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Jan 10th 2022

Guide to a Top-Notch Product Design Portfolio [+Tips and Examples]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will read about: What to Include in a Product Design Portfolio What Makes a Good Product Design Portfolio? How to Make a Product Design Portfolio 8 Best Product Design Portfolio Examples Tips on How to Create a Product Design Portfolio A product designer is a person that is in charge of the design and advancement of a product. Due to the complex and diverse product design ecosystem, a product designer often comes
Success Stories
Nov 13th 2020

UI/UX 人才重要的特質——PicCollage拼貼趣 Product Designer 分享

(本文由PicCollage Product Designer & Hiring Manager Chris 撰寫) 設計師在履歷上應該呈現的重點或相關建議 1. 履歷: 簡單明瞭 的描述過去經歷裡負責的工作項目以及所做的影響與貢獻。 舉例來說,請你告訴我「我負責了一個訂閱
Success Stories
Mar 25th 2021

如何為資料庫服務做產品設計?MongoDB Product Designer Tan 的紐約科技職涯與 UX 求職技巧

的 User Experience 工作趨勢與求職 know-how 職缺多樣化、UX 人才背景多元 Tan 觀察,隨著數位化的趨勢盛行,近幾年 Product Design 的職缺越來越多,從常見的 Product Designer、Interaction Designer、UX Designer,如今更有細分的職缺像是 System Designer、Growth Designer 等。 同時,他也發
Career Development
Sep 3rd 2022

Apa Itu Desain Produk? Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, dan Jenjang Karir!

suatu produk yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Tentunya dalam langkah-langkah membuat desain produk, perlu dilakukan riset mendalam mengenai inti masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat dan membuat solusi kreatif dengan mengembangkan produk dari perusahaan. Maka dari itu seorang desainer produk perlu menerapkan design thinking saat mendesain sebuah produk digital maupun fisik dengan fokus end-to-end product development . Dimana, harus dipastikan bahwa produk bisa digunakan secara efisien oleh end-user atau konsumen. Masih bingung dengan apa itu desain produk? CakeResume akan memberikan
Resume & CV
Jun 2nd 2022

CV Design: 35+ Curriculum Vitae Designs You Should See

to get a position in a company, which leads to a shorter CV that highlights the main points in your life in 1-2 pages. Do you know that a CV design can give different kinds of impressions? A CV design sometimes can be very helpful when used right. There are many kinds of CV templates for different careers such as graphic designer CV, interior designer CV, fashion designer CV, illustrator CV, product designer CV, and more. So, why is
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

差點從柏克萊休學卻翻轉人生?Netflix 產品設計師的非典型職涯冒險!(上)

應該很少有人的故事像 Kristy 這樣峰迴路轉、曲折離奇,最後柳暗花明又一村。 在一間說出名字大家都會眼睛一亮的公司工作,誰會想得到,這位來自台灣的 Netflix 產品設計師,在高中時曾被當掉 5 個科目
Success Stories
Jul 24th 2020

從電機系到設計系:Mozilla 產品設計師的轉職故事

職位會同時需要工程和設計能力?來聽聽 Mark 的經驗談! 這次的科技職涯 Podcast 邀請到 Mozilla 前 Senior Product Designer (現任 Product Manager)的 Mark 來和我們分享他的轉職故事。Mark 從台大電機系畢業後,到加州 California College of the Arts 就讀 Interaction Design,畢業
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

設計師要轉換領域很難嗎?Netflix 產品設計師的非典型職涯冒險(下)

在上一集的 Podcast 中,我們和 Netflix 產品設計師 Kristy 聊到她的求學過程及職涯故事,包括在柏克萊讀書卻差點休學的驚險經歷、在 Aotodesk 的第一份正職工作,以及最後到 Spotify 和 Netflix 做產品設計的思維分享。 上一集這
Resume & CV
Sep 16th 2021

Manufacturing Engineer Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: The Basics for a Manufacturing Engineer Resume What are the components of a manufacturing engineer resume? What are some suggestions for a crafting a great manufacturing engineer resume? Steps for Writing a Manufacturing Engineer Cover Letter Manufacturing Engineer Resume Sample (Text Format) Manufacturing engineers are in charge of designing, integrating, or improving manufacturing systems or related processes. They may work with commercial or industrial designers to refine product designs to increase production and lower
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 20th 2022

什麼是產品設計師?跟 UI/UX 設計師有何不同?

師的薪資與相關職缺分享 三、 3 大產品設計的求職重點 一、產品設計的工作內容? 什麼是產品設計(Product Design)? 產品設計(Product Design)指的是從研究、發想、創造到驗證產品的過程,除了要設計產品的外觀、造型或介

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