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Mar 23rd 2023

5 Contoh Portofolio Desain Grafis Menarik, Pasti Dilirik HRD!

Daftar isi: Kerangka Portofolio Desain Grafis Cara Membuat Portofolio Desain Grafis Contoh Portofolio Desain Grafis Tips Membuat Portofolio Desain Grafis Bagi para desainer, portofolio lamaran kerja pastinya bukan hal yang asing lagi. Saat melamar kerja, magang ataupun mencari pekerjaan freelance, portofolio desain grafis adalah salah satu senjata wajib yang harus dipersiapkan untuk memihak hati klien ataupun rekruter. Apa itu Portofolio Desain/DKV? Bagi yang masih asing dengan kata ini, portofolio adalah kumpulan hasil karya yang pernah dibuat dilengkapi dengan pengalaman
Job Search Tips
Aug 26th 2022

How To Get Maximum Use From Job Search Sites

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Top 10 Job Search Sites Engineering Job Search Websites Tips for Using Job Search Sites Whether you’re using a job site, networking with others, handing in applications in person or are advertising your freelance services, finding a job is a mixture of effort, luck and timing. The most popular method for finding work is using job sites - with job seekers using an average of 7.6 job hunting sites during
Resume & CV
May 15th 2023

CV và Portfolio - Những điều bạn cần biết để ứng tuyển thành công

Được tạo bởi CakeResume Mục lục: CV là gì? Portfolio là gì? CV & Portfolio khác nhau như thế nào? Tạo CV & Porfolio xin việc ở đâu? Ngoài việc tạo CV online, bước chuẩn bị portfolio cũng rất quan trọng khi ứng tuyển, đặc biệt nếu bạn đang làm công việc freelance. Khi có cả CV và portfolio xin việc, nhà tuyển dụng và khách hàng có thể đánh giá được năng lực chuyên môn của bạn dễ dàng hơn. Bạn
Feb 14th 2022

How to Make an Amazing Writing Portfolio (+ Examples)

5 Best Writing Portfolio Websites Tips on How to Build a Writing Portfolio Having a writing portfolio is beneficial when demonstrating your writing skills. In fact, among many other freelance specialities, writing is one of the easiest to kickstart a freelance career. So, what is a writing portfolio? It is a portfolio that gathers examples of your previous writing projects. Many writing portfolios have a niche. There are many niches you can consider as a freelance writer. For example, copy
Career Tools
Mar 6th 2024

15 Aplikasi Cari Kerja Pilihan yang Paling Terpercaya

Kamu pernah atau hampir kena tipu saat cari lowongan kerja? Agar tidak keseringan tertipu lowongan kerja palsu, kamu harus cobain 15 aplikasi pencarian kerja terpercaya ini yang sudah CakeResume rangkum untuk kamu para jobseeker. Kami telah menjelajahi puluhan aplikasi cari kerja dari dalam dan luar negeri yang cocok banget untuk orang-orang Indonesia yang sedang cari kerja full-time, part-time, atau freelance di Indonesia dan bahkan di luar negeri. Apa saja aplikasi lowongan kerja terbaik dan terpercaya ini? Mari
Mar 17th 2022

How to Design a Portfolio for Students [+ Ideas & Tips]

In this article, you will learn about: 15 Best Creative Portfolio Ideas for Students Free Websites to Create a Student Portfolio Design 10 Tips to Make a Creative Student Portfolio Design The importance of putting together a comprehensive portfolio for students can’t be stressed enough. A powerful portfolio for application can help increase the chance of achieving your goal in such cases as: Building personal branding Looking for freelance or part-time jobs in creative fields (i.e, graphic
Resume & CV
Apr 28th 2023

Hướng dẫn viết & tạo mẫu CV cho sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp

Mục lục: Các mẫu CV cho sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp CV cho sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp gồm những gì? Cách viết CV xin việc cho sinh viên Với bất kỳ ngành nghề nào thì CV luôn luôn là bước mở đầu cho mọi quá trình tuyển dụng. Dù bạn là sinh viên vẫn còn đang ngồi trên ghế nhà trường, muốn tìm cho mình một công việc part-time, freelance, internship hoặc xin học bổng thì bạn vẫn
Job Search Tips
May 6th 2021

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

things up. Work and lifestyle have become flexible. In fact, technology has merged them by creating the means to work anywhere in the world. Today, there are more and more companies that allow you to work remotely. If you’ve freelanced before, then you know what it means to work remotely. You can wake up at 5:00 am, prepare breakfast, take a quick shower, go back for another cup of coffee then head out to your home office to
Career Planning
Jul 1st 2021

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

Contents 5 Steps to Become a Software Engineer Ways to Become a Software Engineer without a Degree Top 5 Software Engineer Resume Tips The opportunities brought by the ongoing technological evolution led to a constant high demand for software engineer jobs. Unfilled vacancies call for software development talent with high adaptability and attracted job seekers who aspire to higher salaries. According to U.S. News , the median software engineer salary lies around $107,510. Remote software engineer jobs also increased
Resume & CV
Aug 18th 2021

Computer Technician Resume Example (Complete Guide with Cover Letter Tips)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: A Step-by-step Guide to Writing a Computer Technician Resume 8 Key Sections to Include in a Resume for Computer Technicians 5 Experts Tips for Writing a Killer Computer Technician Resume How to write a perfect computer technician cover letter? Computer Technician Resume Sample Do you like tinkering with computer stuff? Do you stay up-to-date with changes in the IT field? Then you might enjoy the career of a computer technician

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