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Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

9 Best Job Searching Websites for Finding Jobs in Malaysia | 2024

and job search platform designed to facilitate job seekers on their job search journey in the most encompassing way. With a library of more than 15 ATS-friendly resume templates and 50+ resume snippets, CakeResume allows you to create a professional resume with ease. The solution offers a clean and intuitive interface; you can simply drag and drop any elements, creating your resumes in just a few clicks. You can either download your resume in PDF files for free at
Cover Letter
May 18th 2023

How To Write A Cover Letter For Beginners (+ 6 Cover Letter Examples)

parts: contact information, greeting, hook, body, closing. Let’s dig into each of them! Contact Information In this part, you should include your full name, email address, mobile number, and address (not necessary). You can also add links of your professional personal websites like LinkedIn , CakeResume , Medium , if you have been building personal brand on them. 📖 Further reading: Why Every Professional Should Have A Personal Website Greeting To make a great first impression on the hiring manager, it's
Resume & CV
Mar 3rd 2021

Real Estate Agent Resume: Templates, Example, Writing Tips

resume that will catch the recruiter’s eyes in no time. Here’s what a real estate agent resume should include: 1. Resume Profile (Personal Information) In the top area of the resume, provide your basic information, including full name, professional title, and contact information. Remember never to put your current salary, national insurance number, and sexual orientation on the real estate agent resume. 2. Resume Headline To make your real estate agent resume look professional, use a powerful resume
Resume & CV
Dec 29th 2021

100 Key Core Competencies Examples to Put on Your Resume [w/ Definitions]

skills on a resume: Negotiation skills Active listening Phone skills Public speaking Accepting feedback 2. Teamwork Teamwork skills are the ability to interact and cooperate effectively within a group, team, or organization. Nowadays, most tasks require collaboration so employers value professionals with strong teamwork skills. Examples of teamwork on a resume: Tolerance Respectfulness Communication Task delegation Networking 3. Management skills Management skills cover a wide range of areas, including: planning, supervision, evaluation, budget control, etc. They are important attributes that
Resume & CV
Mar 23rd 2022

How to Add Extracurricular Activities in Your CV

or fraternity can be a great addition to a CV. Being in a sorority or fraternity allows you to network with a lot of people. 💭 Here are 5 skills that can be shown through sorority or fraternity experiences: Communication Networking Leadership skills Recruitment Responsibility Tutoring Tutoring is a popular extracurricular activity to add to a CV. Many students become tutors to earn extra allowance. Sometimes being a tutor also allows you to become a teacher eventually. 💭 Here are
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Success Secrets 101: A Guide to Career Development for Students

jobs, and volunteer work , these experiences demonstrate a clear and continued interest in a specific field. Work experience is also a great indicator to employers of your ability to perform well in real-world work environments, as well as your professional development during the internship. Looking for positions specializing in marketing to engineering? CakeResume’s job portal is the best place to find opportunities for students from up-and-coming startups and established companies. There’s even the annual CakeResume
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

A Survival Guide on How to Navigate Office Politics

possible, but if you’re doing it to curry favor from the bossman and gain a fan club of coworkers, you may start getting some sneaky side-eye and blatant death glares from colleagues. Just a heads up. 4. Building Professional Networks There’s no doubt that building up a professional network is a great way to get ahead, and you don’t need to be a networking expert to do it. However, take care to look for negative signs
Career Development
Jul 12th 2022

9 Manfaat Networking Dalam Karier dan Cara Membangunnya!

dengan jaringan profesional yang kuat akan memiliki keuntungan/kesempatan yang lebih tinggi dalam dunia kariernya. Jika kamu masih bertanya-tanya, “ apa yang dimaksud dengan networking? ” dan khawatir kalau kamu tidak memiliki skill networking yang kuat, jangan putus asa! Daftar Isi: Networking Artinya Apa? Manfaat Networking Tips Memperluas Relasi/Network CakeResume Meet Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Networking? Apa itu Networking? Networking adalah adalah aktivitas membangun relasi profesional jangka panjang yang menguntungkan kedua pihak dalam dunia kerja/bisnis. Contoh networking dalam bisnis
News & Updates
Apr 8th 2024

Fitur Terbaru CakeResume Meet Membantu Networking Jadi Lebih Mudah!

Sebagai job seeker , mendapatkan pekerjaan rasanya semakin sulit akhir-akhir ini, dan sebagai rekruter, mendapatkan kandidat yang tepat juga terasa sukar. Tapi, tahukah kamu apa sebenarnya yang melatarbelakangi masalah ini? Percaya atau tidak, sebesar 70% lowongan kerja tidak pernah ditayangkan ke mata publik tetapi dikomunikasikan dari mulut ke mulut ( CNBC ), dan sebagian besar pencari kerja mendapatkan pekerjaan dari network profesional mereka ( LinkedIn ). Berdasarkan fakta ini, sudah jelas bahwa pencari kerja dan rekruter perlu mengandalkan networking untuk mencari kerja dan merekrut
Job Search Tips
Dec 13th 2022

9 Cara Cepat Mendapatkan Pekerjaan yang Wajib Diketahui!

Hidup di zaman millennial ini membuat standar hidup setiap orang menjadi lebih tinggi. Sukses sejak usia belia, bekerja di perusahaan besar dan ternama, serta mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diinginkan sepertinya menjadi impian bagi semua orang, mulai dari mahasiswa yang baru lulus, hingga orang-orang yang sudah menginjak umur produktif bekerja. Saat ini memiliki CV lamaran kerja yang disukai HRD menjadi salah satu faktor penting sebuah perusahaan tertarik padamu. Tapi, mengingat sulitnya mencari pekerjaan di saat ini, kamu pasti ingin tahu hal

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