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Tim CakeResume
24 Apr 2023

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

in the world of technology and innovation, Farina's story is one that is sure to inspire and motivate you. Table of contents: Farina's Path to Tech Entrepreneurship Lessons We Can Learn from Farina How Farina Founded AI Startup Pensieve Working Culture at Pensieve Technology Pensieve is Hiring Farina’s Career In Tech: From Selling ATM Machines to Founding an AI Startup Farina's career in technology began soon after she graduated from the University of Indonesia. She started
Kabar CakeResume
6 Mar 2024

Talent Connect: Solusi Employer Branding bagi Perusahaan Anda

menyediakan platform yang transparan bagi perusahaan dan para profesional untuk bertukar pikiran serta berbagi informasi mengenai peluang menarik di dunia pekerjaan. Acara Talent Connect Sebelumnya 1. Discovering Career Growth and AI 101 (Pensieve Teknologi Indonesia) Guest speaker: Farina Situmorang - CEO Pensieve CakeResume mendatangkan Farina Situmorang, CEO dan Co-founder Pensieve untuk berbagi pengalaman beliau dalam merintis karier di perusahaan besar Amerika (IBM, Microsoft, WhatsApp) sampai akhirnya berpulang ke tanah air dan mendirikan startup Pensieve. Pensieve Technology termasuk dalam perusahaan-perusahaan
Tips Rekrutmen
6 Mar 2024

9 Causes of Employee Burnout & Strategies to Prevent It

burnout in yourself and others is essential. The sooner you catch employee burnout, the earlier you can intervene and stop its progress. Employers and human resources staff play a pivotal role in recognizing employee burnout. Workers might feel pressure to persevere, or take on more workload, which makes getting help difficult. They may even be afraid to discuss their situation, or they can miss the signs of employee burnout completely. Employers are better situated to intervene and provide relief through
19 Apr 2022

How to Write Achievements in a CV? [+ Examples]

organize an academic conference, are also ideal experiences that add value to your CV. 💡 Sports achievements Participation in sports is a great way to display key soft skills for a future career on a CV. It demonstrates teamwork skills, perseverance, self-motivation, and more. Where to List Achievements in a CV To outperform other applicants, you need to know where to list your achievements in a CV. There are four sections in a CV to write about different kinds
6 Mar 2024

The Gender Pay Gap: Unveiling The Truth and Debunking The Myths

place why is there a gender pay gap? A biased opinion is that biological differences are the main factor. They said that women are naturally destined to do the motherhood work, without bothering to be paid for it. This opinion persevered in a lot of sectors. Pew Research Center found that having children makes women choose to work shorter hours. Applying to lower-paid jobs is an inevitable choice. They also consider putting their careers on hold to take care
Manajemen SDM
27 Mei 2022

Common Project Manager Interview Questions + Tips & Samples

your most successful project? This project manager question shines a light on your idea of success, aside from giving recruiters a better understanding of your work history. Ensure that your project manager interview answers focus on the steps you took to achieve the outcome rather than just the result. Try to give things a positive twist when you answer this project manager question. You can also highlight the obstacles you surpassed to show them your perseverance during the project m...

作家如何自學成為軟體工程師?Vanessa 的特斯拉矽谷經驗與職涯探索旅程

毅力」這兩個字反覆出現,不難看出這兩個字帶給 Vanessa 的影響,主要是來自 Angela Duckworth 所著的 Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance 。 這本書主要探討的是,比起天賦來說,恆毅力更可能是成功的關鍵,而在構成恆毅力的四個要素

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