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Cover Letter
Sep 12th 2022

15 Short Cover Letter Examples + Tips on How to Write One

are also applying for the same position. A short cover letter saves time for employers to read compared to longer cover letters. Writing a short cover letter takes less time. It highlights the main points which grab employers’ attention faster. 15 Short Cover Letter Samples The most important thing about a short cover letter is that you cover all relevant information in the letter. We have 15 short cover letter examples for different job applications that you can refer to
Student Guide
Aug 22nd 2022

10 Prospek Kerja Jurusan Teknik Sipil Beserta Gajinya!

teknik yang paling dicari. Industri teknik sipil juga merupakan salah satu industri yang melaju dengan cepat. Industri ini bisa menjadi salah satu peluang untuk kamu yang tertarik di bidang teknik. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa harus masuk jurusan teknik sipil: 1. Permintaan dan penghasilan yang tinggi Jalur karir di industri teknik sipil cenderung memiliki penghasilan yang cukup baik, dengan permintaan tinggi terhadap insinyur sipil. Tergantung pada cabang teknik sipil yang kamu kejar, peluang karir termasuk surveyor bangunan, manajer konstruksi, dan
Resume & CV
Jan 25th 2022

10 Best Fonts for a CV to Create an Eye-catching CV

the tail of a letter, which causes the font to have a more decorative feel to it. Sans serif, on the other hand, does not have that decorative tail and has the same width for all the letters. Below are 10 of the safest, professional CV fonts that are suitable as fonts to use for CV, along with each of their pros and cons. Georgia Garamond Calibri Arial Cambria Helvetica Tahoma Verdana Palatino Times New Roman 1. Georgia Georgia is
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2021

10 Best Resume Fonts for ATS-friendly Resumes (Correct Font Size, Type, Style)

18 to 20. 🖋 Resume Header Other than your name, your title, address, phone number, and email address, etc. would usually be put on the top too. For the resume font size of your header, range the font size between 11 to 14 depending on how important you consider your header is towards the employer. 🖋 Headings & Subheadings Headings and subheadings are what hiring managers look for when they want to find out specific experiences or skills about you. Normally
Resume & CV
Oct 4th 2021

100+ Key Hard Skills to Put on Resume [+ Listing Tips for Maximum Impact]

soft skills are personality traits you may have spent your whole life developing. Additionally, hard skills are directly related to the position you’re applying for. Meanwhile, soft skills are not only applicable to one specific job but universal. Top 100 Hard Skills to Put on a Resume/CV Outline: Accounting and Finance Skills Business and Management Skills Marketing Skills Writing Skills Engineering Skills Web Development Skills Project Management Skills Nursing and Healthcare Skills Design Skills Language Skills 1
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

10 Reasons Recruiters Do Not Want to Consider Your Resume

us not taking into consideration some very important aspects of resume writing that recruiters are keen on. These might be things that you’ve heard of before or even completely new concepts to you! In this article, we will highlight 10 reasons why recruiters do not want to consider your resume: 1. Gaps In Your Work History Employers like to see continuity in your work history. Having unexplained gaps may cause them to assume that you were involved in something
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

10 Reasonable Reasons to Terminate an Employee

the employee in question could also file for unfair termination with the EEOC , resulting in potential lawsuits, fines, and negative attention. Not sure about what reasons to terminate an employee you can use? For employers, we’ve listed the top 10 reasons employees get fired are, and why these count as legal reasons to fire an employee. For employees that happen to be reading this for some extra insight, keep in mind that these are all reasonable reasons to terminate
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

15+ Unique Ideas for a New Employee Welcome Package (2024 Update)

New Employee Welcome Pack So, you’ve found the perfect employee who’s about to start tomorrow. It’s time to breathe easy, right? Not so fast. Before the normal routine resumes again, employers need to make sure that the onboarding process - for employees, not passengers - is as smooth as possible. Which means having the best new employee welcome package. For the new hire, starting in a new role in a new place (if it’s not remote) can be
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

15+ Strategi Rekrutmen Ampuh Untuk Mencari Karyawan Terbaik!

Merekrut karyawan adalah tugas utama tim Human Resource Department (HRD) . Untuk mengembangkan perusahaan, tim HRD perlu merekrut karyawan yang berkompeten dan memiliki talenta yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Untuk mencapai hal ini, setiap perusahaan membutuhkan strategi rekrutmen. Strategi rekrutmen adalah konsep yang berkaitan dengan rencana membuka lowongan pekerjaan yang meliputi posisi yang dibuka, waktu dibukanya lowongan, hingga cara merekrut karyawan. Strategi rekrutmen yang benar dan baik akan menghasilkan proses rekrutmen yang efektif dan menarik kandidat yang berkualifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

13 Metode Rekrutmen Efektif, Bisa Dicoba HRD

Untuk menemukan pelamar kerja yang kompeten memang merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi sebuah perusahaan. Ada banyak sekali masalah yang harus siap dihadapi dalam menjalankan proses rekrutmen. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk memiliki teknik dan strategi yang benar dan efektif, supaya proses seleksi kandidat bisa berjalan dengan baik. Strategi rekrutmen itu apa? Di artikel CakeResume ini, kamu akan menemukan penjabaran detail mengenai pentingnya strategi rekrutmen, sumber-sumber rekrutmen, serta contoh metode yang beragam untuk menjalankan proses rekrutmen. Daftar isi: Seberapa Pentingkah

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