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3월 3일 2020

5 Tips to Build a Strong Machine Learning Resume

Why the future is in favor of machine learning engineers Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, and data science specialists are professions that are representative of the 21st century. Today, whenever you drop them into conversations, you’re most likely to hear them being described as either the coming of the apocalypse or of new revelations, depending on the narrator. What’s certain though, is that AI can have a huge impact on the human race. Fact is, we
Success Stories
9월 21일 2022

在醫療領域做 AI 有多難?AICS 的醫療解決方案與趨勢剖析!

同時也觀察到 AI 會是未來的大熱趨勢,若台灣再錯過這個新時代,就會相當讓人擔心,因此,專攻 AI、Data 和 Cloud 的 AICS 應運而生。 目標成為「醫療資訊科技」領域的火車頭 AICS 成立後,帶著華碩對於台灣軟體、AI
Resume & CV
4월 8일 2019

Resume That Will Land You a Programming Job

mention the technology and the development techniques you have used. For instance, you may mention using Ruby on Rails for building a website for a local golf club, GitHub for version control, Twilio for supported messaging, or MySQL for storing data. Highlight Your Experience in a Developer Environment Employers prefer to hire developers who already have been exposed to a software development environment. Skills like version control, time estimation techniques, ticket management, etc. are not part of a conventional computer
Success Stories
12월 2일 2020

百年企業中的創新職涯!IBM 職人現身說法:跨領域的資源和機會,給享受挑戰的你

Executive Assistant to Taiwan GM, IBM Taiwan, Oct. 2020 - present Software Engineering Manager, IBM Taiwan, Oct.2018 - present Software Engineering - Network Security Project Manager, IBM Taiwan, 2016 - Oct. 2018 Software Engineer - Functional Verification Test Lead, IBM Taiwan, 2013 - 2016 Software Engineer - Functional/System Verification Test Lead, IBM Taiwan, 2011 - 2013 Software Engineer - System Verification Test Lead, IBM Taiwan, 2008 - 2011 Software Engineer - Functional/System Verification Test Tester, IBM Taiwan, 2007 - 2008 Software Engineer - Analyst/Tester, IBM Taiwan, 2005 - 2007 提
Resume & CV
8월 4일 2022

6 Contoh CV Programmer Terbaik dan Cara Membuatnya!

application developer Web Developer (Front End Developer, Back End Developer), Mobile Developer Database Administrator Data Scientist Systems Analyst Software Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer Business Intelligence Analyst Dan lain-lain. Jika kalian merasa ingin mendaftar lowongan pekerjaan menjadi programmer atau software engineer, CV merupakan hal yang wajib disiapkan. Artikel ini akan membahas cara membuat CV programmer yang baik dan benar. Bagian yang Harus Ada Pada CV Programmer 1. Informasi Pribadi Data diri dan kontak pribadi adalah hal umum yang akan dibutuhkan
Industry & Job Overview
1월 3일 2023

Back End Developer: 5 Skill yang Harus Dimiliki, Gaji, dan Tipsnya! [+Contoh CV]

rutin Sebagai seorang back end developer , memperbaharui atau mengupdate konten situs web adalah hal yang wajib dilakukan agar dapat menarik perhatian penggunanya setiap saat. Sehingga menjadi b ackend developer memerlukan tingkat kreativitas yang mumpuni selain jago pemrograman. 5. Mengembangkan struktur data dasar Selanjutnya, tugas dan tanggung jawab back end engineer adalah terus-menerus mengembangkan struktur model data yang sudah dikembang di awal agar koneksi antara tampilan situs web dan basis data semakin nyaman untuk pengguna. Selain itu, tujuan pengembangan ini
Success Stories
1월 14일 2021

如何自學成為 Instagram iOS 工程師?Jacky 與 Facebook 教會他的事

堅韌與永不放棄的「曼巴精神」更是激勵了許多粉絲,包括本週《科技職涯》第二季第 12 集的嘉賓 — Instagram iOS Engineer Jacky。 大學主攻電機專業的 Jacky,靠著 3 個月的自學和積極態度,在毫無相關工作經驗的情況下取得
Success Stories
7월 27일 2022

雲端產業的「隱形冠軍」如何造就?CloudMile 執行長與技術主管親身剖析雲端趨勢!

立數據庫並將數據上雲後,CloudMile 也進一步思考 如何幫助客戶深耕資料驅動的決策方式 。因此 CloudMile 成立 Data Lab,不僅協助客戶資料治理、內部專案管理或做決策,期待協助客戶建立數據決策的 DNA。 3. AI for Business
Industry & Job Overview
3월 6일 2024

Mengenal Information Security Analyst, Profesi Bergaji Tinggi

yang terhubung dengan saluran telepon. Oleh karena itu, keberadaaan Information Security Analyst menjadi semakin penting karena teknik serangan siber bertambah rumit dan sulit terdeteksi seiring perkembangan zaman. Potensi dari serangan ini beragam, tapi yang paling mengerikan dan merugikan adalah tersebarnya data krusial dari perusahaan, nasabah, klien, hingga masyarakat umum. Para Analis Keamanan informasi menjalin kerja sama dengan tim IT ( Information Technology) dan Cyber Security Engineer untuk memasang dan menjaga keamanan jaringan. Namun ada perbedaan jelas antara tugas yang dipegang Information
Resume & CV
10월 11일 2022

How to Include Projects in Resumes (Samples, Tips, Templates)

Created by CakeResume Although the project section isn't the main section of a resume, it can be helpful sometimes, especially for freelancers, designers, and software engineers. In this article, we will show you how to mention your projects on your resume effectively. TABLE OF CONTENTS Why You Should List Your Projects on Your Resume Types of Projects to List in a Resume How to Include Projects in a Resume (+ Samples & Template) Tips on How to List Projects on a

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