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那些科技新創教我的事 III「 每解決一次難題,就是一次升級與成長 」- 鄭德城 (OneDegree 後端工程師)

鄭德城(OneDegree 後端工程師):每解決一次難題,就是一次升級與成長 在因緣際會下,我進入了 OneDegree 並擔任和自己大學主修科目截然不同的後端軟體開發工程師。在香港中文大學時,我主修精算學系,畢業後
17 Nov 2020

How to List Education on Resume|Examples, Templates, Writing Tips

This can be done by either spelling out the full title such as “Master of Science” or using the initials “MS”. You should also list your majors or minors after your degree. 💡 Pro Tip: If you have more than one degree, it is appropriate that you first list the most recent one you have, and put the rest in a reverse-chronological order. ✏️ Include a Proper Timeline At no point should you forget the dates when listing education

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