求职信(Cover Letter)

Lengkap! Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Tulis Tangan

yang baik dari pemilik perusahaan ataupun rekruter. 3. Siapkan amplop lamaran kerja Jika kalian sudah mempersiapkan semua keperluan untuk melamar pekerjaan; daftar riwayat hidup tulis tangan, surat lamaran pekerjaan tulis tangan dan dokumen lainnya, masukkanlah semua berkas tersebut ke dalam amplop lamaran kerja. Amplop lamaran kerja biasanya berwarna coklat dan dilengkapi dengan tali, sehingga menjaga file lamaran kerja agar tidak berserakan dan tetap rapih. Penulisan amplop lamaran kerja yang benar adalah: Bagian A: Data Pelamar Nama Lengkap : Donny Saputra Alamat
Career Development

Apa itu KYC? Pengertian, Cara Kerja, Manfaat, dan Contoh Penerapannya

atau dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti ‘kenali pelanggan anda’. Menerapkan prinsip KYC penting untuk memastikan keamanan dan kelancaran transaksi nasabah. Laporan RealWire menyebutkan, perusahaan perbankan dapat menghemat sekitar USD 12 juta per tahun dengan meningkatkan sistem KYC dan anti - money laundering (AML). Pentingnya KYC ini perlu untuk diketahui, khususnya bagi kamu yang bersinggungan langsung dengan sektor finansial dan perbankan. Di artikel ini, CakeResume akan mengupas seputar pengertian, cara kerja, manfaat, tujuan, dan contoh penerapan KYC. Yuk, simak selengkapnya! Daftar isi: Pengertian

Paramedic Resume Examples: Templates & Samples

are some important skills an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a paramedic shall have. Paramedics are those who respond to calls made to ambulances in order to provide medical care to victims of accidents, violence, sudden illnesses, heart attacks, strokes, among others. Besides saving lives and caretaking patients in an emergency situation, a paramedic resume shall clearly display your abilities to cooperate not only with ambulance dispatch centers and hospital personnel, but also with the police, firefighters, and family members
Career Development

How to Take Initiative at Work? Essential Tips, Examples, and Best Practices

desire to take on additional responsibilities and contribute more. If the company faces a problem, they are eager to be part of the solution. Research confirms that employees with initiative are better performers, make great contributors, and have tons of amazing ideas for their workplace. This type of person will be valued by their boss for a long time. And to your surprise, an initiative person also brings significant benefits to the company. How so? Well, it’s a win
产业 & 职位介绍

Apa itu Interpreter? Tugas, Skill dan Bedanya dengan Translator

pada tahun 2022. Pastinya penyelenggara sudah menyiapkan jasa interpreter untuk menerjemahkan topik yang dibahas ke berbagai bahasa. Meskipun di tengah pandemi COVID-19, prospek karir seorang interpreter akan selalu terbuka. Salah satu hal yang menyebabkan angka permintaan akan jasa interpreter aman adalah semakin banyaknya pertemuan internasional yang bisa dilakukan secara online. Oleh karena itu, bagi kamu yang tertarik untuk meniti karir sebagai interpreter, tak perlu khawatir dengan prospek pekerjaan interpreter di masa depan. Apa itu Interpreter? Pengertian Interpreter Interpreter adalah
作品集 & 个人品牌

How to Make an Interior Design Portfolio [+ Examples, Tips & Guide]

most ideal way for an interior designer to display their work is by having viewers in the space that you have crafted, allowing them to experience the colors, textures, how lighting plays along in the room, and absorb the room ambiance. For most of the time that it is difficult to show your work in person, your interior design portfolio becomes an essential tool in letting potential employers or clients immerse themselves in your creativity. An interior designer portfolio serves

What Is A CV? [Definition, Element, Writing Tips, and Examples]

main differences between a CV and a resume are length, purpose, and their content structure. In some cases, resume and CV can be used interchangeably. Nevertheless, for most job applicants, it’s better to learn the difference between the two. American CVs are used primarily for academic, education, scientific, medical, or research fields. A CV, in those cases, focuses on delivering the subject’s credentials. The term “resume”, on the other hand, is specified for workplace and job applications to

Mẹo viết CV lập trình game giúp bạn vượt trội hơn đối thủ

game thịnh hành, theo dõi và quản lý dự án game. Sự khác biệt giữa game developer và game designer: Game designer phụ trách thiết kế nhân vật, nội dung game,... vì thế cần có khả năng sáng tạo và am hiểu về gu thẩm mỹ của ngành game để tạo ra những nhân vật “có hồn”, làm trò chơi trở nên sinh động. Game developer là người viết mã lập trình, tích hợp kỹ xảo âm thanh để đưa

A Guide to Writing Motivation Letters for Scholarships [Format, Tips, Templates]

Scholarships are highly sought after for their financial assistance, experiences, connections and accolades, which can give students an edge during their university studies. Although there are scholarships that are awarded purely through simple applications or based on academic merit, high-value awards often require scholarship motivation letters. As scholarships are highly competitive and limited in number, expressing your motivations for scholarships clearly and effectively is key to being considered. Along with discussing your desire for the award, application letters for

CNC Machinist Resume Samples [ +Job Description & Skills ]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a professional CNC machinist resume? What is the best resume format for a CNC machinist resume? How to make a CNC machinist resume template? Top 10 CNC machinist resume dos and don'ts CNC machinist resume sample Machinery is a demanding job nowadays and those machines need someone capable of undertaking such tasks. Machinists need to be adept in machine tools including lathes, milling machines, and grinders. Precision machinists frequently create


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