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Oct 8th 2021

Cara Membuat Portofolio Online: 15 Website Gratis untuk Portofolio yang Menarik

sekarang, apapun pekerjaan kamu maupun seorang marketer, web programmer, ataupun influencer, memiliki sebuah online presence ternyata penting loh . Dengan online presence yang kuat, kamu bisa dikenal oleh banyak orang, dan mendapat kesempatan-kesempatan baru. Nah, salah satu cara untuk membangun online presence adalah dengan mempresentasikan value dan kemampuan kamu melalui portofolio online. 15 Situs Gratis Untuk Membuat Portofolio Online Bikin portfolio online apa harus bisa coding? Gimana cara membuat portofolio online gratis? Kalau kamu tidak tahu cara membuat webpage portofolio
Interview Skills
Feb 23rd 2022

Mau Sukses Interview Online? Ikuti 7 Tips Berikut!

Walau begitu, perlu diingat bahwa ada hal-hal penting yang harus diperhatikan saat wawancara online. Pada artikel ini CakeResume akan membahas beberapa tips sukses interview online serta contoh-contoh interview online. Daftar isi: Persiapan Interview Online Cara Sukses Menghadapi Interview Online 📚 Baca juga: Efektif! 5 Cara Perkenalan Diri Saat Interview dan Contohnya Persiapan Interview Online Inilah beberapa tips interview kerja online yang harus kamu ketahui: 1. Pastikan koneksi internet kamu stabil Ini merupakan cara interview online pertama yang harus
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2021

Cara Membuat CV Online yang Menarik di CakeResume, 100% Gratis!

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Resume & CV
May 3rd 2021

20+ Best Free Online Resume Builders | 2021 Reviews

Whether you are applying for jobs, academic positions, or scholarships, you all need a good resume to help you stand out. Using online resume builders can save your time. Moreover, these online resume editors often offer many up-to-date templates for free downloads. Nowadays, due to plentiful choices of online resume builders, you might find it hard to identify the one most suited to your unique situation. What is the best online resume builder? There are a number of
Job Search Tips
Mar 8th 2024

10 công việc online cho sinh viên: mô tả công việc & kỹ năng cần có

Top 10 công việc online tại nhà cho sinh viên 10 nghề lương cao tại Việt Nam hiện nay: Gia sư / Trợ giảng Affiliate Marketing Sáng tạo nội dung (Content Creator) Dịch thuật Viết bài (Writer) Thiết kế đồ họa (Graphic Designer) Nhập liệu (Data Entry) Trợ lý từ xa (Virtual Assistant) Chăm sóc khách hàng (Customer Service) Bán hàng online Công việc online cho sinh viên là cách lý tưởng để các bạn trẻ kiếm thêm thu nhập khi
Job Search Tips
Mar 4th 2022

Mudah! Cara Melamar Kerja Online yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui

Daftar isi: Cara Melamar Pekerjaan Online Cara Melamar Pekerjaan Via Email Tips untuk Melamar Kerja Online Sekarang apa sih yang gak bisa dikerjain lewat online? Mulai dari sekolah, kerja, bayar cicilan, cari hiburan, belanja, pinjam uang, bahkan melamar kerja bisa dilakukan secara online. Asalkan punya laptop, tablet atau HP yang terhubung internet, semua itu bisa untuk dikerjakan. Apa yang dimaksud dengan melamar kerja? Melamar pekerjaan adalah proses formal yang dilakukan kandidat dengan mengirimkan dokumen melamar kerja ke perusahaan. Dokumen atau
Resume & CV
May 12th 2023

7 website tạo CV online siêu đỉnh (kèm mẫu CV đẹp)

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Career Development
May 2nd 2023

Top chứng chỉ marketing online quyền lực cho dân Marketer

Các chứng chỉ marketing online miễn phí Bất kể bạn đang tìm việc hay đã đi làm, theo học marketing online có chứng chỉ sẽ là cơ hội để bạn bổ sung kiến thức và nâng cao năng lực bản thân. Nhất là khi xin việc mà CV chưa có kinh nghiệm , các chứng chỉ marketing sẽ là điểm cộng giúp bạn trở nên nổi bật, tăng khả năng được vào vòng tiếp theo. Với nhu cầu tăng cao, hàng
Sep 1st 2021

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

In this article, you will learn about: What is an online portfolio? How to build a professional work portfolio What to include in an online portfolio (+tips for 15 different portfolio types) Summary/Key takeaways Just like how arguments are more persuasive with supporting evidence, resumes and job applications are also more appealing with portfolios. But some may ask, what is a portfolio ? By definition, a portfolio is a document of various materials compiled, that showcases both your personal and
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

7 Benefits of Using Online Job Posting Websites

When it comes to job posting, you might find it less productive to solely rely on your company's website and social media channel. Instead, you can do job posting on free job posting sites. In fact, there are many free job posting sites for employers to search for talents around the world. You might be curious about the benefits of using job posting sites . Online job posting sites provide several benefits that surpass traditional recruitment methods. TABLE OF CONTENTS

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