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Industry & Job Overview
abr 12º 2023

Apa itu Funding Officer? Tugas, Gaji, Syarat [+Contoh CV]

officer yaitu mencari nasabah dan mengumpulkan dana dari nasabah. Pekerjaan funding officer ini bisa dilakukan secara individu maupun kelompok sesuai dengan kebijakan tiap perusahaan. Selain itu, funding officer atau FO juga bertanggung jawab untuk melaporkan manajemen keuangan dan mengelola sistem administrasi yang berkaitan dengan pengeluaran dan pemasukan. 📚 Baca juga: Apa itu Chief Financial Officer (CFO) dan Bedanya dengan CEO, COO, CMO? [+Tugas, Contoh, Kualifikasi] Apa Tugas Seorang Funding Officer? Untuk kamu calon pelamar funding officer atau FO, tentu kamu
Industry & Job Overview
dic 19º 2022

Payroll Staff Adalah: Pengertian, Tugas, Skill, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

Payroll staff vs HR Disaat bisnis semakin besar, maka semakin banyak karyawan yang akan dipekerjakan. Pembagian gaji karyawan pun menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan seperti membuat laporan penggajian. Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan sosok payroll staff untuk membantu hal penggajian karyawan dan juga menyusun strategi seperti kenaikan gaji atau bonus karyawan. Namun, apa saja tugas payroll staff dan skill yang dibutuhkan? Apakah menjadi staff payroll ada prospek kedepannya? Yuk, simak artikel berikut ini! Daftar Isi: Pengertian Payroll Staff Tugas dan Tanggung
Industry & Job Overview
mar 25º 2022

Mau Jadi Personal Assistant? Tugas, Gaji, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

Rp 4.700.000 - Rp 7.000.000 Kualifikasi Personal Assistant 📝 Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan dan cara menjadi asisten pribadi: Miliki ijazah SMA atau sederajat. Biasanya ini menjadi persyaratan umum untuk menjadi asisten pribadi. Pertimbangkan untuk mengambil gelar Sarjana Bisnis Administrasi atau bidang terkait lainnya agar kamu menjadi lebih unggul dari pelamar lainnya. Asah soft skill dan hard skill yang dapat mendukung karir kamu sebagai asisten pribadi seperti perencanaan anggaran, manajemen kantor, komunikasi, dll. Mulailah bekerja dalam bidang administrasi untuk
Resume & CV
mar 3º 2021

Office Manager Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

the office manager’s duties, and the differences between an office manager, an administrative assistant, and an operations manager. Generally, the responsibility hierarchy of these three positions from high to low is: an operations manager, an office manager, and an administrative assistant. An operations manager focuses on the long-term goals and directions of the whole company, while an office manager (sometimes called administrative manager) is responsible for all things related to “office”. He/ She has to ensure the office
Cover Letter
nov 24º 2021

5 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Sekretaris [+ Bahasa Inggris]

manajer. Untuk menjadi seorang sekretaris ditubuhkan ketelitian, dapat bekerja multitasking, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan pengaturan waktu yang baik. 🙋 Apa tugas seorang sekretaris? Mengatur waktu rapat dan mencatat hasil rapat Berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dengan berbagai pihak Mengurus dan merapikan dokumen administratif Mengatur kesediaan peralatan kantor Mengatur aktivitas perusahaan mulai dari administrasi hingga human relations Apa kamu tertarik menjadi seorang sekretaris? Apa kamu merupakan lulusan dari jurusan sekretaris atau administrasi? Bukan dari jurusan Administrasi tapi ingin jadi seorang sekretaris? Artikel kali
Resume & CV
ene 18º 2022

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Resume Models & Formats [+ Examples]

cover all you need to know when writing a CV or resume model. Table of Contents: 5 Key Things to Include in a Resume Model Professional CV/Resume Models Tips on Making the Best Resume Models [10 Jobs] Latest Resume/CV Model (English) 5 Key Things to Include in a Resume Model When elaborating a resume model, there are some important things to include. Here are the 5 sections a resume or CV model must display: Resume Header Resume Summary
Resume & CV
mar 11º 2022

Federal Resume Guide with Examples

of what the hiring agency wants. In your federal resume, make sure to have these keywords included to raise your chances of moving to the next stage of the hiring process. 💡 Note: Don't confuse a resume with a cv for a government job, as a resume is oftentimes made specifically for the position and considerably shorter. 🖋 Include numbers in achievements mentioned on your government job resume. Upgrade your government job resume by illustrating your achievements with numbers
Resume & CV
ene 21º 2022

Psychologist Resume Sample (+ Writing Tips)

Instead of spending several days mulling over the best course to take in creating the resume, here is a step-by-step guide to help you write a perfect psychologist resume. Step 1: Is it a psychologist resume or psychologist CV? Psychologist Resume 1-2 pages brief document. Summarizes education, skills, experience, achievements. Tailored to a given job. Has few sections. Psychologist CV Comprehensive details on education, experience, skills, achievements, and hobbies. Many pages. General, not tailored to an individual
Resume & CV
ago 18º 2021

Successful Veterinary Assistant Resume Examples & Templates

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a veterinary assistant resume? What makes a good veterinary assistant resume objective? How to write a professional resume summary for a vet assistant job? What are some great vet assistant skills to put on a resume? How to make a veterinary assistant resume with no experience? Veterinary Assistant Resume Sample (Text Format) Veterinary assistants play a crucial role in our beloved animals and pets. Their duties involve communication with colleagues and
Resume & CV
mar 11º 2022

Charge Nurse Resume Examples and Guide

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to write a professional charge nurse resume? What is the best format for a charge nurse resume? How to create a charge nurse resume template? Top 10 charge nurse resume dos and don'ts Charge nurse resume sample As a charge nurse, you will be responsible for managing a specific department of the healthcare facility on top of caring for your patients. You need to be a registered nurse

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