CakeResume 找工作

Logo of 極思廣益股份有限公司 Doers&Dreamers.
“Curiosity creates Culture, Culture drives Commerce.” 8THNS is a premium online select shop and a lifestyle magazine for uniqueness-driven consumers across metro cities in Asia. We discover early-stage products, tell exciting stories, and extend possibilities. We are a group of passionate talents with marketing, design, and internet backgrounds. We use lean approaches and design thinking to solve problems, create value, and break the boundaries between commerce and contents. We love inspirational brands, passionate people, and the stories
雇主活跃于将近 4 年前
台北市 松山區
Logo of 永聯物流開發股份有限公司(ALP).
永聯物流開發(Ally Logistic Property, ALP)具備專業的地產知識,握有豐富的金融資源,擁有跳脫框架的人才團隊。透過佈局串聯全台灣的物流產業的「智慧化物流基礎設施」來實踐改變產業的理想。 從地產開發開始
雇主活跃于大约 2 个月前
Logo of 發發設計股份有限公司.
軌,希望把歐美的設計價值帶回台灣。透過整合前端市場研究(Market Research)、使用者研究(User Research)以及設計研究(Design Research);加上後續進行產品設計(Product Design)以及服務設計(Service Design / UIUX) 整合出一個Total Solution,在提出解決方案的概念
雇主活跃于大约 1 年前
Taiwan, 新北市土城區民生街9號
Logo of 無論台北有限公司.
我們是一家以世界為舞台的創意公司,於台灣、日本、美國及柏林設有據點。我們公司的服務內容包含 Uber Eats 等跨國企業的廣告企劃、吳青峰等台日知名藝人的MV製作等。如公司名稱 Whatever 所示,我們致力
雇主活跃于大约 1 个月前
Logo of Giftpack Inc..
Giftpack helps HR, Marketers, and Sales easily find perfectly matched gifts globally and the smart visual engine to build up gifting automation from design, manufacturing, global onboarding, employee recognition, client retention, and sales enablement that drives the efficiency and engagement of the businesses.
雇主活跃于 5 个月前
199 Water Street, New York, NY10038
Logo of 諾內創意設計股份有限公司.
workouts, movie nights, and zoom dates with family and friends. Hailing from careers in industrial design and technology—with clients like Apple and Google—our small team has reimagined what working from home looks like. We didn’t compromise form for function—we married them. Because we happen to believe working from home shouldn’t feel like work. Join the Beflo team We’re an international team who pride ourselves on crafting the future with our innovative design and technolo...
雇主活跃于 19 天前
Logo of 延思有限公司 Ceresus.
We are a data science-based marketing consultancy specializing in sales, marketing, customer experience management and brand analytics. We customize your data journey and translate all the data points into actionable insight with strong data science. Our two competitive strengths: “innovative strategic thinking”, and “machine learning modeling analytics. Our vision is to ACTIVATE the data-driven thinking and process. Ceresus believes that data-driven decision-making creates long-lasting business values for companies and their customers. Rooted in Asia, with
雇主活跃于将近 3 年前
Logo of uppeta 以沛有限公司.
designers, engineers, and data analysts, to offer corporates and brands a comprehensive range of marketing and communication solutions that go beyond what traditional advertising agencies can provide. Our services span from strategic digital marketing planning, data analysis, and graphic / motion design, to event operations and process optimization. We do not come up with solutions with merely our gut but utilize data-oriented strategic thinking to bring our tagline “Measurable Creativity” to life. Our clients are mainly corporates and brands, and
雇主活跃于大约 2 小时前
台北市松山區南京東路四段 1 號 7 樓之 1
Logo of Rytass Co., Ltd..
Discovering the discovered. 探索已知世界。 Rytass 是一間橫跨策略顧問到資訊科技的新型態團隊,為企業提供智能轉型、系統整合及品牌策略。我們採取開放多點協作模式,從核心目標出發,以更全面的視野協助客戶培養
雇主活跃于 5 天前
台北市中山北路二段 72 巷 21 號
Logo of
Buy Usa Verified Paypal Accounts Are you looking for a USA verified PayPal account ? Well, you have come to the right place! At Buy US Verified Paypal Accounts, we can provide you with high quality, reliable and affordable PayPal accounts that have been verified by a US based company. When you buy from us, you can be assured of receiving a top quality product that will help you conduct your business transactions smoothly and without any hassle. We understand the
雇主活跃于 10 个月前
Sycolin Road, Leesburg, VA, USA

CakeResume 找工作
