Personal Branding - Why and How?

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room” — Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon

Personal Branding is to market one-self and his or her career. It is all about holding or building up a prescribed image of oneself through promotion and publicity. In today’s digital world, it is even easier since you can do a lot of marketing online.

Why do you need to build a personal brand?

In order to establish yourself in today’s competitive world, you need attain a stature through packaging and strategizing. This will help you to get more clients and become more popular. People have a tendency to go by the brands these days. So, it is necessary for a person to build up a brand.

In order to build a strong personal branding, you need to follow the tips mentioned below:

  • Build Your Own Platform: You must have your own website. It should be in your own name and contain all the relevant information about you. You should also have social media accounts and maximum number of followers over there.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identify the areas which are your strength and those which are your weaknesses. When you know what you can and what you can’t, you can find the way out of a critical situation using your strengths.
  • Find your own space: You should find the space where you are comfortable in and work on those areas.
  • Let people know what you know: One important aspect of personal branding is to share your knowledge. You should share your knowledge and expertise with people so that they come to know how knowledgeable you are. Share your knowledge through videos, conference, seminars and blogs. Writing blogs is an effective method of gaining followers and popularity today. You can also publish your own book if possible.
  • Be You: In order to build up your brand, you need to be yourself. Instead of copying other personalities or brands, you need to bring about the real you. One should be aware of his or her USPs and try to highlight them in every sphere. The uniqueness and innovation that one can afford is of a great value in the building of the personal brand.
  • Set your goals: You need to know where you want to go. You should set your target so that you can work according to it.

Further Reading: Don’t be an introvert. Flaunt about your achievements in a dignified manner. Having said that you need to be confident enough and an outspoken person, also keep in mind that over-analyzing your performance is also not good.Check out 7 personal branding tips for introverts.

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