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Logo of 騰勢股份有限公司.


Logo of 騰勢股份有限公司.
Logo of 騰勢股份有限公司.

Penjelasan perusahaan

TSA was established in 2013. We are committed to giving everyone around the world a better living experience.

At the beginning, we started the e-commerce brand "Fruit Pay" with the concept of "natural, non-toxic and pure products." Inheriting the concept of the first brand, we have further developed each product and daily necessities carefully through cooperation with professional doctors, nutritionists and veterinarians.

TSA has cultivated 4 brands in industries including dietary supplements, pet food, and lifestyle products. These four brands have been growing rapidly and steadily in recent years due to our insistence on developing good products.

Our business philosophy is "to pursue the material and spiritual happiness of all employees, and to contribute to the progress and development of mankind and society." We value the voice of each and every one of our partners, and encourage each and every one of them to continue to improve and grow:

In TSA, you can put forward opinions and improvement methods, and do them boldly.

In TSA, you can learn the latest online working collaboration tools.

In TSA, you can jointly bring the company to lofty goals.

In TSA, you can work and study with a group of excellent colleagues.

Business philosophy


To pursue the material and spiritual happiness of all employees, and to contribute to the progress and development of mankind and society.


1. Appreciation: Always be grateful to all people and things, and embrace altruism as much as you can to make the team better.

2. Integrity: To be ethical, sincere and positive as the basis of dealing with all things.

3. Humbleness: To face daily challenges with a straightforward and unassuming heart and a pragmatic and humble attitude.

4. Continuous Learning: To continue to improve you with a curious and open attitude. Ability can be grown through learning, but natural talent.

5. Embrace Change: Aim to be the first in the industry, step out of the comfort zone, and be brave enough to accept and adapt to changes in the team and market.

6. Teamwork: To have the sense of ownership and create the maximum benefit of the team from the perspective of sustainable management without self-interest.


Let everyone have a better living experience.


1. Complete IPO in Taiwan in 2023.

2. In 2030, support 10 partners to start up their own businesses, expand to 10 countries, and reach 10 billion in revenue.

3. Give 10 million people around the world a good life experience by 2030.

Barang atau Jasa
























Tunjangan karyawan


★ 薪情:起薪高於同職類,公司鼓勵學習與自我成長,年年依據績效調薪

★ 獎金:年終獎金 1 個月,另有分紅獎金及績效獎金,最高12個月等你來爭取

★ 休假:依法休假請好請滿

★ 福利:通過試用期後,每月5000元額度購買公司產品,照顧自己、家人、朋友、毛孩的健康

★ 設備:公司提供優質筆電,工作不卡頓

★ 成長:每月一次讀書會及外部講師內訓(曾邀請Whoscall創辦人、鮮乳坊創辦人、Popdaily創辦人...等業界大咖名人分享內訓)

★ 學習:電商成長速度快,年度外訓額度歡迎你提申請

★ 放鬆:每年員工旅遊,疫情後我們去過花蓮太魯閣晶英酒店、澎湖澎澄五星飯店等國內旅遊

★ 充電:618、雙11達標,可享受米其林餐廳or飯店,付出者收穫有結果就有獎勵!

★ 健康:員工定期全身健康檢查

★ 零食:有超大冰箱與零食櫃,快來加入我們,每月由你許願零食

★ 飲料:每週四下午點心日,公司補助飲料,適時補充糖分提升精神

★ 聚餐:每月慶生下午茶;年度尾牙聚餐、抽大獎是必須的


★ 氣氛和諧的電商團隊,團隊年輕!

★ 互相幫忙的團隊合作氛圍!

★ 同事很優秀,你會跟一群非常棒的團隊一起完成夢想!

★ 公司持續成長,每位夥伴都有自己的舞台發揮!

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【關於騰勢TSA】 騰勢目前經營四個電商品牌,四個品牌皆是由我們的使命為出發點所創立:讓每個人都有美好的生活體驗。我們經營的不僅僅是台灣品牌,國際化是騰勢的必經之路,願景是要讓全球1,000萬人,可以因為騰勢的服務及產品,擁有更好的生活。 【工作內容】 1.原物料供應商開發、詢價、議價。 2.供應商維護及管理。 3.負責產銷預估計畫,規劃生產排程。 4.管理委外代工廠生產、追蹤、進出貨之安排...
36 rb ~ 42 rb TWD / bulan
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【關於騰勢TSA】 騰勢目前經營四個電商品牌,四個品牌皆是由我們的使命為出發點所創立:讓每個人都有美好的生活體驗。我們經營的不僅僅是台灣品牌,國際化是騰勢的必經之路,願景是要讓全球1,000萬人,可以因為騰勢的服務及產品,擁有更好的生活。 【工作內容】 1.控管公司現金流,各產品報表製作。 2.營業稅申報、扣繳申報等稅務作業,具主辦會計及成本會計經驗。 3.營所稅申報會計師對應窗口,及查帳資...
43 rb ~ 55 rb TWD / bulan
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【關於騰勢TSA】 騰勢目前經營四個電商品牌,四個品牌皆是由我們的使命為出發點所創立:讓每個人都有美好的生活體驗。 我們經營的不僅僅是台灣品牌,國際化更是騰勢的必經之路,我們的願景是要讓全球1,000萬人,因為騰勢的服務及產品,擁有更好的生活。 【工作內容】 1.處理網路平台及實體通路訂單進出倉管理。 2.管理各倉商品之調撥、抽盤、定期盤點作業。 3.管理倉儲進出貨及物流,並負責倉儲系統各項...
35 rb ~ 45 rb TWD / bulan
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