CakeResume 找工作

Logo of Compax Software Development Asia Inc..
About Compax CompaxDigital was founded in Austria 30 years ago and is still owned and run by its founder Leopold Kojeder. In 2023 we have already grown to 650 employees worldwide in 13 different countries. Almost all of our employees are developers or QA - we understand what our customers need and work together to build it. Our culture At CompaxDigital, we are all equals. We are an agile company that stands 100% behind its team. Our work is based on
雇主活跃于 1 天前
17 F., No. 460, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110501, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Logo of PT. Asia Development Engineering.
PT ASIA DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING is a private company, started with design, manufacturing & installation conveyor unit system for heavy duty. We have had workshop since 1997, to support manufacture according to the customer’s specific requirement. Our workshop has been recognized as a reputable and reliable among the customers. Our company always tries a step ahead in technology. We have cooperated with international reputable company to cover Indonesia market for Mining, Power Plant, Coal Terminal, Cement Factory, Palm Oil, Sugar Plant
雇主活跃于 11 个月前
Komplek Pergudangan dan Industri Nusa Indah Blok C No. 3, Jalan Husein Sastranegara, Jurumudi Tangerang 15124, Indonesia Phone: (+62-21) - 54382463, 54382464 Fax: (+62-21) - 54382465
Logo of 踏取國際開發有限公司.
雇主活跃于大约 14 小时前
Logo of 尚凡國際.
一間用科技為人們帶來愛情與幸福的公司 加入尚凡一起玩樂打拚 100 年,成為工作、創業、生活的好夥伴!
雇主活跃于超过 4 年前
台北市大安區羅斯福路三段 37 號 12 樓
Logo of 二拾衫.
我們想要為亞洲重塑未來的時尚樣貌🌳,代表台灣在國際上打下一場勝仗。 二拾衫團隊有12人,平均年齡25歲。我們會很好奇是什麼原因讓你想要加入我們?而在此之前也與你分享一群剛畢業的
雇主活跃于 1 天前
Logo of 自然保育與環境資訊基金會 - TNF.
在成立「自然保育與環境資訊基金會」之前 2000年,環境議題已經歷時多年倡議,網路的傳播力量則開始萌芽。在這資訊即將爆炸的時間點,「環境資訊網絡電子報」創刊,希望以報導和轉譯國內外的環境
雇主活跃于 2 天前
Logo of 台灣愛達福樂檢驗技術有限公司.
公司簡介 IDFL (International Down and Feather Testing Laboratory) is a global leader in down and feather and filled textile product testing. IDFL is the world’s largest down and feather institute. Since 1978 we have expanded our expertise to include textiles, synthetic fills and natural fills. IDFL inspects and audits down and feather and textile factories and supply chains world-wide. IDFL(台灣愛達福樂檢驗技術有限公司)是
雇主活跃于 10 天前
Logo of 永訊智庫股份有限公司.
Sustaihub 永訊智庫 結合科技及永續,打造出企業愛用的 ESG 領域系統。 在2019年,我們打造出 全台首創的 AI 永續報告書系統 ,並在 2023 年針對碳市場開發了 碳盤查系統 ,幫助企業提高執行永續的效率。在短短幾
雇主活跃于 3 个月前
Logo of 法商法立德公證有限公司台灣分公司.
Bureau Veritas集團成立於1828年 (以下簡稱BV),集團總部位於法國巴黎於2007年巴黎證券交易所公開掛牌上市(股票代碼BVI),其宗旨在於協助客戶降低風險,提供全球業界領先的品質,健康,安全,環境(QHSE)以及社會
雇主活跃于大约 2 个月前
Logo of 原點社會企業股份有限公司(奉茶行動).
為什麼你該加入奉茶行動? CircuPlus奉茶行動是一家致力於減少人們對於塑膠瓶裝水的依賴,以科技創新的方式提供便利的取水飲用,從而保護環境和保護我們的健康。在奉茶行動,你將與一群有著共
雇主活跃于 16 天前

CakeResume 找工作
