3 posts
Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

The future of Web 3 games: Play-to-Own (P2O)

What is Play-to-Own (P2O)?

Play-to-Own (P2O) focuses on sustainable economy. Unlike the Play-to-Earn (P2E) model where players, blinded by their transient earning mentality, focus merely on short-term benefits.

The P2O model cultivates players’ strong sense of belonging for both in-game assets and intellectual properties (IP) by lowering the gameplay threshold for new players and rewarding them continuously.

For players, there is no difference between early and late comers. Ability and skill are the factors that truly matter when it comes to yielding profits.

The traditional Play-to-Earn (P2E) model

The reason why the traditional P2E model fails to form a sustainable game economy lies in the fact that early participants are paid with the investments from later entrants. This is the part where the P2E model attracts the most criticism – early investors take it all; the late ones, mourn their loss.

The advantage of Play-to-Own (P2O) games

Play-to-Own (P2O) games don’t require high expenses in the initial stage like Play-to-Earn (P2E) games do. This advantage lowers the barrier and gives players free access to P2O games in a way that these rewards can then be reinvested back to the game in exchange for valuable in-game assets.

New players can also compete with high-level players by renting NFTs from the market without having to pour their money in the early stages of the game.

How to evaluate Web 3 games?

According to the co-founder of DeFianceCapital, ArthurOx, listed below are traits that make successful Web 3 games:

1. A healthy economy: limit opportunistic behavior, manage inflation accordingly

2. Intellectual Property (IP): allowing players to build games together

3. Game Democratization : represents community’s views, ensures that open source games are collectively censored by the community itself rather than a centralized authority

Karma Ksana, a company that pays equal attention to sustainable economy

Karma Ksana is centered on a decentralized community. Similar to the P2O model, Karma Ksana focuses on creating a sustainable game economy, significantly reducing the cost of entering games for its players.

The first game, Karma Genesis, sets its goal on modularizing in-game art, model and basic applications so that the value and profit of the game can be distributed more healthily. Gradually, with our internal resources, we will build Karma Space, a metaverse forum where people socialize and exchange information.

Karma Ksana’s purpose is “ to implement blockchain technology the right way.” We have the confidence to make long term contributions to blockchain development.

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana & Do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #blockchain #blockchaingame #BlockchainGaming #NFTs #NFT #NFTCommuinity #NFTGiveways #Crypto #cryptogames #cryptocurrency #DeFi #Gamefi #DAO #games #P2E #PlayToEarn #Web3Gaming #Web3 #gaming

Avatar of 吳宛倫.
Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
over 1 year

The future of Web 3 games: Play-to-Own (P2O)

What is Play-to-Own (P2O)?

Play-to-Own (P2O) focuses on sustainable economy. Unlike the Play-to-Earn (P2E) model where players, blinded by their transient earning mentality, focus merely on short-term benefits.

The P2O model cultivates players’ strong sense of belonging for both in-game assets and intellectual properties (IP) by lowering the gameplay threshold for new players and rewarding them continuously.

For players, there is no difference between early and late comers. Ability and skill are the factors that truly matter when it comes to yielding profits.

The traditional Play-to-Earn (P2E) model

The reason why the traditional P2E model fails to form a sustainable game economy lies in the fact that early participants are paid with the investments from later entrants. This is the part where the P2E model attracts the most criticism – early investors take it all; the late ones, mourn their loss.

The advantage of Play-to-Own (P2O) games

Play-to-Own (P2O) games don’t require high expenses in the initial stage like Play-to-Earn (P2E) games do. This advantage lowers the barrier and gives players free access to P2O games in a way that these rewards can then be reinvested back to the game in exchange for valuable in-game assets.

New players can also compete with high-level players by renting NFTs from the market without having to pour their money in the early stages of the game.

How to evaluate Web 3 games?

According to the co-founder of DeFianceCapital, ArthurOx, listed below are traits that make successful Web 3 games:

1. A healthy economy: limit opportunistic behavior, manage inflation accordingly

2. Intellectual Property (IP): allowing players to build games together

3. Game Democratization : represents community’s views, ensures that open source games are collectively censored by the community itself rather than a centralized authority

Karma Ksana, a company that pays equal attention to sustainable economy

Karma Ksana is centered on a decentralized community. Similar to the P2O model, Karma Ksana focuses on creating a sustainable game economy, significantly reducing the cost of entering games for its players.

The first game, Karma Genesis, sets its goal on modularizing in-game art, model and basic applications so that the value and profit of the game can be distributed more healthily. Gradually, with our internal resources, we will build Karma Space, a metaverse forum where people socialize and exchange information.

Karma Ksana’s purpose is “ to implement blockchain technology the right way.” We have the confidence to make long term contributions to blockchain development.

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana & Do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #blockchain #blockchaingame #BlockchainGaming #NFTs #NFT #NFTCommuinity #NFTGiveways #Crypto #cryptogames #cryptocurrency #DeFi #Gamefi #DAO #games #P2E #PlayToEarn #Web3Gaming #Web3 #gaming

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

大家好,這裡是 Karma Ksana 團隊本週為大家精選的文章,包含了有趣的知識與市場最新資訊,供大家參考:

1.加密市場的監管議題持續被大家熱議,美國證券交易委員會主席 GaryGensler 也在近期活動中發表他對監管的看法;加密市場的應用雖然不一定是以投資為導向,但因大部分的加密資產都帶有『證券』屬性,所以容易被有心人利用從事不法的行為,使得加密貨幣常給社會大眾不好的觀感,導致一般使用者對於加密市場望而怯步。但誠實的項目方即可經由適度的監管來大幅降低參與者對項目內容的疑慮,透過更多的成功項目來慢慢扭轉加密資產不可靠的印象,能更有助於整體市場的正向發展。



2.OpenSea 作為目前 NFT 交易平台的龍頭,平台本身就有提供 NFT 的鑄造服務,但仍然參與了新創 NFT 鑄造平台『 Fair.xyz 』的新一輪融資,可見 Fair.xyz 一定有其競爭優勢。如果 NFT 真的成為未來人們生活必備的科技應用,現在『進入門檻過高』的問題就勢必需要被解決,這些問題包含:鑄造成本過高、平台的抽傭過高、NFT 的所有權會受到平台影響等等, Fair.xyz 針對這些問題都找出了對應的解決方案,對未來想要投入加密市場的參與者提供了更友善的環境。



3. Degods 作為 SOL 鍊上的 NFT 龍頭項目,Degods 的二代項目 『y00ts』 自然也受到大家的矚目。 y00ts 的發行過程充分利用 Degods 所產出的 $DUST Token ,讓整體代幣經濟模型有更好的循環, y00ts 本身創新的『授權許可方案』也是一個特殊亮點,除了鼓勵用戶長期持有 NFT 來獲得各部位特徵的『所有權』外,還可以依照個人喜好來更換部位特徵,讓 NFT 的持有者可以打造屬於個人的 NFT,並且這些部位特徵也開放給外部藝術家共同參與設計,透過分潤機制與外部藝術家一同打造 NFT 的互利生態。



持續關注 Karma Ksana 社區,掌握區塊鏈領域大小事!

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