Career Planning
3月 6日 2024

Machine Learning là gì? Cơ hội việc làm Machine Learning ra sao?

Học Machine Learning ra làm gì? Mục lục: Machine Learning là gì? Học Machine Learning cần gì? Học Machine Learning ra làm gì? Machine Learning là gì mà đang trở thành một khía cạnh được bàn luận rất nhiều trong cuộc cách mạng số hóa. Những ứng dụng của Machine Learning là một phần không thể thiếu của trí tuệ nhân tạo - AI nói riêng và khoa học dữ liệu nói chung, đây cũng là một lĩnh vực đầy tiềm
Career Development
1月 3日 2023

Apa itu Machine Learning? Pengertian dan Contohnya!

pembelajaran mesin bisa beroperasi secara otomatis layaknya manusia bekerja. Canggih, kan? Teknologi machine learning ini kamu bisa temui di sekitarmu, lho. Contoh machine learning sederhana seperti Netflix recommendation , media sosial, dan lain-lain. Mau tahu lebih mendalam tentang teknologi machine learning seperti apa? Yuk, simak ulasan berikut ini. Daftar Isi: Apa Pengertian Machine Learning? Mengapa Machine Learning Penting dalam Kehidupan Saat Ini? Apa Metode yang Digunakan Machine Learning? Apa saja Contoh Implementasi Machine Learning? Apa itu Machine Learning ? Machine learning
Resume & CV
3月 9日 2022

How to Write a Machine Learning Engineer Resume (+ Example)

How to write a great machine learning engineer resume? What is a good machine learning resume objective? How to write a professional machine learning engineer summary? What are key skills for a machine learning engineer resume? How to write a machine learning resume with no experience? Machine learning engineer resume sample As our world becomes more advanced with the development of technology and data, machine learning engineer jobs become a hot commodity. As a machine learning engineer, you will be
Resume & CV
3月 3日 2020

5 Tips to Build a Strong Machine Learning Resume

conducted by Analytics India Magazine reveals that there are more than 78,000 job vacancies in the Machine Learning and Data Science fields in India. Further Reading: 5 Useful Resume Tips to Help You Get a Foreign Job from India Machine Learning and AI were heavily discussed at the recent Davos 2020. One message rang clear at the forum— AI, machine learning, deep learning, and data science specialists have increased exponentially in recent years. Machine learning has been radically changing
Career Planning
3月 3日 2020

For Freshers: Top 10 Most in Demand Jobs in 2020

Data science and machine learning often go hand in hand in taking the world by storm, and has woven into every aspect of our lives, from the facial recognition software on your iPhone to your homie Alexa. Not only do machine learning engineers keep all sorts of nerve-wracking problems at bay but also brighten our lives by alleviating our inconveniences. Every industry needs machine learning engineers. According to LinkedIn’s 2019 report, job openings for machine learning have grown
Industry & Job Overview
4月 24日 2024

什麼是機器學習?解析機器學習 4 大模型、常見產業應用和職缺

隨著人工智慧(AI)產業在近年迅速發展,機器學習(Machine Learning,又稱 ML)在產業中的多種應用方式得了極大的關注。本文將介紹什麼是機器學習、4 大機器學習演算法介紹、常見產業應用以及機器學習工程
Job Search Tips
8月 31日 2020

LinkedIn 公布 2020 最夯工作:AI /機器學習免費資源、最新職缺都在這!

在近 10 年中,AI (Artificial Intelligence,人工智慧)、機器學習(Machine Learning,ML)和深度學習(Deep Learning, DL)被大量應用在各個產業中,像是工業 4.0、物聯網、自駕車等等,也因此有許多新興職缺產生。 而根據 LinkedIn 在去年底發佈的 2020 工作趨勢
Success Stories
10月 29日 2020

人工智慧浪潮再起!AI 新創 MoBagel 如何闖出一片天

人工智慧第三波浪潮來襲 - 一窺 AI 的全球發展現況 「AI」(Artificial Intelligence,人工智慧)、「ML」(Machine Learning,機器學習),相信大家都對這兩個詞彙不陌生,尤其在近 10 年 AI、ML 被積極地應用於各大產業及領域上,如工業 4.0、交通、能
Industry & Job Overview
3月 6日 2024

Data Engineer: Profesi IT dengan Prospek Karir Menjanjikan

Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, dunia teknologi berkembang dengan begitu pesat. Hal ini mengakibatkan permintaan untuk tenaga ahli profesi-profesi dalam bidang IT meningkat tajam. Pekerjaan seperti data engineer, software engineer, full-stack developer, dan machine learning engineer pun diiming-imingi imbalan yang besar. Di Indonesia sendiri, tenaga ahli IT terkait data banyak diincar oleh startup . Hal ini karena startup memproduksi ribuan bahkan ratusan ribu data point pelanggan setiap harinya. Data-data ini dapat diolah menjadi informasi yang berguna untuk pengambilan
Success Stories
7月 17日 2019


Vpon威朋大數據是一間數據技術公司,以優質的數據分析技術提供客戶在行銷、廣告投放為主要商業模式,運用的技術包含: 機器學習 (Machine Learning)、人工智慧(Artificial Inteligence)和海量數據 (Big Data) 等等。Vpon威朋是一家「亞洲級

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