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Success Stories
août 2ème 2019

那些科技新創教我的事 II「 成長最快的方式,就是直接動手做產品 」- 鄭翔元 (Velodash 工程師)

的時候,篩選到最後剩兩家在抉擇,有一個關鍵因素讓我選擇了 Velodash 而非另一家公司,因為可以使用FlutterFlutter 是能夠跨平台開發的套件,不像以往在 iOS 和 Android 系統下,要用各自的程式語言開發,現在透過Flutter
Job Search Tips
janv. 19ème 2023

從前端到後端,工程師找工作 16 大社群不藏私整理給你!

譯程式語言 Golang ,分享許多相關的技術、文件資訊,而且以社團規模來說,徵才求職的貼文比例滿高。 10. Flutter Flutter Taipei 以舉辦 Flutter 相關的技術活動為主的社團。會不定期舉行技術分享、工作坊等等。 11. ASP.NET 台灣 .NET
Resume & CV
mars 6ème 2024


重點 在履歷開頭清楚列舉關鍵技能與精通程度,例如程式語言(如 Swift、Objective-C、Java、Kotlin…等)、開發框架(如 React Native、Flutter… 等)、開發中使用的工具和平台(如 Xcode、Android Studio…等) 附上參與開發的應用程式連結或截圖等,讓主管更快
Industry & Job Overview
mars 6ème 2024

Fintech 金融科技新趨勢:Fintech 產業、應用及工作一次看!

師 Fugle 富果帳戶(Fintech) 1,100,000 ~ 1,400,000 TWD / 年 1. 熟悉 iOS/Android 原⽣開發(任⼀)並且有能⼒維護既有程式碼 2. 有 Flutter App 開發相  關經驗,或是渴望學習精進 Flutter App 開發技能 3. 熟悉 Git 版本控制及 Git Flow 開發流程 4. 熟悉
Resume & CV
févr. 15ème 2022

Bartender Resume w/ Examples

PDF file. ✅ Tip 2. Refer to online resume templates and examples. Many who are clueless about how to build a resume, in general, can always refer to online bartender resume templates . After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ✅ Tip 3. Tailor your resume for a bartender position and adopt keywords. To quickly capture a restaurant manager’s attention, it is best to utilize keywords on your bartender resume. Make sure to keep it concise and short
Interview Skills
juin 20ème 2020

How to Write a Professional Thank You Email After an Interview? 6 Essential Guides

First. Be careful not to be over ingratiating when you write the thank you letter after job interview. The key point of the email is to “express your gratitude and stress why you fit the position”, rather than trying to flatter or “beg” for the job. Too low a gesture would make the interviewer feel too uncomfortable to read the email. 3. What to Say in a Thank You Email After an Interview? Mention Gratitude First in the Thank You
Recruitment & HR
mars 6ème 2024

A Survival Guide on How to Navigate Office Politics

with “social climbers”, who may be cultivating relationships and connections with colleagues who hold significance in the political landscape of the workplace. 5. Offering Excessive Praise Compliments are great, but excessive praise is troublesome. That’s the life of the “flatterer”, the one who compliments superiors excessively to gain favor. Like when a subordinate constantly congratulates your boss on their cool socks. Weird example, but wouldn’t you feel happy to know someone likes your socks day in and day
Resume & CV
avr. 8ème 2019

Resume That Will Land You a Programming Job

a fresh graduate with no mentionable experience, you should read How to Write a Resume When You’re Just Out of College ! Include Relevant Information Only One of the most common observations by hiring managers is that entry-level developers clutter their resume with unnecessary or unrelated facts. If you are an entry-level developer having trouble filling a one page resume because of not enough experience, it is still better to focus on job-relevant experiences. List one or
Resume & CV
avr. 8ème 2019

9 Resume Mistakes People Think Cost Them the Job

10 20%? You want to be as specific as possible to showcase your measurable results. So, instead of saying “I increased the sales,” you could say, “I increase the sales by more than 44% in one year.” #4 Avoid the clutter Let’s say this article was a big blog of text with no subheadings, no paragraphs, and no organization, would you want to read it? Probably not. Since hiring managers will only glance at your resume for a few
Resume & CV
mars 15ème 2024

Guidelines for Setting the Right Resume Margins in 2024

1 inch range. This space prevents your content from feeling cramped and enhances overall readability. Left and Right Margins : Aim for 0.5 to 1 inch on both sides. These margins create a well-organized layout, framing your content without cluttering the document. Why Proper Margins Matter? 1. Readability and Aesthetics Imagine receiving a stack of resumes with cramped text or overly spacious margins. The former may induce eye strain, while the latter could give the impression of a lack

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