Resume & CV
8月 4日 2022

6 Contoh CV Programmer Terbaik dan Cara Membuatnya!

dan menguji program. Setelah program itu diluncurkan kepada publik, mereka juga bertanggung jawab ketika terjadi gangguan pada sistem atau aplikasi atau yang disebut debug. 📝 Jalur karir sebagai programmer pun beragam seperti: Software application developer Web Developer (Front End Developer, Back End Developer), Mobile Developer Database Administrator Data Scientist Systems Analyst Software Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer Business Intelligence Analyst Dan lain-lain. Jika kalian merasa ingin mendaftar lowongan pekerjaan menjadi programmer atau software engineer, CV merupakan hal yang wajib disiapkan
Industry & Job Overview
3月 6日 2024

Full Stack Developer: Prospek Kerja, Gaji, Syarat, dan Caranya! [+CV]

Seorang Full Stack Developer? Tugas keseharian f ull stack web developer tentunya berhubungan erat dengan pekerjaan front end dan back end . Apa saja tugas kesehariannya? Berikut adalah serangkaian tugas dan tanggung jawab seorang Full Stack Developer . Pengembangan front end dan back end dalam sebuah web atau aplikasi. Memahami desain UI/UX , sebagai pekerjaan berkelanjutan yang berhubungan dengan front end dan back end . Membangun pengelolaan database yang kuat. Menganalisis keamanan serta kekuatan sebuah database, dan memastikan user dapat mengakses website atau
Industry & Job Overview
2月 6日 2023

Ingin Menjadi PHP Developer? Ketahui Skill yang Harus Dikuasai [+Gaji]!

artikel CakeResume ini bisa menjadi referensi untukmu. Apa itu PHP developer? PHP developer adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengembangan server website, aplikasi, atau program. Skill PHP utama yang dibutuhkan adalah penguasaan bahasa pemrograman PHP. PHP developer juga dikenal dengan backend developer PHP karena berfokus pada alur kinerja server dan pengelolaan database website. Mulai dari perancangan hingga mengatasi error yang muncul. Tak jarang bila backend developer PHP bekerja sama dengan front end developer untuk memastikan alur website berjalan dnegan optimal
Resume & CV
2月 8日 2022

Python Developer Resume Examples (Templates & Tips)

many people dream of becoming a python developer. However, a python developer does so much more than writing codes. 🔎 Python developer's job duties: Write functioning and scalable codes Debug and test repeatedly Improve current system performance and maintain backend components Incorporate user-oriented elements into applications Initiate, execute, complete, and optimize projects with the group for clients, providing practical technical solutions Cooperate with teams and discuss possible adoptions Enhance soft skills and hard skills from time to time
Industry & Job Overview
4月 10日 2023

10 Pekerjaan Bidang IT yang Paling Dicari dan Gajinya!

seperti HTML, SQL, CSS, dan JavaScript untuk mengelola grafik, aplikasi, dan konten yang memenuhi kebutuhan klien. Namun, secara umum, pekerjaan IT ini terbagi atas 3 spesifikasi : Front-End Developer : mengatur bagian website yang terlihat oleh pengunjung, termasuk UX dan UI. Back-End Developer : mengatur elemen di belakang layar, misalnya server database. Full-Stack Developer : mencakup semua tugas front-end dan back-end, sehingga posisi paling banyak dibutuhkan karena memiliki kemampuan yang lebih komprehensif. 💻 Cara Mendapatkan Pekerjaan Web Developer: Banyak
Resume & CV
9月 15日 2021

PHP Developer Resume Writing Steps [w/ Examples & Layout]

programming applications that are often web-based for clients. 🔑 Key duties of a PHP developer include: Writing server-side web application logic and PHP scripts to create or modify software and applications according to a client's needs. Developing back-end components. Troubleshooting errors and/or issues related to PHP programs. Assisting front-end developers in integrating their work with the application. Since PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages used by many developers around
Resume & CV
6月 8日 2022

Front End Developer Resume [Examples, Sample & Template]

the constructor) of software interfaces. Front End Developer Job Description: Has the master hand that integrates the art of design with programming; translates & develops the UI/UX wireframes to actual reusable code and libraries. Optimize application speed & scalability. Collaborate with back-end developers & other stakeholders in the team. For one to become a front-end developer, a strong front end developer resume is a must. The article below is among the bread-and-butter passages that reveal the worlds of
Job Search Tips
4月 13日 2020

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

spot by writing out solutions on a whiteboard. If you're working in IT, you'll likely be handling time-sensitive technical problems regularly and will need to be able to think on your feet. If your background is in back-end technologies like PHP or Ruby, some common PHP interview questions may include basic things like understanding the difference between GET and POST requests or being able to evaluate the output of a regular expression within a PHP code
Career Planning
7月 1日 2021

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

Contents 5 Steps to Become a Software Engineer Ways to Become a Software Engineer without a Degree Top 5 Software Engineer Resume Tips The opportunities brought by the ongoing technological evolution led to a constant high demand for software engineer jobs. Unfilled vacancies call for software development talent with high adaptability and attracted job seekers who aspire to higher salaries. According to U.S. News , the median software engineer salary lies around $107,510. Remote software engineer jobs also increased
Cover Letter
4月 24日 2023

A Step-by-Step Guide to IT Cover Letters [with Examples and Tips]

Sample IT Cover Letter In this article, you'll learn about: IT Cover Letter Examples How to Properly Format a Cover Letter for an IT Job IT Cover Letter Template Tips on How to Create a Cover Letter for an IT Job Information technology (IT) products and services have rapidly become an essential part of our everyday lives. Professionals in the IT industry work in a variety of positions, ranging from application development to network management and maintenance. Companies

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