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Nov 23rd 2020

專訪 CakeResume Consultant Team - Gareth| 置身在軟體工程師的環境做軟體招募,這種融入日常的力道是非常不一樣的。

產業的市場敏鋭度、找到對的搜尋脈絡、努力的方向都會影響到你的溝通和媒合成效。 「以我接手 iOS Developer 為例,我會實際下載 Xcode 看看工具箱,找一些 Swift 線上課程去了解 iOS 開發者的常用工具、框架和開發
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2021

Professional Resume Profile Writing Guideline [+25 Resume Profile Examples]

of providing autistic children with special care and education. Supported their emotional and social development by encouraging their understanding and positive self-concepts. Consistently committed to the capability of redirecting unproductive behavior with active listening, compassion, and patience." 5. Software Developer While writing a profile summary for the software developer position, keep in mind to mention the programming languages and skills relevant to the job. Stuffing too much information can lead employers to assume that your knowledge is too broad
Student Guide
Mar 6th 2024

11 Jurusan Menjanjikan yang Banyak Peluang Kerjanya!

sangat cepat di berbagai sektor perusahaan, didukung dengan semakin canggihnya teknologi membuat setiap perusahaan harus melakukan transformasi digital . Oleh karena itu, sarjana IT akan paling banyak dicari di masa mendatang. Berbagai pekerjaan untuk sarjana jurusan ilmu komputer, adalah: Game designer / developer Web designer / developer Application developer Application analyst Cybersecurity analyst Software engineer Konsultan IT 3. Jurusan Sistem Informasi Sistem informasi merupakan salah satu jurusan yang mempelajari cara merancang sistem untuk kepentingan bisnis perusahaan. Jurusan ini biasanya akan memberikan bekal ilmu
Personal Branding
Apr 8th 2019

Introduce Yourself with a Single Webpage

Directly Link Your Professional Work While any professional can benefit from an online resume webpage, it is especially suited for creative types such as designers or graphic artists, as well as those who work in the tech industry, such as developers. Because most of the work by these professionals can be displayed and linked online, having a personal resume website is a great way to have all of one's professional work aggregated in one place. One Click Sharing Having
Resume & CV
Mar 9th 2022

How to Write a Machine Learning Engineer Resume (+ Example)

organized section labels. 💡 Refer to online machine learning engineer resume templates. Examples allow you to learn from the good and the bad, which is also very beneficial when designing your machine learning engineer resume. 💡 Tailor your machine learning developer resume and include keywords . As an ML engineer writes algorithms based on the data given for a specific task, you will want to design your machine learning engineer resume based on the job description of a particular engineer position
Resume & CV
Apr 21st 2023

Tạo CV công nghệ thông tin với 8 bước dễ dàng (kèm mẫu CV IT)

Họ và tên Số điện thoại Địa chỉ email LinkedIn hoặc website cá nhân (nên có) Địa chỉ thường trú (có thể chỉ cần ghi tên đường và Thành phố) Ví dụ "Thông tin cá nhân" trong CV full-stack developer: Henry Le | Full-stack developer với 3 năm kinh nghiệm 12/09/1990 Hanoi, Vietnam linked.com/henryle1990 Bước 2: Đặt tiêu đề CV công nghệ thông tin Tiêu đề CV cần ngắn gọn, thường chỉ là dạng cụm
Cover Letter
Apr 24th 2023

A Step-by-Step Guide to IT Cover Letters [with Examples and Tips]

end Engineer 4568 Court Street Saint Louis, MO 63146 636-679-7425 August 7, 2023 Lucas Harper Hiring Manager Darvo Systems 3365 Shobe Lane Denver, CO 80221 Dear Mr. Harper, I am writing to express my interest in the OS Developer position at Darvo Systems. As an experienced professional in the IT industry for over 10 years, I wish to leverage my background in software development to pursue my personal and professional goals. I believe that my skills and qualifications
May 9th 2023

9 Contoh Portofolio yang Menarik untuk Melamar Kerja

kesempatan baru. Pekerjaan Apa yang Membutuhkan Portofolio? Di zaman sekarang, setiap profesi boleh mempertimbangkan untuk membuat portofolio ketika melamar kerja. Namun memang portofolio untuk lamaran kerja online ini lebih sering ditemukan di profesi berikut: Designer (Graphic, Fashion, Product, dll.) Software Developer Website Developer Content Writer/Copywriter Videografer/Fotografer Video Editor Digital Marketing Content Creator Dan lainnya Apa Perbedaan CV dan Portofolio? CV Portofolio Isi Informasi diri Koleksi karya/pencapaian Tujuan Menginformasikan Menunjukkan Sifat Umum Spesifik Secara singkat, CV berisi informasi
Interview Skills
Mar 10th 2023

22 Contoh Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Diri untuk Jawaban Interview Kerja

ada software baru yang dirilis, saya akan terdorong untuk mencoba dan menguji software baru tersebut. Saya suka mempelajari setiap aspek dari sebuah software baru. Contohnya, minggu lalu saya menemukan masalah software pada salah satu video game saya. Saya menghubungi tim developer perusahaan game tersebut dan melaporkan bug kepada mereka. Posisi ini akan memberi saya kesempatan untuk membantu mengembangkan program-program yang lebih baik untuk perusahaan Anda." 3. Senang Mempelajari Hal-hal Baru Salah satu kelebihan diri yang perlu dimiliki pelamar
May 10th 2023

Portfolio web designer: Hướng dẫn chi tiết kèm mẫu

Phân biệt CV và portfolio Mục lục: 10 mẫu portfolio web designer “đỉnh kout" Các bước tạo portfolio cho web designer 5 website thiết kế portfolio cho web designer tốt Với công việc web designer hiện nay, hầu hết các đối tác, khách hàng và nhà tuyển dụng đều yêu cầu ứng viên nộp kèm portfolio cá nhân để họ có thể đánh giá chuyên môn và kỹ năng một cách chuẩn xác. Việc sở hữu một portfolio xin việc

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