集團總部 - CRM Assistant Manager

Lowongan diperbarui 21 hari yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

In charge of developing/implementing CRM acquisition/retention campaigns (Life cycle and segmentation) and marketing ad-hoc campaign.

【Strategy and Sales】

-Developing and managing Co-brand Card loyalty calendar/program to engage and acquire new members using various techniques and approaches

-Using CRM system design customer lifecycle recurring program to increase member sales and retain members with continually performance review

-Managing CRM platform and owned media including push message, SMS, EDM, Improving the open rate and click through rate

-Analyzing member behavior, purchasing cycle and campaigns performance through in-depth data analysis and evaluation.

-Perform data analyses and post activity evaluations to deliver customer insights and make recommendations by CRM system

-Perform timely & accurate KPI reporting on monthly basis

【Communication and Sharing】

-Working closely with cross-functional teams to ensure effective communication and coordination of CRM acquisition and retention program initiatives

-Work closely with data team to dig out the data insight for formulating program


Working with agencies and suppliers to ensure the successful delivery of CRM acquisition and retention program initiatives


-Responsibility for budgetary control on a monthly basis

-Responsibility for CRM SOP/guideline


  1. Bachelor/Master degree required from business/marketing related, MBA is preferred. 
  2. A minimum of 5 years relevant experience 
  3. Expertise in CRM fields, retailing, and banking or EC platform related experience is preferred. 
  4. Overall marketing experience with an expertise in CRM 
  5. Experience managing a budget 
  6. Ability to carry out CRM functions, ideally use of CRM platform and campaign management system, and great analytical skills 
  7. Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate at all levels of the organization and to complete objectives utilizing the commitment and cooperation of others. 
  8. Ability to work well with people at all levels. Capable of managing and maintaining good relationships both internally and externally. 
  9. Demonstrated ability to react quickly and adapt well to change, with the ability to influence others to adapt as well. 
  10. Self-motivated with the energy and ability to take initiative on relevant issues. 
  11. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills as well as formal presentation capabilities. 
  12. Strong English verbal and written skills.

Diperlukan pengalaman selama 5 tahun
Penghasilan reguler mencapai NT $ 40.000
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Logo of 怡和餐飲集團_必勝客Pizza Hut/肯德基KFC.

Tentang Kami

怡和餐飲集團為亞洲領先的餐飲集團之一,旗下經營品牌包括 KFC 肯德基、Pizza Hut 必勝客及 PHD,業務遍佈香港、澳門、緬甸、台灣及越南。怡和餐飲集團營運超過 940 家分店,旗下 25,000 多名員工擁抱多元共融,每天均以熱誠與顧客分享美食帶來的簡單喜悅。多年來,怡和餐飲集團不斷力求進步,致力推動人才、創新、協作及可持續發展。怡和餐飲集團為怡和集團成員之一。

詳情請瀏覽 www.jrg.com

  • 必勝客:必勝客為連鎖比薩領導品牌,提供美味多樣的餐點,賓至如歸的服務,以及創新的品牌經營,這些皆來自於我們對於顧客最佳用餐體驗的堅持。誠摯地邀請您加入必勝客大家庭,期待您能與我們一同成長、共創未來。
  • 肯德基:肯德基身為速食業炸雞的領導品牌,傳承桑德斯上校對炸雞的熱情和美味,堅持使用原塊雞肉及新鮮手作的製作流程,持續優化點餐體驗和提供顧客更好的餐飲品質與用餐環境,歡迎有熱忱的你一起加入!


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CakeResume Partner
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HR Assistant Manager, TA
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HR Manager


Level Menengah-Senior
Penghasilan reguler mencapai NT $ 40.000

Level Menengah-Senior
Penghasilan reguler mencapai NT $ 40.000

Level Pemula
30 rb ~ 32 rb TWD / bulan