaksud dengan web designer , apa saja pekerjaan web designer , dan bagaimana cara menjadi web designer di era sekarang ini. Mari kita simak sebagai berikut. Daftar isi: Apa itu Web Designer
Feb 25th 2022

UX Designer Portfolio: 10 Best Portfolio Examples and Why They Work

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will read about: What to Put in a UX Designer Portfolio How to Include UX Design Projects to a Portfolio Best UX Designer Portfolio Websites 10 Best UX Design Portfolio Examples (+ Analysis) Tips for Creating a Good UX Designer Portfolio A UX designer portfolio is the most critical tool for any UX job applicant. It showcases our creative works and explains our design rationale. However, you might not know what a UX designer

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