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Mar 13th 2024

Apa itu Digital Talent? Pahami Skill dan Contohnya

semakin banyak juga kebutuhan akan pekerja yang bisa mengoperasikan teknologi tersebut. Namun, saat ini Indonesia masih menduduki daya saing rendah untuk digital talent (Kompas.com) . Variasi industri yang beragam, menyebabkan perusahaan juga membutuhkan digital talent yang berbeda-beda, seperti digital marketing , data science , data engineer , data mining , copywriting , social media marketing , UI/UX designer , dan kemampuan digital talent lainnya. Berikut akan dibahas lebih lanjut mengenai apa yang dimaksud digital talent . Daftar isi: Apa yang Dimaksud Digital Talent? Pentingnya Talenta Digital
Resume & CV
Feb 18th 2022

Construction Manager Resume: Templates, Examples & Tips

letter? Construction manager resume sample What are the construction manager’s duties and responsibilities, and how are they different from construction project manager’s? 🏷️ Key differences: A construction project manager oversees ALL phases of a construction project, from marketing to administrative needs; on the other hand, a construction manager solely supervises on-site operation of a building construction and reports to the project manager. A construction manager has an expert technical knowledge about on-site constructions such as


說, 行銷業在全球創下的營業額是以數百億美金為單位, 而且每年盈收還穩定成長, 以內容行銷(content marketing)而言, 2022年的全球營收是630億美金, 預估今年會達到720億美金; 而KOL行銷(influencer marketing)的市場規模和2019年
Career Planning
Apr 11th 2023

Các chức vụ trong công ty quan trọng - CEO, CMO, CFO, CTO, v.v. là gì?

hiểu rộng, đa dạng lĩnh vực Khả năng lãnh đạo, quản lý Kỹ năng giao tiếp, đàm phán điêu luyện Có “mắt nhìn người” Khả năng làm việc đa nhiệm (multitask) Khả năng chịu áp lực tốt 2. CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) – Giám đốc Marketing CMO là gì? Là một chức vụ quản lý cấp cao trong những chức vụ trong công ty, giám đốc marketing chịu trách nhiệm quảng bá hình ảnh và sản phẩm của doanh nghiệp đến
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 18th 2022

Apa itu Influencer dan Manfaatnya untuk Bisnis? [+Jenis, Tarif, Tips]

seringkali mengiklankan berbagai produk, baik itu produk kosmetik, makanan, ataupun barang lainnya. Hebatnya, pengguna akun sosial media pun banyak yang terpengaruhi akan hal ini dan akhirnya banyak orang yang ikut membeli produk tersebut. Kamu para pebisnis pasti sadar akan strategi marketing ini, kan ? Sebenarnya, apa yang dimaksud dengan influencer? Secara sederhana, influencer artinya seseorang yang mampu mempengaruhi masyarakat. Contoh influencer yaitu seperti selebriti, selebgram, blogger, YouTuber, dan pokoknya public figure dari sebuah komunitas tertentu. Masih ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang
People Operations
May 13th 2022

Product Manager Interview Questions and Tips

interview is your first step to getting this exciting job. Product managers need to juggle different aspects of a product’s development and launch, and beyond. They need to maximize the company’s investment by balancing goals and cost, developing marketing strategies, and understanding the technology involved in development. They also focus on user experience, incorporating things like design and feedback. All these elements are sure to come up in the product manager interview. Product managers are indispensable to any
Resume & CV
Jun 7th 2021

General Manager Resume Examples | Job Description & Skills

management, organizing, and knows the perfect way to lead a group of people. Apart from an operation manager or a business manager, the responsibilities of a general manager are broader. You have to possess other fields of knowledge such as marketing, finance, or human resources. When seeking the position of a general manager, it is necessary to organize your general manager resume as well as the general manager cover letter you’ll be sending to the company. In the following
Resume & CV
Mar 3rd 2021

Real Estate Agent Resume: Templates, Example, Writing Tips

A real estate agent is in charge of arranging the selling or renting of houses. However, being a good real estate agent is not that easy. They have to follow the latest news of the real estate industry to develop marketing plans for promoting houses and organizing contracts. As a real estate agent, you’ll have to prepare a nice real estate agent resume. Writing a real estate agent resume is like selling houses, the more you prepare, the faster
Resume & CV
Sep 7th 2021

Brand Ambassador Resume Examples [+ Resume Dos & Don'ts]

you are commonly employed by a company or organization to help raise their brand awareness and increase sales. You will be a tastemaker in their communities, and utilize your networks and relationships to market the brand via word-of-mouth marketing tactics, including referring friends and posting about the brand online. You will also take part in specific events of the company to perform product demonstrations or give away sample products. With the increasing influence of social media and online
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 25th 2022

Apa itu Chief Operating Officer (COO) dan Bedanya dengan CEO, CFO, CMO?

Daftar isi: Pengertian COO Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab COO Perbedaan COO dengan CEO, CFO, CMO Keterampilan yang Harus Dimiliki COO Cara dan Syarat untuk Menjadi Chief Operating Officer (COO) Pasti kamu tidak asing lagi dengan kata CEO yang merupakan jabatan tertinggi dalam sebuah perusahaan. Nah, dalam setiap perusahaan ada juga jabatan tinggi lainnya yang bekerja sama dengan CEO, diantaranya yaitu COO, CFO dan CMO. COO adalah singkatan dari Chief Operating Officer dan memiliki peranan penting dalam menangani bagian operasional perusahaan

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