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Skill Interview
7 Apr 2022

How to Decline a Job Interview: Tips and Email Samples

some employers contact you for the next step, you’ve decided to reject the job interview. You may end up rejecting an interview for several reasons. Perhaps, too much time has passed since you applied, and you already have another offer. Maybe your priorities have changed, and you’ve decided to reject the job interview to pursue a different passion. Or it could be that the employer offered more information that wasn’t previously in the job posting, and you
28 Apr 2023

Viết thư từ chối nhận việc khéo léo chỉ là chuyện dễ như ăn kẹo!

Mẫu thư từ chối nhận việc tạo bởi CakeResume Mục lục: Cách viết email từ chối nhận việc Mẫu thư từ chối nhận việc - tiếng Việt Mẫu email từ chối nhận việc - tiếng Anh Nắm được cách viết email từ chối nhận việc chuyên nghiệp sẽ giúp bạn giữ được thiện cảm trong mắt nhà tuyển dụng dù rằng bạn không cùng họ đồng hành trong chặng đường sắp tới. Từ chối offer không phải là chuyện gì quá khó
Career Planning
10 Nov 2022

Kickstart Your Freelancing Career: Top 20 Freelance Websites

traditional ones like copywriting, graphic design, and programming, to some other less common freelancing opportunities like voice acting, architectural design, and project management. Pros: The freelancing site handles the legal and financial aspects like the contract and billing and even offers mediation in case a problem occurs. A plethora of jobs are posted every day for people with different specialties. Cons: Many low-quality offerings need to be filtered. There is a commission fee (It gets lower the more you
Tips Rekrutmen
24 Apr 2023

4 mẫu thư mời nhận việc từ nhà tuyển dụng khiến ứng viên không thể chối từ

lựa chọn ngay từ đầu là gì? Cùng tham khảo cách viết và các mẫu thư mời tuyển dụng chuẩn chỉnh trong bài viết này nhé! Thư mời nhận việc là gì? Thư mời nhận việc (tiếng Anh là Employment Offer hay Job Offer) là một văn bản thông báo đến ứng viên rằng họ đã trúng tuyển vị trí mà họ đã ứng tuyển trước đó. Thông thường trong thư nhận việc, nhà tuyển dụng cần đảm bảo cung
Tips Karier
6 Mar 2024

Hướng dẫn A-Z cách trả lời email nhận việc bằng tiếng Anh

mẫu, và không quên những lưu ý quan trọng khi viết email trả lời offer letter nhé! Nội dung cần có khi trả lời email nhận việc bằng tiếng Anh 1. Tiêu đề/Subject line Tiêu đề email trả lời offer letter nên được viết ngắn gọn và rõ ràng, đề cập nội dung chính cũng như tên ứng viên. Ví dụ: “Re: Job Offer Acceptance - (tên công việc) Position” “(tên của bạn), Acceptance of the (tên công việc) Position
Skill Interview
14 Sep 2022

面試如何談薪水?4 招談薪水技巧,讓你工作也能保持好「薪情」!

準備三:設定好自己的期望待遇範圍 面試 前先設定好期望待遇範圍,能避免自己過於衝動就接受 offer,作為薪水是否開太低的最後防線。以行銷企劃為例,針對以下不同求職者,提供薪資級距作為參
Manajemen SDM
25 Apr 2023

Rejection Email After Interview - How to Write One?

In this highly competitive world, many companies offer only a few openings for the position but there will always be countless candidates who apply for that position. As a result, many applicants don’t get the role. They commonly feel defeated after being rejected during the job application process. Sending a rejection email after an interview is one polite way to notify those disqualified applicants. Therefore, writing a rejection email after an interview is a very important step that recruiters
6 Apr 2021

Attorney Resume Examples | Job Descriptions, Resume Summary  & Templates

Created by CakeResume Attorneys are certified professionals who offer legal advice and represent clients on legal matters including both criminal and civil cases. In many countries, the terms attorney and lawyer are commonly used interchangeably. An attorney practices law in court and a lawyer, meanwhile, may or may not. A lawyer, by definition, is someone who is learned and trained in law and provides advice and aid on legal matters. Attorney responsibilities and duties include: Communicate with clients and advise
17 Nov 2020

How to List Education on Resume|Examples, Templates, Writing Tips

Education is a fundamental section of a resume that offers recruiters a holistic view of your qualifications for a position, alongside work experience and skills. Some job roles may necessitate a particular degree, and failing to appropriately showcase this information could impact your chances of making a positive impression on a potential employer. In this article, we will show you how to correctly list education on your resume, regardless your background: graduate with an honor degree, not yet graduated or
Skill Interview
20 Jun 2020

How to Write a Professional Thank You Email After an Interview? 6 Essential Guides

What can you do after a job interview? There are many voices on the internet offering advice – some saying you should send an interview thank you email, a card or even presents, while others commenting that doing so may cause more harm than good. So, what is the best thing to do? When to Send Thank You Email After Interview? There are quite a lot of things a job seeker can do within 24 hours after an interview, such as

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