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Interview Skills
Apr 26th 2023

12 câu hỏi phỏng vấn tiếng Anh và cách trả lời thông minh

However, in recent years, I've begun to become acquainted with the digital analytics tools used in the various websites and apps for which I write, and I've discovered that when the context is added, "numbers" can actually be quite insightful. Hãy mô tả ngắn gọn một điểm yếu không gây ảnh hưởng quá lớn đến công việc, và đi kèm với việc bạn đang cố gắng cải thiện điểm yếu đó của mình mỗi ngày. Như vậy, nhà
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2023

How to Write Experience in CV [+ Examples & Tips]

exactly the same or similar to your profession. That will be best to keep things simple and grab the recruiter's attention. If not, write an accurate job title as what you actually did. 3. Company (with location) It's quite simple to write it right - just simply follow the format below: [Company Name], [City/Country] Depending on the space you have on your CV, you can provide a brief description of the company, ideally within 10-15 words. Note
People Operations
Jul 6th 2022

What Is Googleyness & How to Show It in Interviews

okay stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges. ❗️ Googleyness VS Culture fit As many assume Googleyness is just a term for culture fit, Google goes the extra mile to explain that Googleyness is, in fact, quite different from culture fit. Culture-fit aims to hire people that companies feel comfortable working alongside. Most of the time, recruiters hire people they “click with.” Googleyness principles, on the other hand, encourage people to be their authentic self
Cover Letter
Mar 20th 2023

What Is a Motivation Letter for a Master’s Degree & How to Write It?

work with, you should elaborate on those past experiences or motivation that makes you a great candidate. Experience and motivation are the key elements to connect your points and show that you are the right person. If you are not quite sure how to write it, using life stories, experiences, accomplishments, passions, and awards as the motivation for your goal may be simpler. Motivation letter paragraph template for study abroad: I want to study abroad at [University name] because an
Career Planning
Mar 18th 2022

Should I Quit My Job? Here's All You Need for Doing it Right

quit your job. 6. You are not motivated. According to a study by LinkedIn in 2019, not feeling a strong sense of purpose is among the top reasons people leave jobs, making up 35% of the 3,000 professionals surveyed. Quite simply, it means that you dread going to work and don't really enjoy what you're doing every day. Moreover, you don't see your work having a purpose and/or creating an impact. For that case, it
Career Planning
Mar 22nd 2022

Should I Quit My Job? Here's All You Need for Doing it Right

quit your job. 6. You are not motivated. According to a study by LinkedIn in 2019, not feeling a strong sense of purpose is among the top reasons people leave jobs, making up 35% of the 3,000 professionals surveyed. Quite simply, it means that you dread going to work and don't really enjoy what you're doing every day. Moreover, you don't see your work having a purpose and/or creating an impact. For that case, it
People Operations
Oct 9th 2022

Competency-Based Interview Questions and Answers [+ Tips]

could brainstorm and share our ideas for PR strategy and finding new PR channels. By suggesting what should be done, I helped our team complete the task successfully and on time. ❓ Describe a situation in which you handled teamwork conflict in the workplace. I was assigned as a leader for an IT project's workstream, and one developer was constantly late at finishing his tasks. When I had a confronting conversation with him about it, he reacted quite defensivel...
Career Development
Aug 23rd 2022

What Do I Major In? A Comprehensive Guide

before applying to schools. If you are already enrolled, consider what programs your current school has to offer. What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Major In Since choosing a major is a tough decision, it’s quite possible you still don’t know what to study in college after carefully considering the factors mentioned above. There are a few different resources and ideas to help you in picking a major. 📝 Advisors/counselors A good first
Interview Skills
May 10th 2023


英文自我介紹範例、面試回答技巧、常見面試問題分享。 為了解求職者的外語溝通能力,不少企業會進行英文面試,尤其想進入外商或擁有海外工作經驗的求職者,準備英文面試更是必經之路。千萬

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