求職信(Cover Letter)

How to Find Your Dream Job in Taiwan for Malaysian Citizens

Taiwan job vacancy for Malaysian students or working professionals? Look no further than these five job sites! 1. CakeResume CakeResume is the best site to find a job in Taiwan for Malaysian students, fresh graduates, and working professionals. With an interface that comes in Chinese and English, plus a range of positions from marketing to medical, including Taiwan freelance work, CakeResume is the perfect site to find work in Taiwan. 2. 104 Offering Taiwan jobs for Malaysian students, new graduates

How to Add LinkedIn To Your Resume

your skills. If you are planning on adding your LinkedIn URL to your resume, having credible skills endorsements in key skills desired by the company you are applying to, can impress the recruiter and lead to your progression in the interview process! Your skill endorsement section should look something like this before you add your LinkedIn to your resume: Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-to-endorse-on-linkedin Showcase work/project samples The work/projects section on

從 CTO 到 Sr. Engineer:Ronald 的荷蘭 Uber 之旅與工程師職涯思維

徵的是 Uber 內部負責 platform 的職位,Uber 的 recruiter 也針對 Ronald 過去的 payment 相關經驗多作著墨、仔細地記錄了下來。 Onsite Interview 共分四部分—Bar Raising、Manager Interview、Coding Round、System Design,在一天中完成。 Bar Raising:類似 Behaviour 的測試,為了避免特定團隊的工作文

【Google PM】前進矽谷:產品經理面試 3 流程 4 策略成功拿下 offer!

注於產品層級的產品設計及改進面試問題,在 On-site 時碰到了更多策略方面的問題,像是: Tell me about an interesting tech startup and its business and product strategy. How do they win the market? (follow-up) If you’re the CEO of this startup, what would you do to capture the next big opportunity? (follow-up) Why aren’t


實習計畫:Student Training in Engineering Program (STEP),大部分負責接手 Google 內部專案的研究或是為工具添加功能;Hardware Engineer Intern (HWE) 、Software Engineer Intern(SWE),這兩個職缺則是圍繞在Google 外部產品、服務的開發,與軟硬工程師合作,除工程職缺外,還有 MBA intern

如何自學成為 Instagram iOS 工程師?Jacky 與 Facebook 教會他的事

Developers Conference),開始進行 networking。 擁有破釜沈舟決心的 Jacky 借住在朋友家,大量閱讀自學 CS 的基本概念(例如 Cracking the Coding Interview )、LeetCode 刷題等,盡力補足自己非本科系出身所缺乏的基礎。Jacky 分享,儘管他擁有實戰經驗,但是像 Facebook 這

A Guide to Jobs in Taiwan for Foreigners

English speakers. Schools like HESS, Shane, and American Eagle are common choices for expats who want to teach English in Taiwan for the first time. Other educational positions Outside of teaching English, a foreigner with a degree in education can teach in Taiwan at an international school. You can also find work at one of the many universities in Taiwan. Most teaching jobs are in Taipei, and prominent international schools in Taipei include Morrison Academy and Taipei American School. 🔍

How to include interpersonal skills in your resume [resume examples + tips]

contexts, such as the workplace, interpersonal skills are crucial to your professional success as they directly impact your work efficiency and how your colleagues and managers view you. While technical skills can be learned in many ways, soft skills, especially interpersonal skills, are difficult to teach and measure. Not all of us are naturally exceptional communicators or speakers, making it all the more important to develop and list these skills on your CV or resume. Employers often seek out professionals

Học Marketing ra làm gì? Cơ hội phát triển ngành Marketing 2023

việc Marketing “ghi điểm” với nhà tuyển dụng Ngành học Marketing là gì? Ngành quản trị Marketing là gì? Là một ngành học của khối D trong lĩnh vực kinh tế và quản trị kinh doanh, chuyên về việc phân tích nhu cầu thị trường, tiếp thị và quảng bá sản phẩm, xây dựng và quản lý thương hiệu cho doanh nghiệp. Để đáp ứng các điều kiện cần khi đi xin việc, các sinh viên không nên chỉ đặt

Interpersonal skills là gì? Top 5 interpersonal skills cần có khi đi làm

Những kỹ năng interpersonal cần có khi đi làm Mục lục: Interpersonal skills là gì? Sự khác nhau giữa social skill và interpersonal skill là gì? Top 5 interpersonal skills quan trọng khi đi làm Có phải bạn thường bắt gặp thuật ngữ interpersonal skill trong hầu hết các yêu cầu tuyển dụng ngày nay không? Thế nhưng bạn có hiểu rõ ý nghĩa của interpersonal skills là gì và tại sao lại trở thành tiêu chí quan trọng để


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