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全球每年只錄取 40 位!Google APM Charlene 下班也精彩的 side projects 是什麼?

感受到自己 "not ok" 的時候是什麼? 13:45 Model Breakers 在 Indiegogo 上面的募資經驗分享 16:10 請 Charlene 介紹自己的另一個 side project LivingOS 18:10 Charlene 與 life coach 的第一次接觸 20:30 Charlene 是如何在忙碌的工作之餘持續進行 side projects 的? 22:35 會想

不會跳舞也要斜槓做跳舞 APP!Swipe Co-Founder & COO 凱閔的跨領域職涯挑戰

他價值的一個顧問。」 凱閔笑說。 不會跳舞也要斜槓做跳舞 APP!「線上舞蹈教室」Swipe 是什麼? Swipe 創辦團隊 從 Side Project 到 Co-Founder & COO 在 2020 年的某一天,凱閔收到了一位前同事的 Messenger 訊息,邀請凱閔來看看自己最近在忙

PayPal 軟體工程師喬誠的職涯思維:從 Android 到前端的轉換與 Positive Grid Front-end 經驗

先是擔任了三年的 Android Engineer,然後轉做前端開發,並曾在 Positive Grid 擔任 Lead Front-end Engineer。工作之餘他也發展了許多 side project,其中更有兩項作品在 2018 和 2020 年的 Js13kGames - 一個 JavaScript 的遊戲設計競賽中獲得 Mobile 類別的第一名與第二
29 Nov 2021

A Complete Guide to Professional Resume Outline: 6 Key Sections to Include

and skills. The first step in writing a simple resume outline is to brainstorm and list out everything that could potentially be included in a resume. Write down both related or unrelated ones. Professional achievements, hard or soft skills , or side projects that you’ve accomplished are among the essentials. 2. Decide which experiences and skills to include in your resume (by referring to the job description). Next, choose the experiences and skills that are more significant. By referring to

How to Design a Portfolio for Students [+ Ideas & Tips]

portfolio on LinkedIn. Below is an example of Marco Angelo, a graduate design student. His student graphic design portfolio is very informative with everything a recruiter might want to know about him, such as profile, educational background, professional experience, and side projects. Student graphic design portfolio by Marco Angelo 5. Quyen Erin Created on Behance, Quyen's graphic design portfolio brings a sense of youthfulness and looks like her social media channel. Similar to Marco, Quyen provides a lot of
15 Feb 2022

District Manager Resume (Resume Sample and Tips)

such as: How many percentages of sales targets or other KPIs that you've exceeded? How many branch managers and staff that you've hired and trained? How many opening stores that you've assisted? Tip 7: Include your portfolio/side project/personal website. To make yourself stand out from other applicants, it is highly recommended that you include additional information in your district sales manager resume. It can be Sales, Marketing, HRM, or CRM-related certification, Certificate of Completion
21 Jan 2021

【工程師必看】吸睛履歷就靠這 3 招,輕鬆獲得徵才企業、HR 的面試邀約!

驗,可依規模大小,排序出你獲得的獎項。 ● 做過的技術作品、專案:不管是工作項目,還是額外進行的 side-project,只要能展現你的技術能力,都可以放在履歷上。 ● 你在公司的貢獻:在團隊工作中,你應該表明
18 Feb 2022

Creative Director Resume (w/ Example)

director, you have to work with colleagues from different departments to plan, implement and monitor company advertisements, brand standards, and marketing campaigns. Your duties entail leading and supervising the thorough creative process to ensure the quality and cost of the project. A creative director is key to a company’s branding and advertising performance, so many recruiters set a high bar in the recruitment process. To apply for a creative director, you should craft a well-written creative director resume
15 Sep 2021

What Is A CV? [Definition, Element, Writing Tips, and Examples]

Created by CakeResume TABLE OF CONTENTS What is a CV? What is a resume? Difference between resume and CV (curriculum vitae) CV & Resume writing tips CV Template When job seekers are applying for a job role, they might be asked to submit a resume or a CV. The main differences between a CV and a resume are length, purpose, and their content structure. In some cases, resume and CV can be used interchangeably. Nevertheless, for most job applicants, it’s
4 Mei 2021

7 Effective Tips for a Successful Engineering Resume

Your resume can be engineered to function as a strong marketing tool. Although engineering jobs encompass a wide range of fields, there are some very effective resume strategies which can be applied across multiple disciplines. Let’s check out these seven pieces of expert advice to keep in mind while writing an engineering resume. 1. Think Precision When it comes to engineering, precision is of paramount importance. The same likewise precision must also be applied for an engineering resume. Many

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