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Mar 16th 2024

Mengenal Analisis Beban Kerja, Metode untuk Tingkatkan Performa Karyawan

bagian perencanaan SDM. Daftar isi: Pengertian Analisis Beban Kerja Manfaat Analisis Beban Kerja Metode Analisis Beban Kerja Cara Menghitung Beban Kerja Tips Menerapkan Analisis Beban Kerja Apa itu Analisis Beban Kerja Dalam dunia kerja, Analisis Beban Kerja disebut juga sebagai Workload Analysis (WLA). WLA adalah metode yang dipakai perusahaan untuk mengukur porsi beban kerja masing-masing karyawannya. Tentunya, metode ini tidak hanya asal hitung melainkan dilakukan secara terstruktur. Ada beberapa faktor yang digunakan perusahaan sebagai tolok ukur, salah satunya adalah
Resume & CV
Oct 4th 2021

100+ Key Hard Skills to Put on Resume [+ Listing Tips for Maximum Impact]

is easier to identify soft skills than hard skills. Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work, including: How you get along with colleagues How you see and resolve a problem How you manage your time, workload, etc. Soft skills don’t fit in a certain job but help us succeed in a wide range of jobs from different industries as well as work environments and day-to-day social interactions. As soft skills may pertain
Resume & CV
Apr 18th 2023

10 Leadership Skills: Definition & Examples for Your Resume

explicit directions, and performing unequivocal presentations. Persuasion Constructive criticism Provide goals Articulating and expression Public speaking 7. Problem-Solving A leader needs to discover a solution when a company is met with obstacles or problems. Whether by outsourcing or inner analysis, the leader needs to locate the reason, remove the problem, and prevent it from happening again; these leadership skills will help the company weather the storm. Troubleshooting Resolving problems Data finding Outsourcing Problem Analysis 8. Trustworthiness A dependable leader

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