求職信(Cover Letter)

100+ Resume Strength Examples to Level Up Your Job Hunt

Created by CakeResume Think of this scenario - you have been applying for jobs in the past month, but nothing moved forward. You wondered what happened and why you were not able to stand out among the crowd. Here might be the component you may have missed - including your strengths in your resume. Listing skills on your resume is one thing, but emphasizing your skills and strengths in a resume is another. Three main areas where you can list your resume

5 Useful Resume Tips to Help You Get a Foreign Job from India

Some of you might wonder that, is it possible to get a job abroad from India? Of course it is! According to statistics from the United Nations, there are around 17 million Indians working abroad. Among this huge working-oversea population, over 90% of them are distributed in the U.S, Saudi Arabia, Nepal and United Arab Emirates. Observing from Google Trends’ data, Canada, Singapore, and the U.S are still Indians top choices as working-abroad destinations. Further Reading

20+ Best LinkedIn Connection Message Templates [+ Tips]

Created by CakeResume LinkedIn , the social media platform where not only people can showcase their professional profiles, but also build professional connections . LinkedIn has recently been on the rise because it allows you to connect with amazing alumni, resourceful colleagues, and recruiters that can potentially get you a job . The feature of connection request messages on LinkedIn has made online networking easier than ever. Making your LinkedIn connection request message personalized can increase the likelihood of your request getting accepted

CakeResume's Psychological Career Quiz—What Cake R U Has Taken Over Instagram Over the Past Few Weeks

CakeResume has collaborated with DCard, Taiwan's largest social media and networking platform, to create a pixel art-style career quiz called 'What Cake R U?' Since launched, the quiz has quickly gone viral all over the internet, especially among job seekers community, attracting millions of participants. The quiz was first launched in 2023 in Mandarin , reaching hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese young people. Following its success, as of 2024, we have released different versions in English , Bahasa Indonesian , and
產業 & 職位介紹

Security Engineer: Pengertian, Skill, Jenjang Karir, Hingga Gaji

Profesi security engineer atau pengaman siber masih tergolong baru, namun keberadaan profesi ini sangatlah penting. Sebagian besar orang dan bisnis menggunakan teknologi di era digital ini untuk keperluan pribadi dan pekerjaan, tapi apakah perangkat digital yang kamu dan perusahaan-perusahaan gunakan aman dari serangan siber? 🔎 Fakta: Indonesia menghadapi hampir 1 miliar serangan siber sepanjang tahun 2022, diantaranya berupa malware, kebocoran data, dan aktivitas trojan ( CNN Indonesia ). Disinilah pentingnya pekerjaan cyber security . Security engineer atau yang dikenal juga sebagai cyber
Career Development

13 Prospek Kerja Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Dapat Gaji Fantastis!

Lulusan teknik perminyakan memiliki prospek luas untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan stabil dengan gaji tinggi dan tunjangan yang sesuai. Hal ini karena industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas) menopang keberlangsungan industri lain mulai dari makanan, pertanian, transportasi, kosmetik, dan lain-lain. Penelitian dari American Petroleum Institute menyebutkan bahwa 10,8 juta pekerjaan di negara tersebut ditopang oleh industri minyak. Secara global, kebutuhan atas lulusan jurusan perminyakan juga semakin besar, mengingat tahun 2024 permintaan minyak diprediksi naik menjadi 102,9 juta barrel per

CakeResume for Developers

CakeResume is intended not just to job hunters or freelancers, but also to other enthusiast in different fields including developers. This will be a great opportunity for the developers to introduce not just his/her skills and capabilities but also his/her amazing developed works and projects. Developers are known to be great when it comes to navigating online tools, but not all the things that he/she can do. CakeResume is the best way for a developer to showcase

Merchandiser Resume | Examples, Templates, Writing Tips

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a merchandising resume? What to put on a merchandiser resume? Tips for writing the best merchandiser resume How to write a successful merchandising cover letter? Merchandising Resume Example A merchandiser is responsible for adjusting the amount, price, and appearance of different products, in offline and online stores, for maximizing sales performance. With that responsibility, a merchandiser has to monitor each product’s performance to decide seasonal stock level, work closely with

How to Write an Interview Acceptance Email [+Samples, Template, Tips]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to Write an Interview Acceptance Email Tips for Accepting an Interview Invitation via Email Interview Invitation Acceptance Email Samples “Congratulations! You have passed the first round and have been invited to the interview with…” Among job seekers who are actively on a job search, this might be the line that people would like to see the most in an email as emails are becoming the most common medium through

10 Best Resume Fonts for ATS-friendly Resumes (Correct Font Size, Type, Style)

Created by CakeResume To write the perfect resume, not only does the content matter, but the font for the resume is crucial as well. By picking ATS-friendly fonts for resumes, your resume could be screened and remembered more easily. Therefore, you could stand out among other candidates. A good resume font should be easy to read. Hence, when you choose the font to use for your resume, keep note of selecting a simple but professional font. Moreover, a resume


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