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Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
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🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/IyU6OFE-Sl0

🎁 NFT giveaway https://karmaksana.io/en/nft-giveaway/

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Welcome to Crypto101, your guide to the crypto world.

In part one and two, we shared how you can truly own NFT-backed gaming assets without worrying that they’ll be copied or stolen. You can also trade them for cryptocurrencies or cash and even transfer them across gaming platforms.

Today, we’re taking it up a notch. NFT can even be a ticket to experience an entire gaming ecosystem. The game’s profits will largely transfer to the player community without the exploitation of intermediaries. With this kind of player-driven games, players can not only own but also control the assets and content of the games. They can even have governance rights within their gaming community to co-build the ecosystem.

Want to know more? Head over to our website! We’re now holding our first NFT giveaway event. After completing these listed tasks, you’ll have a chance to win a FREE NFT character from our soon-to-be-revealed game, Karma Genesis!

What are you waiting for? Click the link in the description box right now!

#KarmaKsana #crypto101 #blockchain #NFTs #Crypto #Web3 #YouTube #YouTubeShort #video #nft #gaming #gamer #NFTgiveaway

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
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🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/hkQeTpFOEt4

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Welcome to Crypto101, your guide to the crypto world.

In the last episode, we talked about how NFTs can give gamers digital ownership to their in-game assets. Since gamers now truly own these rewards, converting them into cryptocurrency or cash is now a reality.

For gamers who don’t care that much about earning profits, stay put because NFTs can still upgrade your gaming experience! If you’ve been playing multiple games over time, I bet you’ve wondered how nice it would’ve been if all these assets and rewards you’ve poured your time and money earning can be transferred and used across different gaming platforms.

Voilà! NFT is your fairy godmother, my friend! With NFT-based gaming items, gamers can now use their in-game assets across platforms that are on the same underlying blockchain.

That’s it? Of course not! There’s part 3!

#KarmaKsana #crypto101 #blockchain #NFTs #Crypto #Web3 #YouTube #YouTubeShort #video #gaming #gamer #NFT

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
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🎉 Karma Ksana's new episode of Crypto101 series

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/g-ovQuK_zOQ

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Welcome to Crypto101, your guide to the crypto world.

To all the gamers out there: Have you ever felt that some gaming companies have been too commercialized? All they care about is how to put your money in their own pockets.

You spend tons of money and time to earn rewards that can't be used outside their platforms, which is to say gaming companies still have control over your rewards.

It’s too early to shed a tear, my friend. 😏

Remember in previous episodes, we’ve talked about how NFTs can prove authenticity and ownership because they can’t be forged or deleted once they are written on the blockchain?

Therefore, with NFTs backing your assets, you don’t have to worry that your in-game items will be stolen or copied because, on chain, it says that you are the true owner. No one can change that.

This time, you have complete control to display, exchange or sell these gaming assets. Plus, you don’t have to worry that they’ll go to waste even if the game leaves the market because these NFTs stay on chain forever!

What’s even better…comes in the next episode!

#KarmaKsana #crypto101 #blockchain #NFTs #Crypto #Web3 #YouTube #YouTubeShort #video #nft #gaming #gamer

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
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🔥 Crypto101, your guide to the crypto world!

In this episode, we'd like to talk about the Aptos blockchain.

Watch here 👉 https://youtu.be/_oIJvBYSDfk

This year, in spite of an overall sluggish market in crypto assets, Aptos was still able to stir up investors’ interest, attracting big venture capitals like FTX Ventures, Binance Labs and Coinbase Ventures to pour $350 million in investment since its early development stage. What’s so special about Aptos?

Aptos has a strong team of former Meta employees, a new programming language called “Move”, and the technique to execute over 160,000 TPS (transactions per second) on the Aptos blockchain. However, during their mainnet launch on 10/17, there were criticisms about their communications, APT(Aptos coin) allocation and their lower than expected transaction speed. Will Aptos live up to its fame? Let us know your thoughts down below and see you in the next video!

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Let's do things right on chain!

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Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
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🔥 Karma Ksana's new series -- Crypto101 🎉

Watch here 👉 https://youtu.be/ut4CUf28aK8

Welcome to Crypto101, your guide to the Crypto world.

This is an NFT. The first 5000 days, which sold for over 69 million US dollars.

And these pictures are taking over the internet by storm. NFTs are trending fast!

But what exactly is an NFT? What comes in mind when you hear those three letters?

What would you like to know about NFTs?

Leave your comments down below and see you in the next video!

We will be making a series of videos about all you need to know in the blockchain world.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and click the bell!

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana

#KarmaKsana #Crypto101 #NFT #blockchain #crypto #video #youtube #youtubeshorts #web3 #DeFi

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Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
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Lots of people mix up the meaning of Decentralization and Democracy. However, the concept is different.

Check this video on YouTube https://pse.is/4fhhq5

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Let's do things right on chain!

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Origianl article written by 賴彤兒


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