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nov. 23ème 2022

Seeking Jobs You Can Do from Home? Here’s All You Need to Know!

For experienced levels, you must have excellent communication skills, proven work records as a successful customer service representative, and knowledge of CRM systems and practices. Where to find customer service positions : Online hiring platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, Upwork, etc. 2. Software Developer Job duties : The job responsibilities of software developers include but are not limited to a wide range of tasks such as designing, implementing, and managing software programs. They are also in charge of identifying possible areas in existing
Resume & CV
févr. 11ème 2022

100+ Must-have IT Skills on Your Resume (with Examples)

required for an IT job resume. The employer looks for different IT skill sets for different roles on the resume. Therefore, knowing what IT skills are expected in the position you’re applying for before you put them on your resume is important. Here are a list of common jobs that require IT skills: Data Analyst Computer Sales Support Worker Database Administrator Cloud Computing Engineer Computer Network Specialist Information Technology Analyst Information Security Analyst Software and Application Developer Hardware Technician
Resume & CV
juil. 31ème 2022

3 Contoh CV Teknik Informatika Profesional dan Cara Membuatnya!

teknik informatika yang baik? Hal apa saja yang perlu dicantumkan sehingga dapat menarik para perekrut perusahaan untuk membaca? Mari kita membahasnya secara tuntas. Contoh CV Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika - Dibuat di CakeResume 📚 Baca juga: 5 Contoh CV Programmer Terbaik! [Web Developer, Software Engineer, Dll.] Cara Membuat CV Teknik Informatika 1. Gunakan Format CV Lamaran Kerja Teknik Informatika yang tepat Pada dasarnya, ada 3 contoh format CV yang digunakan para pelamar kerja. Namun, untuk contoh CV jurusan teknik informatika, akan lebih
mars 23ème 2023

5 Contoh Portofolio Programmer Menarik untuk Inspirasi Kamu!

Daftar isi: Apa itu Portofolio Programmer? Isi Portofolio Programmer Cara Membuat Portofolio Programmer Contoh Portofolio Programmer Jika kamu ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan impian kamu sebagai web developer, software engineer, atau junior developer, membuat CV programmer saja tidak cukup, apalagi jika kamu ingin melamar ke perusahaan teknologi yang terbaik. Jika kamu ingin terlihat lebih unggul dari pelamar kerja lainnya, maka kamu perlu membuat portofolio programmer yang baik dan menarik. Nah, membuat portofolio programmer pun ada beberapa cara yang berbeda. Di artikel CakeResume
Career Planning
mars 3ème 2020

For Freshers: Top 10 Most in Demand Jobs in 2020

alone, there are over 78,000 job vacancies in the machine learning and data science fields. Skills such as data mining, artificial intelligence, and python are needed for this post. Further reading : 5 Tips to Build a Strong Machine Learning Resume 3. Full-stack developer The 21st-century human does everything online, therefore well-functioning websites have become basic necessities. That being said, full-stack developers have the crucial roles in developing both the front-end and the back-end
Resume & CV
sept. 7ème 2021

Entry-Level IT Resume Examples: Complete Writing Guide

educational qualifications and background. Step 9: Add an extra section to highlight achievements. Step 10: Craft a convincing entry-level IT cover letter for your resume. Entry Level IT Resume Sample Information technology is the field of computer systems, including software and hardware operation or data management. An entry-level IT job is not a specific position but a category of IT jobs. For instance, entry-level IT jobs include web developer, help desk technician, computer system administrator, and database
Job Search Tips
avr. 13ème 2020

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

IT and development jobs are among the most desirable careers in 2020. As a developer with a few years of experience, it's easy to find many suitable roles and choose the one that best meets your career path and lifestyle. Although jobs are abundant, it's still important to avoid these critical mistakes when you're applying for a new role. Having a Good Resume When applying for a job in IT, like any other job, a strong resume
Resume & CV
mai 3ème 2021

Computer Science: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

or “CS graduate from XXX University” as your title, and look for projects or awards to count as a top achievement. As for core skills, highlight your field of expertise. Computer science is a wide field; are you skilled in software, web, network or data? Which programming languages are you proficient in? You can also add some relevant soft skills such as analytical thinking, flexibility and teamwork skills. Remember to tailor your resume objective for each different position. Your core
Career Planning
août 18ème 2020

Work Abroad in Singapore: First Step to Start Your Career at the Ideal Destination!

According to surveys, over 60% of Taiwanese young professionals are thrust to work oversea. In fact, working abroad seems to be a common dream among millennial throughout the world, what are their reasons? “I would like to broaden my horizons by living and working in different countries!” - Mary (23 y.o., fresh graduate) “Salaries in Taiwan are below average in the industry, when can I buy my own house with this pay” - Michael (26 y.o., front-end developer) “ It
mars 31ème 2022

20 Great UI Designer Portfolios Examples [+ Pro Tips]

In this article, you will read about: 20 Best UI Designer Portfolio Examples Tips for Creating a UI Designer Portfolio Having a well-curated UI designer portfolio is not only about selecting the perfect projects and how you display them. A UI portfolio functions similarly to a traditional resume. But, instead of only having your information presented in words, you also get to showcase your skills and past projects in an aesthetically-pleasing way. Whether you are a self-employed

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