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Mar 6th 2024

Killer LinkedIn Profile Picture Tips You Wouldn’t Want to Miss!

when connected to a face or image, that name becomes significantly more memorable! Take advantage of this psychological hack and utilize a LinkedIn profile picture to optimize your chances of being both seen and remembered! A LinkedIn picture completes your LinkedIn profile Did you know that incomplete LinkedIn profiles have a substantially lower chance of being seen? Other than the unprofessionalism displayed by an incomplete LinkedIn profile (particularly one without something as basic as a LinkedIn picture), an incomplete LinkedIn
Resume & CV
Apr 11th 2022

When and When Not to Put a Photo on Your CV

article is also going to show you how to take a professional CV photo. Why You SHOULD NOT Put a Photo on Your CV You reside in a country with strict anti-discrimination and labor laws. Do not include an image for your CV if you’re living or applying for a position in the following countries: United Kingdom Ireland United States Canada The reason is that these countries have strict anti-discrimination and labor laws. Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices
Resume & CV
Jan 5th 2022

What to Put on a Resume: A Guide in Building Your Best Resume (+ What to Avoid)

information commonly goes under the name “ About Me ” in a resume, in which you provide basic details about: Full name Professional title (optional but highly recommended) Email address Phone number Address (unnecessary if you’re applying for a freelance job) LinkedIn or personal website (optional) Here’s an example of what to put in the resume profile : Alton Phillips (+156)-164-555 [email protected] 253 Live Oak Street, Lolita, TX 77971 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/altonphillips1990 💡 Pro tip
Jun 10th 2022

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll read about: What Is a Video Portfolio? How to Make a Video Portfolio Best Websites to Showcase Your Video Portfolio Tips to Create a Video Portfolio Video Portfolio Examples Whenever you are on social media, be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., with every few scrolls there will be a video that pops up on your screen. According to HubSpot, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and video is the
Industry & Job Overview
Apr 25th 2024

Discover 9 Marketing Career Paths [+ Skills Needed & Salary Ranges]

9 Marketing Career Paths Success in marketing involves technology skills, psychology, communication, and data analysis. Marketers manage campaigns across different platforms, using different content, and targeting a variety of consumers. Marketing careers are therefore dynamic, and the tasks involved are ever-expanding. In today’s fast-paced digital world, marketing is a crucial element of a business’s success, and great marketing can help you reach an audience, increase sales, and cement your brand image. In this article, we’ll
Resume & CV
Feb 23rd 2021

Successful CEO Resume Writing Guide [+ Examples]

officer(CEO) is to manage and run the enterprise. They make precise decisions that guide the long-term performance of the company. Being the lead of the business and the representative of the public, they have to present a professional image. Recently the job position of the senior-level executive is constantly growing. If you are striving for this opportunity and decide to write a resume for a CEO position, here are some useful tips for you. In the following
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 26th 2022

Mau Jadi Brand Manager? Kenali Tugas, Skill dan Caranya!

untuk mengelola secara bersamaan semua merek produk-produk yang diluncurkan oleh suatu perusahaan dengan efektif dan efisien. Kondisi inilah yang menciptakan lowongan pekerjaan Brand Manager semakin terbuka lebar dan permintaan untuk posisi Brand Manager semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Dikutip dari linkedin Indonesia, setidaknya terdapat 569 lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Brand Manager maupun Assistant Brand Manager di beberapa sektor industri, seperti manufaktur, ritel, maupun jasa keuangan. Bagi kamu yang tertarik berkarir sebagai Brand Manager maupun Assistant Brand Manager , CakeResume telah merangkum secara
Apr 15th 2022

Personal Websites - A Guide With Examples

carried out and a personal web page is a perfect channel for this. If you have been considering designing a website for a long time, you are in the right place. There are many websites for job searching such as LinkedIn and Glassdoor. Nonetheless, these have their limitations and your profile may not be adequate to display your skills. As useful as these tools are, it creates a one-size-fits-all presentation that you may need to post more
Personal Branding
Apr 8th 2019

5 Content Marketing Tips To Boost Your Personal Brand

Content marketing in the form of sharing useful content such as blogs or videos with web viewers who relate to your brand, can be one of the most successful digital marketing methods for your personal brand, but only with a solid strategy in place. With the abundance of types of content and channels to distribute content on, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here are 5 simple techniques to positively use content marketing to boost your personal brand and extend
Resume & CV
Aug 25th 2020

Graphic Designers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

How to write a graphic designer resume? A graphic designer needs to be capable of designing, of course, but it's also important to have different skill sets, such as staying up-to-date to the latest trends, software, social media trends and tools. And as a job seeker, your goal is to get hiring managers to see your talent and give you an interview. So having a strong resume is critical. But how to build a resume that employers

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