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Nov 24th 2021

5 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Sekretaris [+ Bahasa Inggris]

manajer. Untuk menjadi seorang sekretaris ditubuhkan ketelitian, dapat bekerja multitasking, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan pengaturan waktu yang baik. 🙋 Apa tugas seorang sekretaris? Mengatur waktu rapat dan mencatat hasil rapat Berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dengan berbagai pihak Mengurus dan merapikan dokumen administratif Mengatur kesediaan peralatan kantor Mengatur aktivitas perusahaan mulai dari administrasi hingga human relations Apa kamu tertarik menjadi seorang sekretaris? Apa kamu merupakan lulusan dari jurusan sekretaris atau administrasi? Bukan dari jurusan Administrasi tapi ingin jadi seorang sekretaris? Artikel kali

Staff Administrasi: Job Desk, Gaji, Skill, Dll.

masuk perusahaan ✏️ Membantu mengurus dokumen-dokumen kerjasama antar perusahaan ✏️ Membalas email yang masuk yang berhubungan perusahaan Skill Staff Administrasi Dalam menjalankan tugas administrasi perkantoran, seorang staf dituntut memiliki keahlian yang diperlukan dalam menjalankan tugas admin kantornya, seperti: Skill Administration Staff 1. Kemampuan Teknologi Dengan perkembangan zaman, tugas administration staff memerlukan bantuan teknologi dalam mengerjakannya sehingga staff administrasi mau tidak mau harus melek teknologi. Bahkan saat ini, pekerjaan admin online yang berbasis teknologi internet sudah banyak dipakai untuk tugas
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2022

20 Computer Skills to Write in Your CV [w/ Examples & Writing Tips]

their CVs. However, there are many types of advanced and basic computer skills for CVs that are sought by companies as their best candidates. Let’s look into a list of 20 important computer skills examples for a CV. MS Office Word Excel Outlook Powerpoint Access Google Workspace Docs Slides Sheets Forms Meet Spreadsheets Excel Google Sheets Numbers Smartsheet OpenOffice Calc Email Filters Folders Rules Mail merge Hubspot Presentations Powerpoint Google Slides Prezi OpenOffice Impress Tableau Database Management MS Access
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

How to Fire Someone Politely and Nicely

an employee. Find Out What the Problem Is The first step in figuring out how to fire an employee is identifying the problem. For example, an employee who is constantly late or making (unjustifiable) excuses for being absent from the office is generally a red flag. Similarly, if an employee is rude to their colleagues, it is generally grounds for firing. In addition to your observations, consult other employees and take a record of everything as evidence. Figuring out how
Resume & CV
Nov 17th 2021

How to Write Organizational Skills on Your Resume (Samples, Tips, Templates)

mental organizational skills that enable individuals to think analytically and methodically to solve complex problems. Here's a list of internal organizational skills to put on resumes and CVs: Detail-orientation Analytical thinking Creative thinking Conceptual thinking Strategic thinking Documenting Administration Research Review Forecasting External Organizational Skills External organizational skills are organizational skills that demand physical organization. Keeping the workplace clean and organizing files can help workers complete tasks more efficiently. Here's a list of external organizational skills to
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Reclaim Your Career: How to Craft a Compelling Resignation Withdrawal Letter

first glance, rehiring you may seem like the most straightforward option for a company. After all, you already are familiar with the company workflow and culture, and you have the benefit of having strong professional relations with others in the office. However, company policies surrounding the steps taken after a filed resignation may prevent you from returning to the position. For instance, many companies have a policy that outlines the process for seeking a successor to a position that has
Industry & Job Overview
May 22nd 2023

Sales Admin: Syarat, Gaji, Prospek Kariernya [+CV]

perlu kamu kuasai untuk bisa menjalankan job desk admin sales? 1. Sales Support Salah satu tugas sales administrasi adalah membantu tim sales untuk mencapai target penjualan, maka skill sales support sangatlah dibutuhkan oleh sales administrasi. Pencatatan, penerimaan telepon, dan pekerjaan administratif lainnya adalah beberapa contoh skill yang diperlukan. Keberadaan sales support juga dapat membantu tim sales dalam melakukan penjualan dan closing , tanpa perlu pusing akan hal-hal administratif lainnya. 2. Data Entry Selain sebagai sales support, sales administrasi juga akan
Resume & CV
Mar 8th 2022

How to Write a Great IT Technician Resume (+ Example)

skills in your resume. Mention your knowledge and personality traits in the skills section of your IT technician resume with a neat list of bullet points. Example Skills for IT Technician Resumes: Hard Skills: Network Management Firewalls System Builds Network Administration System Analysis Soft Skills: Critical Thinking Problem Solving Thorough Communication Adaptable 🖋 Step 4: Tailor your IT technician resume to a specific IT technician role. With the help of the IT technician job description, resume writing will be easier
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

4 Contoh CV HRD Menarik yang Bisa Kamu Ikuti

Kamu ingin melamar posisi sebagai Human Resource ? Kamu bingung bagaimana CV mu bisa lolos seleksi dan mendapat panggilan wawancara? Tidak perlu bingung lagi, mari kita simak contoh CV Human Resource , a pa saja yang harus dituliskan ke dalam CV untuk posisi HRD dan bagaimana format penulisan CV HR yang tepat. Pertama-tama, apa itu HR? Apa saja yang menjadi kualifikasi dan tanggung jawab seorang HR? HR adalah singkatan dari Human Resources , divisi ini memiliki peran dan fungsi yang sangat penting
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Uncover Your Workplace Rights: 15 Employee Rights You Need To Know

15 Employee Rights You Need to Know Everyone deserves the right to feel safe, be treated equally and receive equal opportunity without discrimination. These rights are also upheld in the workplace by law – known as employee rights. Employers are expected to abide by local and federal employment laws, including employee rights, as they protect employees from unfair or unjust treatment. Although employee rights are implemented by law, employees can benefit from knowing their employee rights, and avoid exploitation or unfair

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