Success Stories
12月 23日 2022

COOLJEK Jadi Pemain Baru Cold Chain Asal Indonesia

lagi, sektor pasar cold chain diperkirakan akan mengalami pertumbuhan 8-10% dalam lima tahun kedepan. Akan tetapi jumlah permintaan bisnis rantai dingin di Indonesia tidak seimbang dengan ketersediaannya. Meski terdapat 7 pemain besar dalam bisnis rantai dingin di Indonesia, kebutuhan cold chain dalam sektor frozen food saja masih belum terpenuhi. Ditambah pula permintaan layanan cold chain dari pelaku sektor agrikultura, akuakultur, dan farmasi yang meroket. Disinilah startup COOLJEK mengambil peran. Berdiri pada tahun 2021, COOLJEK menjadi salah satu startup Indonesia
News & Updates
3月 6日 2024

Talent Connect: Solusi Employer Branding bagi Perusahaan Anda

ojek online biasanya. CEO COOLJEK Nathanael Christopher membagikan langsung cara kerja bisnis logistik secara menyeluruh, termasuk tantangan awal beliau meniti bisnis startup hingga pelajaran-pelajaran yang bisa dipetik melalui proses untuk mengembangkan COOLJEK. Baca lebih lengkap: COOLJEK Jadi Pemain Baru Cold Chain Asal Indonesia Nonton rekapan ulang: Merintis Bisnis Logistik Cold Chain (CEO COOLJEK Nathanael Christopher) 4. Journey to Unilever (UFLP) - Owen Orlando Guest Speaker: Owen Orlando - Assistant Brand Manager Lifebuoy Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP) adalah salah satu program
Career Planning
12月 20日 2022

Last Assignment in December: Jotting Down Your 2023 Career Resolution

list everything from a macro perspective all the way to the personal level. Industry-wise, we can ask, are we working in an industry expected to be impacted by the economic downturn? What would be a smart guess for the industry growth in the next 5 to 10 years? Next, the company level. Is the current company we work in a bonafide player in the industry? Is it a market leader/trendsetter? How’s the overall performance recently? Is the
Resume & CV
10月 4日 2021

100+ Key Hard Skills to Put on Resume [+ Listing Tips for Maximum Impact]

project management , technical skills, etc.) If you are still confused about whether a skill is classified as a hard skill, ask yourself the following questions: Were you born with the skill? Or does it take time for you to master? Could you measure the competence of the skill? Is the skill focused on certain tasks and processes such as the use of tools, equipment, or software? In terms of measurement, hard skills listed on a resume can be exemplified by
Cover Letter
1月 16日 2023

Entry-Level Cover Letter: Strong Examples & Tips for Freshers

Rainbow Avenue Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Dear Sir/Madam, As a highly motivated individual who found a new interest in retail supply chain and service innovations, I am writing to apply for The BLOCK Company’s Customer Service and Supply Chain Intern position. After recently learning about the increasing importance of the retail supply chain, I am eager to sharpen my practical skills and industry knowledge required to broaden my view regarding my future career path. With regard to my
Interview Skills
4月 28日 2023

Bỏ túi cách giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh khi phỏng vấn

you very much for inviting me to the interview today! Hello, thank you for this great opportunity. It is a pleasure to participate in the interview today! ✅ Tên - Tuổi Giới thiệu bản thân khi phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Anh chắn chắn không thể thiếu việc giới thiệu họ tên và tuổi của mình. Đây là những thông tin cơ bản tối thiểu bạn cần cung cấp để người phỏng vấn biết rõ được bạn là ai. Bạn chỉ cần
Cover Letter
9月 16日 2022

Contoh Surat Lamaran Magang dan Cara Membuatnya!

kerja untuk magang. Ini dapat menjadi nilai tambah dibandingkan kandidat lainnya. Bagian isi contoh cover letter magang b ahasa Indonesia: Melalui lamaran kerja magang ini, saya bermaksud melamar untuk magang di Departemen Produksi PT. Unilever Indonesia. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa Teknik Industri, saya bertekad untuk menambah pengalaman saya dengan magang di perusahaan consumer goods terbesar di Indonesia. Saya telah mengambil penjurusan Supply Chain . Dalam beberapa kesempatan, saya juga mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan teknik logistik yang diselenggarakan pihak Universitas Binus bersama beberapa pabrikan

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